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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 3 columns, instead of 4. in line 1.
MFACL Type,MFACL Mode,Effect
MAC-based,whitelist,the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests from specific devices, making it invisble to any device not in the whitelist
MAC-based,blacklist,the rogue AP will ignore probe requests from specific devices, making it invisible to any device not in the blacklist
SSID-based,whitelist,the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests for specific ESSIDs, making it invisible to devices whose PNLs do not intersect with the whitelist
SSID-based,blacklist,the rogue AP will ignore probe requests for specific ESSIDs
s0lst1c3 /
Created October 22, 2019 07:53

| MFACL Type | MFACL Mode | Effect | - - - | - - - | - | | MAC-based | whitelist | the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests from specific devices, making it invisble to any device not in the whitelist | MAC-based | blacklist | the rogue AP will ignore probe requests from specific devices, making it invisible to any device not in the blacklist | SSID-based | whitelist | the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests for specific ESSIDs, making it invisible to devices whose PNLs do not intersect with the whitelist | SSID-based | blacklist | the rogue AP will ignore probe requests for specific ESSIDs

| MFACL Type | MFACL Mode | Effect
| - - - | - - - | - |
| MAC-based | whitelist | the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests from specific devices, making it invisble to any device not in the whitelist
| MAC-based | blacklist | the rogue AP will ignore probe requests from specific devices, making it invisible to any device not in the blacklist
| SSID-based | whitelist | the rogue AP will only respond to probe requests for specific ESSIDs, making it invisible to devices whose PNLs do not intersect with the whitelist
| SSID-based | blacklist | the rogue AP will ignore probe requests for specific ESSIDs

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  • I am s0lst1c3 on github.
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