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sanand0 / textarea-maxlength.js
Created September 7, 2010 07:17
Restricts number of characters to maxlength in textarea
// Textarea maxlength
// Ensures that textarea's maxlength is validated
// (c) S Anand, 2010, MIT License
// Credits:
// Credits:
(function() {
var ignore = [8,9,13,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,46];
function limit(event) {
sanand0 / open.cmd
Created April 4, 2010 11:41
Opens files wherever they are in your machine. Change to any directory from anywhere.
@echo off
REM = """
REM python -x skipped that first line...
REM make sure that this file is saved with Windows newlines
REM make sure to change the next lines to whatever this file is called:
set FOLDER=D:/Apps/Misc
python -x %FOLDER%/o.cmd %*
if errorlevel == 1 goto changedir
goto end