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Salimane Adjao Moustapha salimane

  • Agbara Mimo, Ajili Africa, Meltwater
  • Africa, Benin, Rwanda, Ghana, Kenya, China
View GitHub Profile
# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`
salimane /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10 — forked from erikh/
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
# installs to /opt/gradle
# existing versions are not overwritten/deleted
# seamless upgrades/downgrades
# $GRADLE_HOME points to latest *installed* (not released)
mkdir /opt/gradle
wget -N${gradle_version}
unzip -oq ./gradle-${gradle_version} -d /opt/gradle
ln -sfnv gradle-${gradle_version} /opt/gradle/latest
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
sudo sed -i s/\$releasever/6/g /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo
sudo yum install -y apache-maven
mvn --version
salimane /
Created July 7, 2012 09:23 — forked from isaacsanders/
Joel Spolsky on Equity for Startups

This is a post by Joel Spolsky. The original post is linked at the bottom.

This is such a common question here and elsewhere that I will attempt to write the world's most canonical answer to this question. Hopefully in the future when someone on answers.onstartups asks how to split up the ownership of their new company, you can simply point to this answer.

The most important principle: Fairness, and the perception of fairness, is much more valuable than owning a large stake. Almost everything that can go wrong in a startup will go wrong, and one of the biggest things that can go wrong is huge, angry, shouting matches between the founders as to who worked harder, who owns more, whose idea was it anyway, etc. That is why I would always rather split a new company 50-50 with a friend than insist on owning 60% because "it was my idea," or because "I was more experienced" or anything else. Why? Because if I split the company 60-40, the company is going to fail when we argue ourselves to death. And if you ju

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Aggregate Print useful information from /proc/[pid]/smaps
# pss - Roughly the amount of memory that is "really" being used by the pid
# swap - Amount of swap this process is currently using
# Reference:

Unicorn memory usage improvement with Ruby 2.0.0

Here's a preliminary experiment to see how much memory is saved with the new copy-on-write friendly (bitmap marking) GC.

Calculated by memstats.rb on Debian x86_64.

Master process:

# ./memstats.rb 20547

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

  • They are the people who get things done. Effective Engineers produce results.

Adopt the Right Mindsets