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<target name="run">
<exec executable="sh"
<arg value=""/>
<arg value="start"/>
git clone,qZZ1tf3DQD39Qp6bRx4bFmI6T~ElvAXWAFmwVhNS~-E,AQACAAE/etestw/1/
DUMP FILE: /home/saces/temp/small.tar
Name: small/
Begin PAX item
PAX len: 0 (1) '3'
PAX len: 3 (2) '4'
PAX len: 34 (3) ' '
PAX len2: 34 (4) p
PAX len2: 34 (5) a
PAX len2: 34 (6) t
[ 11%] Building CXX object WebCore/CMakeFiles/webcore_java.dir/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp.o
/home/saces/projekt/Liberator/jniwebkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp:36:26: Fehler: JSCloseEvent.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/home/saces/projekt/Liberator/jniwebkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp:116: Fehler: »JSCloseEventConstructor« has not been declared
/home/saces/projekt/Liberator/jniwebkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp: In function »void* WebCore::constructJSCloseEvent(JSC::ExecState*)«:
/home/saces/projekt/Liberator/jniwebkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp:116: Fehler: »JSCloseEventConstructor« wurde in diesem Gültigkeitsbereich nicht definiert
/home/saces/projekt/Liberator/jniwebkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventConstructors.cpp:116: Fehler: keine passende Funktion für Aufruf von »constructJSEventWithInitializer(JSC::ExecState*&, bool (&)(WebCore::CloseEventInit&, W
saces / gist:1354327
Created November 10, 2011 07:18
Liberator is born (9 Nov 2011), now it needs to grow up...
saces@chaapaai ~/projekt/Liberator/jnitestbuild/WebKit $ java -cp ./jniwebkit.jar:../../jniwebkit-test/build/ -Djava.library.path=. de.saces.jniwebkit.test.HalloTest
First component for Liberator says: Hello, World!

Archlinux setup with LVM on LUKS

This guide is based on the official Archlinux [Installation Guide][1], [Beginners' Guide][2] and my personal experience.

Partition layout

HDD mapper fs size mountpoint
sda1 - ext4 512 MB /boot
sda2 - LUKS MAX /dev/mapper/lvmpool
saces / freenet
Created August 1, 2015 23:29
simple FreeBSD rc.d wrapper for freenet
#! /bin/sh
# $FreeBSD:$
# PROVIDE: freenet
# KEYWORD: shutdown
saces /
Last active August 18, 2017 22:40
Strange Intel wifi trouble.

The issue:

Seemingly at random the Intel wifi card fails to wakup from suspend.

I did not really figure out what happens (maybe i have the logs with answers to everything, but im not able to read it) Just a guess: race condition in powermanagment make the wifi card not to return from suspend

One of these may help:

  • turn of Wake on LAN (bios)
  • add parameters for powermanagment to the iwlwifi module (black magic, that kind which requires virgin blood)


  • Never ask Morton for the reason
  • Never ask Sybil for her ID
  • Never ask Murphy 'Will this go OK?'

The Curse

Some users seems to be cursed… Symptoms:

  • can't send to a room because "not in room"
  • can't leave the room to re-join because "Not a known room"