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Sebastian Arcila Valenzuela sarcilav

View GitHub Profile
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiServer.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <SPI.h>
char ssid[] = "NULL_INDUS"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "90046686"; // your network password
def steps(n, m)
d = n - m
ans = d/5
d = d%5
ans += d/2
d = d%2
ans + d
t = gets.to_i
(ns Player
; Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
; the standard input according to the problem statement.
(def tick (atom 0))
(def distance-stress 11)
(defn log [& args]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(defn permutations [s]
(if (seq (rest s))
(apply concat (for [x s]
(map #(cons x %) (permutations (remove #{x} s)))))
(defn cost [proposoals s]
{:permutation s
:cost (apply + (map-indexed (fn [project candidate-str]
sarcilav / output
Last active December 17, 2015 02:09
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int near_max = (int) ((1LL<<31) - 2);
do {
printf("%d\n", ++near_max);
} while (near_max > 0);
return 0;
| kind | source |
| aruba | The default aruba timeout is (\d+) seconds |
| aruba | ^I'm using a clean gemset "([^"]*)"$ |
| aruba | ^a directory named "([^"]*)"$ |
| aruba | ^a file named "([^"]*)" with:$ |
| aruba | ^a (\d+) byte file named "([^"]*)"$ |
| aruba | ^an empty file named "([^"]*)"$ |
| aruba | ^I write to "([^"]*)" with:$ |
| file_colon_line | flags | source | steps |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | The default aruba timeout is (\... | |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | ^I'm using a clean gemset "([^"... | |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | ^a directory named "([^"]*)"$ | |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | ^a file named "([^"]*)" with:$ | {"name"=>"a file named \"my.awe... |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | ^a (\d+) byte file named "([^"]... | |
| aruba-0.5.1/lib/aruba/cucumber.... | | ^an empty
$ warble && java -jar gauntlt.jar --help
warning: Bundler `path' components are not currently supported.
The `gauntlt-0.1.2' component was not bundled.
Your application may fail to boot!
rm -f gauntlt.jar
Creating gauntlt.jar
Invalid gemspec in [/Users/sarcilav/.rvm/gems/jruby-]: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
Invalid gemspec in [file:/Users/sarcilav/code-for-fun/gauntlt/gauntlt.jar!/specifications/nokogiri-1.5.9-java.gemspec]: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
gauntlt is a ruggedization framework
(let [ex-agent (agent {:user_id 1 :user_email ""})
fn-agent (fn [{id :user_id email :user_email}]
(println "staring super heavy IO task")
(Thread/sleep 10000)
(println "email send to" email))]
(println "sending task to agent")
(send-off ex-agent fn-agent)
(println "end let"))
66 Huayuanshiqiao Road, Pudong,
Shanghai, China
Dear Friend,
I am Mr Chuanli Yusheng , the Vice President and Branch Manager of The Bank of East Asia (China), Huayuanshiqiao,Shanghai Branch. I know you may be wondering why I am contacting you for this despite all the friends and relations that I have but I decided to do this with an unknown person to avoid any form of blackmail in the future.Mr.Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr was an account holder with my bank branch. I have been his account officer for 11 years before his death. He died during the World Trade Center bombing in September 11 2001.
Since his death, the management of my bank has made series of efforts to locate his family but all efforts were proved abortive. I also carried out series of research to find his family but it was confirmed that the mother who was the only surviving member of the family died at the hearing of the son’s death. He was already divorced before his death and due to this fact; no o