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Scott Arciszewski sarciszewski

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Lorem Ipsum here
sarciszewski /
Created November 23, 2014 21:00
Projects and Ideas
sarciszewski / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
sarciszewski /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
Privacy Seppuku (Note: IANAL)

Let's say that you are an American whom produce software that respects user's privacy. And one day, the FBI comes knocking armed with a National Security Letter (NSL) and demands your signing key so they can distribute malware to your users, pretending to be you. There is no legal defense you can mount, they covered their bases.

What do you do? Lavabit fought, and was ultimately destroyed. If more companies pushed back, maybe the government would stop using it as an easy way to force compliance and silence. Or maybe they would just carry a bigger stick.

Here's another idea. Comply, then get "hacked" and have the keys they're demanding get leaked online and/or published via full disclosure.

Here, being "hacked" means either:

a) leaking the key to someone, discretely, over e.g. Tor with PGP and having them do it

b) leaking a backdoor to someone and having them actually hack in (over Tor) and steal the key

class switchNotMatched { }
function doInteger($i) {
echo $i;
if ($i < 100) {
echo " is less than 100.";
echo "\n";
sarciszewski /
Created March 8, 2015 09:58
Underhanded Crypto Contest Entry


You can log in with either the correct password, or the password 'IndictClapper4Perjury' (sans quotes).

Because password_verify() is defined in the namespace Framework, if the call to password_verify() (inside of the context of the "Framework" namespace) is not preceded by a backslash, PHP will by default look in the current namespace then check the global namespace. Silently.

i.e. it will attempt in this order

  1. \Framework\password_verify()
sarciszewski / PasswordLock.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Bcrypt + AES
namespace Sarciszewski\Gists;
* This is a proof of concept code! DO NOT USE THIS!
class PasswordLock
const KEY = '4ff556f7b1db2dd95906c21a45ef00344abdb38934450263ee7a908facc05070';
sarciszewski / _original.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Raymond Benc (moxi9 - PHPFox) - PHP Sadness
* Found in static/ajax.php
/* ... */
$sUserProfileImage = Phpfox::getLib('image.helper')->display(array_merge(array('user' => Phpfox::getService('user')->getUserFields(true)), array(
'path' => 'core.url_user',
'file' => Phpfox::getUserBy('user_image'),
'suffix' => '_50_square',
'max_width' => 50,
'max_height' => 50
sarciszewski /
Last active February 16, 2016 22:49
PRNG Benchmarks

In response to some people claiming that using a CSPRNG is "going way overboard" and/or is "overkill", I've written this test to verify the performance impact of using a CSPRNG versus their insecure mt_rand() based hacks.

I think the results are conclusive (at least on my device): A 50% speed increase. In addition to less-predictable randomness.

If anyone would like to suggest a benchmark script (or conditions that lead to different results with mine), let me know and I will link to them here.