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Jacob Zelek s0lesurviv0r

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s0lesurviv0r /
Last active February 27, 2023 07:38
Amateur Radio Linux Machine Provisioning

Amateur Radio Linux Machine Provisioning

IN PROGRESS - Still working out a few bugs and filling in a few details

These are some notes I use for configuring my amateur radio Linux machines. The base operating system is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This is not a comprehensive guide, just a quick reference for myself and others to install commonly used amateur radio applications on a Linux machine. Please don't blindly copy and paste these into your terminal without understanding what they do. I will include links in the reference section for more detailed newbie instructions.


The system that these instructions intends to build is a Linux system using the Ubuntu distribution. The goal is to use as much open source software as possible. I think currently all the amateur radio software used in this guide is open source. Additionally, the software chosen provides a good cross-section of capabilities needed for emcomm, as well as for more recreational activities. Here's a list of software and the capabilit

s0lesurviv0r /
Last active February 27, 2023 11:06
My Portable Station Requirements

My Portable Station Requirements

Over the years I've developed some requirements for my portable and mobile stations. I operate in a variety of conditions (e.g. weather, time, elevation, etc). In tougher environments I don't want to waste time fiddling with my rig, antenna, or computer. I either want to make the needed contacts in as short a time as possible or maximize my time on the air. In short I prefer to have a tactical setup. The requirements I'm presenting are based on personal experiences with a variety of gear and conditions. Additionally, I'll provide my reasoning for each requirement.


I don't have too many requirements for a rig. Most important is having multiband HF capability. Honestly 40m/20/15/10m is good enough to use JS8Call, Winlink, WSJT-X, and FlDigi.

My second most important is having a radio with USB sound card and CAT control. This makes it incredibly easy to setup and teardown, both in terms of having a single cable to plug into my computer and making it easy to reproduc

s0lesurviv0r /
Last active July 23, 2023 04:16
QRP and Hiking Loadout in 2023

QRP and Hiking Loadout in 2023


I try to change my loadout when I find a better configuration or change my operating style. This happens pretty frequently and it appears that I may publish my loadout annually. The major changes this year have been using Winlink and moving to Southern California.


  • Switched QRP rig from Elecraft KX2 to Lab599 TX-500. I did so as I operate in heavier conditions that put my KX2 at risk. The TX-500 is more durable, and the only water resistant QRP rig for consumers
  • Switch from the Baofeng UV-5R to the Yaesu FT-65R. The primary reason was that digital modes didn't work so well with the Baofeng's slow VOX trigger. My need for VHF Winlink have been the primary driver for this
  • Since I moved to Southern California from Northern California I have less trees to work with. Therefore I removed the throw weight and instead use the SOTABeams carbon fiber 6m mast to support my wire antennas
  • I still use the EFHW but I carry the OCF dipole more often becau