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  1. Navgigate to whichever directory you want your VM to be accessible
  2. vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
  3. vagrant up
  4. vagrant ssh
  • Now you are in your ubuntu VM
  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  3. cd /vagrant/
  • This is where all of your local files (of the direcrory where you put the VM) are located
0x08048f78 <+0>: push %ebp
0x08048f79 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
0x08048f7b <+3>: sub $0x38,%esp
0x08048f7e <+6>: movl $0x80bf20c,(%esp)
0x08048f85 <+13>: call 0x804f800 <printf>
0x08048f8a <+18>: lea -0x20(%ebp),%eax
0x08048f8d <+21>: mov %eax,(%esp)
0x08048f90 <+24>: call 0x804fd60 <gets>
0x08048f95 <+29>: lea -0x20(%ebp),%eax
0x08048f98 <+32>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
"title": "SnipSnap Coupon App - SnipSnap",
"description": "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tr>\n <td>\n <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">\n \n <td align=\"center\" width=\"166\" valign=\"top\">\n <a href=\"https:\/\/\/us\/app\/snipsnap-coupon-app\/id516439697?mt=8&uo=2\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"SnipSnap - SnipSnap Coupon App artwork\" src=\"http:\/\/\/image\/pf\/us\/r30\/Purple5\/v4\/1f\/e7\/14\/1fe7143c-5a3d-56fe-c195-99ec20b9f673\/mzl.vgqdbioy.100x100-75.png\" \/><\/a>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"10\"><img alt=\"\" width=\"10\" height=\"1\" src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/spacer.gif\" \/><\/td>\n \t<td width=\"95%\">\n \n \n <b><a href=\"https:\/\/itunes.appl
{ feed:
{ author: { name: [Object], uri: [Object] },
[ [Object],
var Qs = require('qs');
var request = require('request');
// var SLACK_TEST_URL = '<<MY-TOKEN>>&channel=%23review-bot-test&
var request = require('request');
var TOKEN = '<<TOKEN>>';'', {
token: TOKEN,
channel: '#bot',
text: ' ',
attachments: [{
import java.util.Scanner;
class Animal{
String Question;
Animal Left;
Animal Right;
Animal (String Question, Animal Left, Animal Right){
this.Question = Question;
var async = require('async'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Review = require('../models/review'),
config = require('../tools/config');
mongoose.connect(config.DB_URL, callback)
package edu.temple.couchlab2;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" --data-urlencode "url=" --data-urlencode "url="