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Santiago Tortosa satom99

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defmodule Test.ErrorView do
use Phoenix.View, root: ""
def render(path, _) do
[code, format] = path |> String.split(".")
IO.puts "Rendering #{format}"
satom99 / http.ex
Last active December 30, 2017 17:23
Joseph#8035's curiosity
defmodule Socket do
use GenServer
alias Socket.Worker
def start_link do
GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, []
def init(_state) do
satom99 / concept.ex
Created April 10, 2018 16:31
Command handler
defmodule Consumer do
use Coxir
use Coxir.Commands
@prefix "~"
@space :none
@channel :any
@permit :none
command ping do
defmodule Testing do
@behaviour :gen_statem
def test() do
{:ok, pid} = start_link(), :get_state) |> IO.inspect()
satom99 / currying.ex
Last active November 14, 2023 15:06
Elixir currying
defmodule Currying do
def function ~> argument when is_function(function) do
curry(function, argument)
def curry(function, arguments) when is_function(function) and is_list(arguments) do
{:arity, arity} =, :arity)
arguments = Enum.reverse(arguments)
satom99 / variables.exs
Created November 13, 2023 18:27
Elixir variables that share a same name but are different
ast =
{:fn, [],
{:->, [],
{:a, [counter: 1], nil},
{:a, [counter: 2], nil}
{{:a, [counter: 1], nil}, {:a, [counter: 2], nil}}