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Samuel Sampaio samukasmk

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samukasmk / smk_magento_resizer.php
Last active December 21, 2015 22:08
smk_magento_resizer.php - Resizes Images for isolated/specific magento (admin) server
Resizes Images for isolated/specific magento (admin) server
Created By: Samuel Maciel Sampaio ( [20130828]
References where I got the core:
# First verify the version of Java being used is not SunJSK.
java -version
# Get the latest Sun Java SDK from Oracle
wget -o jdk-7u1-linux-i586.rpm --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=xxx;"
# Install Java
sudo rpm -i jdk-7u1-linux-i586.rpm
# Check if the default java version is set to sun jdk
# Carbon (part of Graphite)
# chkconfig: 3 50 50
# description: Carbon init.d
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
#!/usr/bin/env python
Nagios plugin to check PostgreSQL 9 streaming replication lag.
Requires psycopg2 and nagiosplugin (both installable with pip/easy_install).
MIT licensed:
Copyright (c) 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss. All rights reserved.
def bytes_converter(bytes, from_unit, to_unit, bsize=1024):
Converted bytes units
>>> bytes_converter('2', 'gigabyte', 'kilobyte')
>>> bytes_converter('2097152', 'kilobyte', 'gigabyte')

Puppet with Jenkins

Setup Jenkins

With Puppet:

puppet module install rtyler-jenkins

puppet apply -v -e "include jenkins"

Tasks for managing a test server
import os
from fabric.api import cd, env, prefix, run, sudo, task
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, sed
from fabric.context_managers import hide
from fabric.colors import green, red
# from fabric.api import *
# from fabric.colors import green as _green, yellow as _yellow
from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
import time
# def start_machine(ami='ami-d7a18dbe'):
'''Launch a single instance of the provided ami'''
aws_access_key_id = 'Cf7...'
samukasmk /
Created January 17, 2014 17:54
Cron Job like git hook, to inform the Jenkins|Hudson ScriptTrigger Plugin to do a build. - by Samuel Maciel Sampaio
# By: Samuel Maciel Sampaio <20140115>
# Cron Job like git hook, to inform the Jenkins|Hudson
# ScriptTrigger Plugin to do a build.
# Plugin:
samukasmk /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57 - Make easy backups of mysql databases for magento stores
# Goal: Make backup of mysql databases for magento stores
# Created by: Samuel Maciel Sampaio [20120901] [20140321]
# Contact: <>
# Needed Applications:
# - mysql
# - mysqldump
# - s3put