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- I am ryanbranch on github.
- I am ryanbranch (https://keybase.io/ryanbranch) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDKxulKs-CYFtKpq203zX8sp_ppHLf4S6keExueI_-TDwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I am attesting that this GitHub handle ryanbranch is linked to the Tezos account tz1gMpzDGSKJu523tta1zf1YEBuzA6sdwdsG for tzprofiles | |
sig:edsigtxjhHA3TN1RFk7CLtM6VAGP28PswLt9dFrCkxe2kgTrwp2qUPn7vYFRq1hceHjp8uVdcXUT8HVwSCXTNHHZM3wKUWPSvQr |
import numpy | |
from numba import jit | |
# Calculates the A, B, C, D coefficients of a normalized plane which best fits a dataset | |
# Based on an approach by Emil Ernerfeldt, titled "Fitting a plane to noisy points in 3D" | |
# (http://www.ilikebigbits.com/2017_09_25_plane_from_points_2.html) | |
# Written by Ryan Branch on 2020/10/25. See https://ryanbran.ch/blog/2020/10/25/fitting-a-plane-to-points.html | |
# INPUTS: A 2D Numpy float array of arbitrary outer length, and inner length 3 for (x, y, z) of N points | |
# OUTPUTS: A 4-tuple of floats A, B, C, and D such that (Ax + By + Cz + D == 0) | |
# (Returns None if no single valid solution exists) |
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did:3:kjzl6cwe1jw14bly4l8vu6y7antsia7gc046xvxgj2h56g285k84udc08ck1n5a |