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import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
class DiscreteCircle {
private final double radius;
private static final double DOES_NOT_MATTER = 0;
private static final double BIG_ANGLE_DIFF = 7.777;
samuelgruetter / recursiveRepr.dfy
Last active June 2, 2023 15:12
`modifies` clauses in Dafny
class A {
var n: nat
ghost var Repr: set<object>
predicate Valid()
reads this, Repr
this in Repr &&
n % 2 == 0
Definition decidable (P: Prop) := {P} + {~P}.
Definition eq_dec T := forall (x y:T), decidable (x=y).
Inductive spec_type: Set :=
| abruption
| additiveExpression
| argumentList
| arguments
| arrayAssignmentPattern
| arrayBindingPattern
Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Open Scope string_scope.
Inductive expr :=
| EVar(x: string)
| ELam(x: string)(body: expr)
| EApp(f: expr)(arg: expr).
Declare Custom Entry ident_string.
Notation "x" := x (in custom ident_string at level 0, x constr at level 0).
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
(**** Parsing quote-less identifiers into Gallina Strings ****)
(* Takes a list of powers instead of one power and dividing because
Ltac2 does not have integer division: *)
Ltac2 rec int_to_bits_rec(powers: int list)(val: int) :=
samuelgruetter / rewrite_drops_hyps.v
Last active October 11, 2022 20:13 — forked from aa755/rewrite_drops_hyps.v
Demonstrate strange rewrite behavior
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import ssreflect.
Lemma test1 :
length ([1] ++ [2]) = 2 ->
2 = 4.
intros HA.
evar (N : nat).