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Created July 13, 2019 04:49
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Search Engine"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Imports :"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import gensim\n",
"import nltk"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Scraping Documents"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### BeautifulSoup used for Scraping the website "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from bs4 import BeautifulSoup"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Request are used to get the html content from the website"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import requests"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Used during error handling"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from time import sleep"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### For mysql connectivity"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import mysql.connector"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Class used for scraping the data"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class ScrapeData :\n",
" docs=[]\n",
" links=[]\n",
" titles=[]\n",
" \n",
" # For scraping data from website\n",
" def downloadData(self,link) :\n",
" response=requests.get(link)\n",
" soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, \"lxml\")\n",
" print(soup.title.string)\n",
" self.titles.append(soup.title.string)\n",
" article_body=soup.find(attrs={\"class\": \"article-body__content\"})\n",
" pTags=article_body.findChildren('p')\n",
" p=''\n",
" for pTag in pTags :\n",
" #print(pTag.get_text())\n",
" p+=pTag.get_text()\n",
" #print('\\n') \n",
" self.links.append(link)\n",
" \n",
" def processTechnologyReview(self,baseUrl,categoryUrl) :\n",
" response=requests.get(baseUrl+categoryUrl)\n",
" soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, \"lxml\")\n",
" liTags=soup.find('li',attrs={\"class\": \"tech\"})\n",
" articleTag=soup.find(attrs={\"class\": \"article\"})\n",
" mainTag=soup.find('main')\n",
" if liTags :\n",
" while liTags :\n",
" link =baseUrl+liTags.findChild('a').get('href')\n",
" try:\n",
" self.downloadData(link)\n",
" except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:\n",
" print(\"Invalid Url ..\")\n",
" print(\"Let me sleep for 5 seconds\")\n",
" print(\"ZZzzzz...\")\n",
" sleep(5)\n",
" print(\"Was a nice sleep, now let me continue...\")\n",
" continue\n",
" liTags=liTags.findNextSibling()\n",
" elif articleTag:\n",
" h3Tags=articleTag.findAll('h3')\n",
" for h3Tag in h3Tags :\n",
" if h3Tag.find('a') :\n",
" link =h3Tag.find('a').get('href')\n",
" try:\n",
" self.downloadData(link)\n",
" except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:\n",
" print(\"Invalid Url ..\")\n",
" print(\"Let me sleep for 5 seconds\")\n",
" print(\"ZZzzzz...\")\n",
" sleep(5)\n",
" print(\"Was a nice sleep, now let me continue...\")\n",
" continue\n",
" elif mainTag:\n",
" liClass=mainTag.find('li',attrs={'class':'nav-li nav-li--with-big-dropdown'})\n",
" ulClass=liClass.findChild('ul')\n",
" anchorTags=ulClass.findChild('a')\n",
" while anchorTags :\n",
" link =baseUrl+anchorTags.get('href')\n",
" print(link)\n",
" try:\n",
" self.downloadData(link)\n",
" except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:\n",
" print(\"Invalid Url ..\")\n",
" print(\"Let me sleep for 5 seconds\")\n",
" print(\"ZZzzzz...\")\n",
" sleep(5)\n",
" print(\"Was a nice sleep, now let me continue...\")\n",
" continue\n",
" anchorTags=anchorTags.findNextSibling()\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Instantiate the class to scrape the data"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Reversing Paralysis: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Self-Driving Trucks: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Paying With Your Face: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Practical Quantum Computers: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"The 360-Degree Selfie: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Hot Solar Cells: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Gene Therapy 2.0: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"The Cell Atlas: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Botnets of Things: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Reinforcement Learning: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Invalid Url ..\n",
