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rystaf / convertExcel2Sheets
Created April 7, 2017 16:22 — forked from azadisaryev/convertExcel2Sheets
Google Apps Script for converting Excel (.xls or .xlsx) file to Google Spreadsheet. Drive API must be enabled in your script's Advanced Google Services and in Developers Console for the script to work (see for details).
* Convert Excel file to Sheets
* @param {Blob} excelFile The Excel file blob data; Required
* @param {String} filename File name on uploading drive; Required
* @param {Array} arrParents Array of folder ids to put converted file in; Optional, will default to Drive root folder
* @return {Spreadsheet} Converted Google Spreadsheet instance
function convertExcel2Sheets(excelFile, filename, arrParents) {
var parents = arrParents || []; // check if optional arrParents argument was provided, default to empty array if not