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Ry Walker ryw

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Tillerless Astronomer on Openshift

Local dev setup

Install helm on your local machine, we will use it to generate YAML.

Tiller won't be installed on the cluster.

You'll be using the CLI only to generate YAML from a YAML template.

tamas-molnar /
Last active June 19, 2024 14:10
aliases and shortcuts for kubectl
alias kc='kubectl'
alias kclf='kubectl logs --tail=200 -f'
alias kcgs='kubectl get service -o wide'
alias kcgd='kubectl get deployment -o wide'
alias kcgp='kubectl get pod -o wide'
alias kcgn='kubectl get node -o wide'
alias kcdp='kubectl describe pod'
alias kcds='kubectl describe service'
alias kcdd='kubectl describe deployment'
alias kcdf='kubectl delete -f'
zsup /
Last active July 17, 2024 03:47
Documentation-Driven Development (DDD)

Documentation-Driven Development

The philosophy behind Documentation-Driven Development is a simple: from the perspective of a user, if a feature is not documented, then it doesn't exist, and if a feature is documented incorrectly, then it's broken.

  • Document the feature first. Figure out how you're going to describe the feature to users; if it's not documented, it doesn't exist. Documentation is the best way to define a feature in a user's eyes.
  • Whenever possible, documentation should be reviewed by users (community or Spark Elite) before any development begins.
  • Once documentation has been written, development should commence, and test-driven development is preferred.
  • Unit tests should be written that test the features as described by the documentation. If the functionality ever comes out of alignment with the documentation, tests should fail.
  • When a feature is being modified, it should be modified documentation-first.
  • When documentation is modified, so should be the tests.

Jeremy Kemper's bio, as interpreted by me:

Jeremy Kemper is a former member of a regionally acclaimed dance group called "Sparkle Motion". After his ballet techniques were deemed to be "too controversial" for mainstream ballet, he joined a company called 37 signals. Now, when he isn't pirouetting through Rails internals or building web applications, you can find him doing extreme ballet in the streets of Brooklyn under the name "Periwinkle Thunderhorse".