"Let me sleep for 5 seconds\n",
"Was a nice sleep, now let me continue...\n",
"Engineering the Perfect Astronaut - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Growing Up with Alexa - MIT Technology Review\n",
"The Growing Case for Geoengineering - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Hacking Back Makes a Comeback—But It’s Still a Really Bad Idea - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Why Bitcoin’s $1,000 Value Doesn’t Matter - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Who Will Build the Health-Care Blockchain? - MIT Technology Review\n",
"New Research Aims to Solve the Problem of AI Bias in “Black Box” Algorithms - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Lawyer-Bots Are Shaking Up Jobs - MIT Technology Review\n",
"“The Relentless Pace of Automation” - MIT Technology Review\n",
"China’s AI Awakening中国 人工智能 的崛起 - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Invalid Url ..\n",
"Let me sleep for 5 seconds\n",
"Was a nice sleep, now let me continue...\n",
"Eliminating the Human - MIT Technology Review\n",
"The Fertility Doctor Trying to Commercialize Three-Parent Babies - MIT Technology Review\n",
"Gene Berdichevsky\n",
"Radha Boya\n",
"Ian Goodfellow\n",
"Svenja Hinderer\n",
"Lorenz Meier\n",
"Franziska Roesner\n",
"Olga Russakovsky\n",
"Michael Saliba\n",
"Gregory Wayne\n",
"Tallis Gomes\n",
"Kathy Gong\n",
"Rachel Haurwitz\n",
"Bill Liu\n",
"Jianxiong Xiao\n",
"Viktor Adalsteinsson\n",
"Greg Brockman\n",
"Tracy Chou\n",
"Abdigani Diriye\n",
"Anca Dragan\n",
"Adrienne Felt\n",
"Neha Narkhede\n",
"Amanda Randles\n",
"Gang Wang\n",
"Eyad Janneh\n",
"Suchi Saria\n",
"Katherine Taylor\n",
"Jessica Brillhart\n",
"Joshua Browder\n",
"Phillipa Gill\n",
"Fabian Menges\n",
"Volodymyr Mnih\n",
"Austin Russell\n",
"Angela Schoellig\n",
"Jenna Wiens\n",
"Hanqing Wu\n"
"source": [
"scrapeData = ScrapeData()\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Dummy Documents :\n",
"### Considered List of Strings as Documents :"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"'raw_documents = [\"I\\'m taking the show on the road.\",\\n \"My socks are a force multiplier.\",\\n \"I am the barber who cuts everyone\\'s hair who doesnt cut their own.\",\\n \"Legend has it that the mind is a mad monkey.\",\\n \"I make my own fun.\"]\\nprint(\"Number of documents:\",len(raw_documents))'"
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"\"\"\"raw_documents = [\"I'm taking the show on the road.\",\n",
" \"My socks are a force multiplier.\",\n",
" \"I am the barber who cuts everyone's hair who doesnt cut their own.\",\n",
" \"Legend has it that the mind is a mad monkey.\",\n",
" \"I make my own fun.\"]\n",
"print(\"Number of documents:\",len(raw_documents))\"\"\""
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer\n",
"vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, max_features=10000,\n",
" min_df=2, stop_words='english',\n",
" use_idf='use_idf')\n",
"X = vectorizer.fit_transform("
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "NameError",
"evalue": "name 'true_k' is not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-19-12c4ca0d274d>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfrom\u001b[0m \u001b[0msklearn\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcluster\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mimport\u001b[0m \u001b[0mKMeans\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 2\u001b[0;31m km = KMeans(n_clusters=true_k, init='k-means++', max_iter=100, n_init=1,\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m verbose='--verbose')\n",
