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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am samma on github.
  • I am samma ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FE0D 6E99 DC44 359C 7214 61FF 2C8B CA18 F9BE 1C90

To claim this, I am signing this object:

-- I have a conditional that changes on element in a potentially long list of css elements
cssDoubleTextImageSection : Bool -> List Css.Style
cssDoubleTextImageSection isLeftAligned =
if isLeftAligned then
[ displayFlex
, flexDirection row
, Css.padding (Css.px 50)
<!-- I have hosted a javascript based web-page and I want to draw a plane in a sketch element. I want to be able to move the plane up and down, and draw a target icon somewhere. Please write the code for something like that.
In addtion I want the target to move to a random y position every 5 seconds
The window should be only 100 pixels wide, also the plane and the target should be in the same x position
Now write a function that uses a PID controller that steers the plane towards the target in y direction.
multiply ki by 10, also make the background a nice suitable color. Also make the animation look more smooth