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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class String
def black; "\e[30m#{self}\e[0m" end
def red; "\e[31m#{self}\e[0m" end
def green; "\e[32m#{self}\e[0m" end
def brown; "\e[33m#{self}\e[0m" end
def blue; "\e[34m#{self}\e[0m" end
def magenta; "\e[35m#{self}\e[0m" end
def cyan; "\e[36m#{self}\e[0m" end
def gray; "\e[37m#{self}\e[0m" end
Shopify objects that contain attributes that can be dynamically put on the page. For example, the product object contains an attribute called title that can be used to output the title of a product.
The handle is used to access the attributes of a Liquid object. By default, it is the object’s title in lowercase with any spaces and special characters replaced by hyphens (-). Every object in Liquid (product, collection, blog, menu) has a handle.
Collections & Products
Collection ►
all_types ►
Returns a list of all the product types for a collection