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'true_k' is not defined"
"source": [
"from sklearn.cluster import KMeans\n",
"km = KMeans(n_clusters=true_k, init='k-means++', max_iter=100, n_init=1,\n",
" verbose='--verbose')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### list to store the docs after removal of puntuations and stopwords"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### load nltk's English stopwords as variable called 'stopwords'"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### for removing puntuations( ' , . , etc)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\\w+')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import re\n",
"from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
"#for text in raw_documents :\n",
"for text in :\n",
" word=''\n",
" for w in word_tokenize(text) :\n",
" if'[a-zA-Z]', w.lower()):\n",
" if w.lower() not in stopwords :\n",
" word+=w.lower()\n",
" word+=' '\n",
" gen_docs.append((tokenizer.tokenize(word)))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### stemmer is used to convert singular words to plural"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer\n",
"stemmer = SnowballStemmer(\"english\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### created a list to store the documents after stemming"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[['go', 'go', 'thought', 'racing', 'grégoire', 'courtine', 'mind', 'the', 'french', 'neuroscientist', 'watching', 'macaque', 'monkey', 'hunched', 'aggressively', 'one', 'end', 'treadmill', 'team', 'used', 'blade', 'slice', 'halfway', 'animal', 'spinal', 'cord', 'paralyzing', 'right', 'leg', 'courtine', 'wanted', 'prove', 'could', 'get', 'monkey', 'walking', 'colleagues', 'installed', 'recording', 'device', 'beneath', 'skull', 'touching', 'motor', 'cortex', 'sutured', 'pad', 'flexible', 'electrodes', 'around', 'animal', 'spinal', 'cord', 'injury', 'wireless', 'connection', 'joined', 'two', 'electronic', 'devices', 'the', 'result', 'system', 'read', 'monkey', 'intention', 'move', 'transmitted', 'immediately', 'form', 'bursts', 'electrical', 'stimulation', 'spine', 'soon', 'enough', 'monkey', 'right', 'leg', 'began', 'move', 'extend', 'flex', 'extend', 'flex', 'hobbled', 'forward', 'monkey', 'thinking', 'boom', 'walking', 'recalls', 'exultant', 'courtine', 'professor', 'switzerland', 'école', 'polytechnique', 'fédérale', 'de', 'lausanne', 'in', 'recent', 'years', 'lab', 'animals', 'people', 'controlled', 'computer', 'cursors', 'robotic', 'arms', 'thoughts', 'thanks', 'brain', 'implant', 'wired', 'machines', 'researchers', 'taking', 'significant', 'next', 'step', 'toward', 'reversing', 'paralysis', 'wirelessly', 'connecting', 'brain', 'reading', 'technology', 'directly', 'electrical', 'stimulators', 'body', 'creating', 'courtine', 'calls', 'neural', 'bypass', 'people', 'thoughts', 'move', 'limbs', 'case', 'western', 'reserve', 'university', 'cleveland', 'middle', 'aged', 'quadriplegic', 'he', 'move', 'anything', 'head', 'shoulder', 'agreed', 'let', 'doctors', 'place', 'two', 'recording', 'implants', 'brain', 'type', 'courtine', 'used', 'monkeys', 'made', 'silicon', 'smaller', 'postage', 'stamp', 'bristle', 'hundred', 'hair', 'size', 'metal', 'probes', 'listen', 'neurons', 'fire', 'commands', 'to', 'complete', 'bypass', 'case', 'team', 'led', 'robert', 'kirsch', 'bolu', 'ajiboye', 'also', 'slid', 'fine', 'electrodes', 'muscles', 'man', 'arm', 'hand', 'videos', 'experiment', 'volunteer', 'seen', 'slowly', 'raising', 'arm', 'help', 'spring', 'loaded', 'arm', 'rest', 'willing', 'hand', 'open', 'close', 'even', 'raises', 'cup', 'straw', 'lips', 'without', 'system', 'try', 'sitting', 'hands', 'day', 'give', 'idea', 'shattering', 'consequences', 'spinal', 'cord', 'injury', 'scratch', 'nose', 'tousle', 'child', 'hair', 'says', 'courtine', 'reaching', 'red', 'espresso', 'cup', 'raising', 'mouth', 'actor', 'exaggerated', 'motion', 'changes', 'life', 'case', 'results', 'pending', 'publication', 'medical', 'journal', 'part', 