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samouss / stream.scala
Created August 24, 2017 21:22
Scala Stream
class e1_bonus_stream extends HandsOnSuite {
sealed trait Stream[+A] {
def map[B](fonction:A => B):Stream[B]
def flatMap[B](fonction:A => Stream[B]):Stream[B]
def filter(fonction:A => Boolean):Stream[A]
<select @change="handleChange($event)">
v-for="facet in facetValues"
{{}} ({{facet.count}})
// With multiple package
import {
} from "react-instantsearch-connectors";
import {
samouss / CustomWidget.jsx
Last active June 7, 2018 10:10
Custom widget with React
const CustomWidget = createWidget({
widget: {
render({ state, helper }) {
const refine = () => {
const next = state.query === "" ? "Apple" : "";
return {
samouss / citus_cheatsheet.sql
Created August 27, 2020 17:38 — forked from sfriquet/citus_cheatsheet.sql
Citus Cheatsheet
-- Set number of shard
ALTER DATABASE citus SET citus.shard_count = 64;
-- Explain across all shards
SET citus.explain_all_tasks TO true;
-- Size of all distributed tables excluding indexes but including TOAST, free space map, and visibility map
SELECT logicalrelid::text tablename, pg_size_pretty(citus_table_size(logicalrelid::text)) size FROM pg_dist_partition group by tablename;
-- Size of all distributed tables including all indexes and TOAST data