- Installing dependencies
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
dpkg-reconfigure locales
apt-get update
apt-get install memcached ntp
apt-get install build-essential git libssl-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev autoconf libicu-dev curl
tunnel: xxxxx | |
credentials-file: /root/.cloudflared/xxxxx.json | |
url: | |
no-tls-verify: true | |
#micro kubernetes api server port: 16443 normally it is 6443 | |
# we need to disable "certificate-authority-data" in .kube/config. | |
# when we use the kubectl port-forward we will get this error message "error: error upgrading connection: Upgrade request required" |
kind create cluster --config=./kind.yaml |
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
dpkg-reconfigure locales
apt-get update
apt-get install memcached ntp
apt-get install build-essential git libssl-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev autoconf libicu-dev curl
<?php | |
error_reporting(E_ALL); | |
ini_set('max_execution_time',0); | |
# http://www.vipsocks24.com/ | |
$list=" | | | | | | | | | | |
#!/usr/bin/python | |
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO | |
from time import sleep | |
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) | |
GPIO.setwarnings(False) | |
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) # It does Auto set LOW and Turn Relay ON | |
print(GPIO.input(17)) | |
sleep(5) | |
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH) # Off Relay | |
print(GPIO.input(17)) |
#/usr/bin/sh | |
echo "Download XAMPP" | |
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/xampp/BETAS/xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz | |
echo "install ia32-libs" | |
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs | |
echo "Extrach XAMPP" | |
sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.7.tar.gz -C /opt | |
echo "install python-gtk2-dev with xampp controller panel" | |
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2-dev | |
echo "Start LAMP" |
package menu | |
type Menu struct { | |
gorm.Model | |
Name string `json:"Name" validate:"required,min=3,max=15" conform:"trim"` | |
//Desc string | |
URL string `json:"URL" conform:"trim"` //validate:"required" | |
Blank bool `json:"Blank"` | |
Root bool `json:"Root"` |
user www-data; | |
worker_processes 8; | |
worker_rlimit_nofile 5120000; | |
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; | |
pid /var/run/nginx.pid; | |
events { | |
worker_connections 1024; | |
# multi_accept on; |
FROM php:7-zts | |
RUN apt-get update | |
RUN apt-get install git libssl-dev libpq-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev -y | |
# Install mysqli+opcache+pdo | |
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql opcache curl | |
RUN docker-php-ext-enable mysqli pdo pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql opcache curl | |
# Install Redis | |
RUN pecl install redis | |
RUN docker-php-ext-enable redis | |
# Install mongodb |
#!/bin/bash | |
mkdir /opt/php-5.3.29 | |
mkdir /usr/local/src/php5-build | |
cd /usr/local/src/php5-build | |
wget http://de.php.net/get/php-5.3.29.tar.bz2/from/this/mirror -O php-5.3.29.tar.bz2 | |
tar jxf php-5.3.29.tar.bz2 | |
# Thanks https://crybit.com/20-common-php-compilation-errors-and-fix-unix/ | |
apt-get install libbz2-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libxpm-dev libfreetype6-dev libc-client2007e-dev libkrb5-dev libmcrypt-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev | |
mkdir /usr/include/freetype2/freetype |