'broader', 'effort', 'use', 'implanted', 'electronics', 'restore', 'various', 'senses', 'abilities', 'besides', 'treating', 'paralysis', 'scientists', 'hope', 'use', 'so', 'called', 'neural', 'prosthetics', 'reverse', 'blindness', 'chips', 'placed', 'eye', 'maybe', 'restore', 'memories', 'lost', 'alzheimer', 'disease', 'see', 'breakthrough', 'technologies', 'memory', 'implants', 'know', 'could', 'work', 'consider', 'cochlear', 'implants', 'use', 'microphone', 'relay', 'signals', 'directly', 'auditory', 'nerve', 'routing', 'around', 'non', 'working', 'parts', 'inner', 'ear', 'videos', 'wide', 'eyed', 'deaf', 'children', 'hearing', 'mothers', 'first', 'time', 'go', 'viral', 'internet', 'every', 'month', 'cases', 'deafness', 'treated', 'but', 'harder', 'turn', 'neural', 'prosthetics', 'something', 'helps', 'paralyzed', 'people', 'patient', 'first', 'used', 'brain', 'probe', 'move', 'computer', 'cursor', 'across', 'screen', 'back', 'several', 'spectacular', 'brain', 'control', 'feats', 'broader', 'practical', 'use', 'technology', 'remains', 'radical', 'complex', 'get', 'lab', 'twenty', 'years', 'work', 'nothing', 'clinic', 'courtine', 'exclaims', 'brushing', 'hair', 'back', 'keep', 'pushing', 'limits', 'important', 'question', 'entire', 'field', 'ever', 'product', 'courtine', 'laboratory', 'located', 'vertiginous', 'glass', 'and', 'steel', 'building', 'geneva', 'also', 'houses', 'million', 'center', 'swiss', 'billionaire', 'hansjörg', 'wyss', 'funded', 'specifically', 'solve', 'remaining', 'technical', 'obstacles', 'neurotechnologies', 'like', 'spinal', 'cord', 'bypass', 'hiring', 'experts', 'medical', 'device', 'makers', 'swiss', 'watch', 'companies', 'outfitted', 'clean', 'rooms', 'gold', 'wires', 'printed', 'onto', 'rubbery', 'electrodes', 'stretch', 'bodies', 'do', 'the', 'head', 'center', 'john', 'donoghue', 'american', 'led', 'early', 'development', 'brain', 'implants', 'u', 's', 'see', 'implanting', 'hope', 'moved', 'geneva', 'two', 'years', 'ago', 'trying', 'assemble', 'one', 'place', 'enormous', 'technical', 'resources', 'talent', 'skilled', 'neuroscientists', 'technologists', 'clinicians', 'needed', 'create', 'commercially', 'viable', 'systems', 'among', 'donoghue', 'top', 'priorities', 'neurocomm', 'ultra', 'compact', 'wireless', 'device', 'collect', 'data', 'brain', 'internet', 'speed', 'radio', 'inside', 'head', 'donoghue', 'calls', 'sophisticated', 'brain', 'communicator', 'world', 'matchbox', 'size', 'prototypes', 'made', 'biocompatible', 'titanium', 'sapphire', 'window', 'courtine', 'used', 'earlier', 'bulkier', 'version', 'monkey', 'tests', 'as', 'complex', 'slow', 'progress', 'neural', 'bypasses', 'worth', 'pursuing', 'patients', 'desire', 'donoghue', 'says', 'ask', 'someone', 'would', 'like', 'move', 'arm', 'says', 'people', 'would', 'prefer', 'restored', 'everyday', 'self', 'want', 'reanimated', 'tech', 'obsessive', 'become', 'insider', 'get', 'story', 'behind', 'story', 'anyone', 'else'], ['roman', 'mugriyev', 'driving', 'long', 'haul', '18', 'wheeler', 'two', 'lane', 'texas', 'highway', 'saw', 'oncoming', 'car', 'drift', 'lane', 'hundred', 'feet', 'ahead', 'ditch', 'right', 'oncoming', 'cars', 'left', 'little', 'hit', 'horn', 'brake', 'could', 'hear', 'man', 'taught', 'drive', 'telling', 'always', 'said', 'rule', 'number', 'one', 'hurt', 'anybody', 'mugriyev', 'recalls', 'but', 'going', 'work', 'way', 'errant', 'car', 'collided', 'front', 'mugriyev', 'truck', 'shattered', 'front', 'axle', 'struggled', 'keep', 'truck', 'wrecked', 'car', 'fused', 'hitting', 'anyone', 'else', 'barreled', 'road', 'mugriyev', 'finally', 'came', 'stop', 'learned', 'woman', 'driving', 'car', 'killed', 'collision', 'could', 'computer', 'done', 'better', 'wheel', 'would', 'done', 'worse', 'probably', 'find', 'next', 'years', 'multiple', 'companies', 'testing', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'although', 'many', 'technical', 'problems', 'still', 'unresolved', 'proponents', 'claim', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'safer', 'less', 'costly', 'system', 'often', 