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Ryan Morton rynmrtn

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rynmrtn / gist:168084
Created August 14, 2009 20:26
Backup Subversion Repository
$ svnadmin dump /repo/dir > repo.dump
$ rsync -avz -e ssh username@remote.server:/remote/dir /local/dir
# Create an associative array of options/values
@options = {"Select Something" => 0, "Cat" => 1,
"Dog" => 2}
@value = 1
# Check if files/directories exist
if [ -f file ]; then
echo "file exists"
if [ -d dir ]; then
echo "dir exists"
rynmrtn / traits.scala
Created December 11, 2009 02:42
Scala Traits
Playing with Scala Traits, a nice way to add (mixin) functionality
to classes using the decorator pattern.
With traits, the evaluation occurs left to right. Traits can be
applied to class/trait definitions in addition to objects, as
demonstrated by the class ContinuousIntegration
class Test {
def test() : String = "Testing... "
rynmrtn / collections.scala
Created December 12, 2009 19:49
Notes on Scala Collections
Notes on Collections
By default, Scala uses immutable collections. However, there are mutable
versions available (in the scala.collection.mutable package). The most common
collections are List, Set, and Map.
// Declaring a set
val urls = Set("", "", "")

Enable Remote Debugging on a Java Server

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5001

The best documentation on this is available from InformIT. This site details the following parameters:

  • -Xdebug : Enables the application to be debugged.
  • -Xnoagent : Disables the agent so that the JPDA debugger can properly attach its own agent.
  • -Djava.compiler=NONE : Disables the JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler.
  • -Xrunjdwp : Loads the reference implementation of the Java Debug Wire Protocol, which enables remote debugging.

Immutable vs. Mutable Objects

Advantages of Immutable

  • There is no way for multiple threads to concurrently mutate or access an immutable value as no thread can change an immutable object.
  • When passing a value into foreign code, one can be assured that an immutable value will not change.
  • There are fewer concerns - immutable objects cannot have complex states that change over time.

Disadvantages of Immutable

  • When an object is quite large, it is inefficient to update the full object graph. In some cases, it is best to do an in-place modification.
rynmrtn / faces.mdown
Created January 4, 2010 18:03
Notes on Seam Framework

JSF and RichFaces Notes


<!-- Combination of rich:beanValidator and a4j:support. This will bind to the hibernate validators for the model and
     validate when the field is no longer in focus (onblur). The event could be any supported event.
<rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur" />
rynmrtn / insert.groovy
Created January 22, 2010 21:07
Groovy script to generate insert statements from a CSV file
This groovy script will take a CSV file that represents the data
in a database. The first row should be the name of the columns and
all other rows should represent the data you wish to insert.
// Setup basic information
tableName = "TABLE_NAME"
fileName = "C:\\file\\path"