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<R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
Interface Function<T,R>
R apply(T t)
List<Integer> intergrs = new ArrayList<>();
List<Student> listStudent = ->
Student s = new Student();
List<Offer> nameOffers = offer.getOffers();
for(Offer off : nameOfers)
List<OfferDetails> offerDetailsList = off.getOfferDetails();
for(OfferDetails odderDetial : offerDetailsList)
OfferComponent componetList = odderDetial.getOfferComponent();
for(OfferComponent component : componetList )
List<String> arry = new ArrayList<>();
arry.add("a v c");
List<String> arryToAdded = new ArrayList<>();
String[] split = arry.get(0).split("\\s+");
for(String str : split)
public static int callMe()
int a = 10;
int b = 9;
int c = a;
return c;
public void print(int a , int b)
if(a<0 )
throw new Exception();
int c = a+b;
Catagory category = new Catagory();
Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf("UTC")));
swagger documentation ( opneapi 3)
final String myValue = " mulitline values which i want to load from property file ";
@ApiResponse(200, {
examples = @Example(value = {@ExampleProperty(mediaType = "application/json",
value = myValue)}))})
i have to give value(line 05) as a final String like line 2 otherwise it throws exception "it required expression etc".
I want to load this value from pojo/java class or external property file becuase there are many rest end point and each endpoint
required line 2 to 5 .
any solution please , my manager says this is not effecient solution you have provided so load myValue from property file etc.
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1 normilzation of database or database design *(approximately 20 tables)
2 create databse in mysql
3 Entity Hibernate
4 Service layer
5 web layer or controller layer to return json *(spring framework)
6 unit testing for all layers of backend
7 front end with angular *(you can suppose javascript/react if you dont know angular )
8 payment gate way to make payment
9 video chat , audio chat and text chat and their recording
10 deplyment
Hi Muhammad ,
Hope you will be fine .
, i have small project of perfume orginazation which has product table , customer tables , product catagory tables etc , with payment and live one to one vedio and audio conference and chat .
There is also facilty of images uploading . I also need to deployee it .
i need guideline for project directory structre , few guide line for what to use in hibernate and core java , guideline for video and audio module . Belive me i have not big salary but i need guide line by you so i will make payment .
Please dont refuse .
How much you will cast? i will not take your a lot of time . please just guide me .
This is my request for career.