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rxwei / dl-frameworks.rst
Created November 7, 2016 21:12 — forked from bartvm/dl-frameworks.rst
A comparison of deep learning frameworks

A comparison of Theano with other deep learning frameworks, highlighting a series of low-level design choices in no particular order.



Symbolic: Theano, CGT; Automatic: Torch, MXNet

Symbolic and automatic differentiation are often confused or used interchangeably, although their implementations are significantly different.

rxwei / staged-y-combinator.swift
Last active July 23, 2017 10:10
Staged Y combinator with NNKit
/// Y combinator
func fix<D, R>(
_ f: @escaping (Rep<(D) -> R>) -> Rep<(D) -> R>) -> Rep<(D) -> R> {
return lambda { d in f(fix(f))[d] }
let fac: Rep<(Int) -> Int> = fix { f in
lambda { (n: Rep<Int>) in
.if(n == 0, then: ^1, else: n * f[n - 1])
rxwei / tensorflow_macos_gpu.patch
Last active August 15, 2018 20:21
TensorFlow macOS GPU patch (base: 8453e23a8b)
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/kernels/ b/tensorflow/core/kernels/
index a561d918bd..785e0ddf4e 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/kernels/
+++ b/tensorflow/core/kernels/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ __global__ void concat_variable_kernel(
IntType num_inputs = input_ptr_data.size;
// verbose declaration needed due to template
- extern __shared__ __align__(sizeof(T)) unsigned char smem[];
+ extern __shared__ unsigned char smem[];
rxwei /
Created November 7, 2016 21:16 — forked from bartvm/

Myia (Theano 2.0)

Automatic differentiation vs. symbolic

In the literature the term automatic differentiation (AD) is reserved for a specific technique in which the gradient of a program is calculated by creating an adjoint program, which performs the gradient calculation of the given program. Note that this adjoint program includes all control flow statements. There are two approaches to implementing AD: Source code transformation (SCT) and operator overloading (OO). With source code transformation we generate the adjoint program in the host language e.g. given a Python function we manipulate the abstract syntax tree (AST) directly in order to create a new Python function which performs the gradient computation. Operator overloading on the other hand overloads each operator to add an entry to a tape (Wengert list). Once the function exits, the gradient is calculated by going through the tape in reverse order, applying the gradient operators.

Theano does not employ AD but "[a highly optimized form of

rxwei / direct.sil
Last active January 22, 2019 11:15
differentiating load/store
func f(x: Float) -> Float {
return x + x + x
print(pullback(at: 1, in: f)(2))
// AD__$s11sideeffects1f1xS2f_tF__adjoint_src_0_wrt_0
sil hidden @AD__$s11sideeffects1f1xS2f_tF__adjoint_src_0_wrt_0 : $@convention(thin) (Float, AD__$s11sideeffects1f1xS2f_tF__Type__src_0_wrt_0, Float, Float) -> Float {
// %0 // user: %8
// %1 // users: %18, %4
rxwei / func-differentiable.swift
Last active February 11, 2019 06:24
Function conforming to Differentiable
// NOTE: The where clause is needed because of SR-9595.
struct Fn<T : Differentiable, U : Differentiable>
where T.TangentVector : AdditiveArithmetic, T.CotangentVector : AdditiveArithmetic,
U.TangentVector : AdditiveArithmetic, U.CotangentVector : AdditiveArithmetic {
let original: (T) -> U
let jvp: (T) -> (value: U, differential: (T.TangentVector) -> U.TangentVector)
let vjp: (T) -> (value: U, pullback: (U.CotangentVector) -> T.CotangentVector)
extension Fn : Equatable where U : Equatable {
// AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__adjoint_src_0_wrt_0_1
sil hidden @AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__adjoint_src_0_wrt_0_1 : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Tensor<Float>, @guaranteed _AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__Type__src_0_wrt_0_1) -> (@owned MNISTClassifier.AllDifferentiableVariables, @owned Tensor<Float>) {
// %0 // users: %41, %4, %2
// %1 // users: %29, %25, %21, %17, %13, %11, %7, %3
bb0(%0 : $Tensor<Float>, %1 : $_AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__Type__src_0_wrt_0_1):
retain_value %0 : $Tensor<Float> // id: %2
%3 = struct_extract %1 : $_AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__Type__src_0_wrt_0_1, #_AD__$s4test15MNISTClassifierV7applied2to10TensorFlow0E0VySfGAI_tF__Type__src_0_wrt_0_1.pullback_7 // user: %4
%4 = apply %3(%0) :
rxwei / .swift
Created February 18, 2019 13:37
AnyDerivative implemented using a class. It's not possible because class computed properties cannot return Self :(
// Type-erased box.
fileprivate class AnyDerivativeBox : Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
public typealias TangentVector = AnyDerivativeBox
public typealias CotangentVector = AnyDerivativeBox
public typealias AllDifferentiableVariables = AnyDerivativeBox
public static func == (lhs: AnyDerivativeBox, rhs: AnyDerivativeBox) -> Bool {
fatalError("Must override")
public static var zero: Self {
rxwei / differentiable_currying.swift
Last active February 21, 2019 09:44
Currying differentiable functions (with pullback transpose).
// Function-as-a-differentiable-type rule:
// Tangent space: ((T...) -> U...)' = AnyDerivative
// Cotangent space: ((T...) -> U...)'* = AnyDerivative
// Why? Because when a function value is varying, what's varying is it's context.
// In general cases, we need this to be a constrained existential with an
// `AdditiveArithmetic` conformance for its `.zero` and `+`, and `Differentiable`
// for being able to transpose between differential and a pullback.
// New associated function type calculation rules:
// original: (T...) -> (U...)