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Sam Chakerian samchaaa

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# after this we are not working a a dataframe but a "styler" object
.format({'cost': '${:,.2f}', 'datetime': '{:%Y/%m}/01',
'percent_quarterly flow': '{:.1%}',
'off_goal': '{:+.1%}',
**{col: '{:.1f}' for col in ['cfs', 'total_flow', 'quarterly_flow']}},
def get_max_min(prices, smoothing, window_range):
# Get prices
smooth_prices = prices['close'].rolling(window=smoothing).mean().dropna()
# Get max and min for window
local_max = argrelextrema(smooth_prices.values, np.greater)[0]
local_min = argrelextrema(smooth_prices.values, np.less)[0]
print('local_max, local_min', local_max, local_min)
price_local_max_dt = []
# iterate thru points
for i in local_max:
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:30
# Concat all trades
trades_all = pd.DataFrame()
for x in results:
trades = pd.DataFrame(x['trades'])
trades['sym'] = x['ticker']
trades_all = pd.concat([
], axis=0)
trades_all = trades_all[trades_all['change'] != 0].dropna()
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:29
# Fade if price closes outside of running 1h % change (w/2h ema)... closes after 15m.
close_time = 1
pct_change = 4
smoothing = 8
results = []
for ticker in tqdm(sp):
data = pd.read_json(json.load(open('./{}/{}.json'.format(data_path, ticker), 'r')))
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:29
def get_signals(close_time):
Creates signals for pybacktest.
Note pybacktest specifically needs series named "buy", "sell", "short", "cover" to work.
Check out tutorial notebook:
bs = ohlc['C'] > ohlc['hb'] # sell signal
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:28
def hb_lb(ohlc, n, smoothing):
Creates a "high band" and "low band", based on the absolute pct movement for a given period.
This will trigger the mean reversion trades.
'pct': percent change in the underlying, based on period n
'abs_vol': the absolute exponential moving average of the pct movement
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:27
if data_path not in os.listdir():
# save as json
for ticker in tqdm(sp):
data = get_data(ticker, '2020-08-01', '2020-12-15')
with open('./{}/{}.json'.format(data_path, ticker), 'w') as j:
json.dump(data.to_json(), open('./{}/{}.json'.format(data_path, ticker), 'w'))
samchaaa / .py
Created December 20, 2020 08:27
def get_data(symbol, start, end):
results = pd.DataFrame()
while True:
if start < end:
# 15m bars
d = api.polygon.historic_agg_v2(symbol, 15, 'minute', _from=start, to=end, unadjusted=False, limit=None).df
start = d.index[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
results = pd.concat([results, d], axis=0)
samchaaa /
Created December 9, 2020 06:48 — forked from ih2502mk/
Quantopian Lectures Saved
def lookup(vin):
m = getManu(vin)
y = int(getYear(vin))
except Exception as e:
y = e
# Exceptions here, or Sam may clean up in dict
# if m!= None:
# if 'General Motors' in m:
# print(m)