'drives', 'better', 'says', 'greg', 'murphy', 'professional', 'truck', 'driver', 'years', 'serves', 'safety', 'backup', 'driver', 'tests', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'otto', 'san', 'francisco', 'company', 'outfits', 'trucks', 'equipment', 'needed', 'drive', 'themselves', 'at', 'first', 'glance', 'opportunities', 'challenges', 'posed', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'might', 'seem', 'merely', 'echo', 'associated', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'trucks', 'long', 'cars', 'one', 'thing', 'economic', 'rationale', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'might', 'even', 'stronger', 'one', 'driverless', 'cars', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'coördinate', 'movements', 'platoon', 'closely', 'together', 'long', 'stretches', 'highway', 'cutting', 'wind', 'drag', 'saving', 'fuel', 'letting', 'truck', 'drive', 'part', 'time', 'figures', 'help', 'truckers', 'complete', 'routes', 'sooner', 'but', 'technological', 'obstacles', 'facing', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'higher', 'ones', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'otto', 'companies', 'need', 'demonstrate', 'sensors', 'code', 'match', 'situational', 'awareness', 'professional', 'trucker', 'skills', 'honed', 'years', 'experience', 'training', 'piloting', 'easily', 'destabilized', 'juggernaut', 'momentum', 'honda', 'accords', 'face', 'confusing', 'road', 'hazards', 'poor', 'surface', 'conditions', 'unpredictable', 'car', 'drivers', 'and', 'perhaps', 'important', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'take', 'hold', 'figure', 'controversial', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'time', 'politics', 'economy', 'already', 'upended', 'threats', 'automation', 'poses', 'jobs', 'see', 'relentless', 'pace', 'automation', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'affect', 'enormous', 'number', 'blue', 'collar', 'workers', 'million', 'trucking', 'jobs', 'u', 's', 'according', 'bureau', 'labor', 'statistics', 'technology', 'unlikely', 'replace', 'truckers', 'entirely', 'anytime', 'soon', 'almost', 'certainly', 'alter', 'nature', 'job', 'necessarily', 'ways', 'would', 'welcome', 'waiting', 'otto', 'headquarters', 'once', 'seedy', 'south', 'market', 'section', 'san', 'francisco', 'much', 'like', 'many', 'tech', 'startups', 'transformed', 'area', 'proudly', 'oblivious', 'neighborhood', 'upgrade', 'barely', 'renovated', 'former', 'furniture', 'warehouse', 'converted', 'garage', 'machine', 'shop', 'semi', 'trucks', 'various', 'states', 'dismantlement', 'hulking', 'benches', 'tools', 'computers', 'fancy', 'shiny', 'offices', 'brags', 'eric', 'berdinis', 'otto', 'young', 'clean', 'cut', 'looking', 'product', 'manager', 'berdinis', 'shows', 'latest', 'generation', 'company', 'fast', 'evolving', 'technology', 'currently', 'installed', 'volvo', 'semis', 'unlike', 'bolted', 'on', 'kludgy', 'looking', 'hardware', 'testing', 'runs', 'past', 'year', 'newer', 'versions', 'company', 'sensor', 'processing', 'arrays', 'sleekly', 'integrated', 'throughout', 'volvo', 'cab', 'equipment', 'includes', 'four', 'forward', 'facing', 'video', 'cameras', 'radar', 'box', 'accelerometers', 'berdinis', 'boasts', 'close', 'government', 'allows', 'get', 'missile', 'guidance', 'quality', 'particularly', 'key', 'otto', 'technology', 'lidar', 'system', 'uses', 'pulsed', 'laser', 'amass', 'detailed', 'data', 'truck', 'surroundings', 'current', 'third', 'party', 'lidar', 'box', 'costs', 'otto', 'vicinity', 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'ride', 'shortly', 'due', 'show', 'told', 'scheduling', 'miscommunication', 'truck', 'available', 'suspect', 'cancellation', 'morning', 'heavy', 'rain', 'which', 'throw', 'autonomous', 'vehicles', 'but', 'otto', 'stuck', 'story', 'fact', 'otto', 'insists', 'plans', 'release', 'products', 'intended', 'operate', 'trucks', 'without', 'driver', 'cab', 'least', 'decade', 'away', 'trucks', 'driver', 'says', 'berdinis', 'otto', 'expect', 'free', 'driver', 'highway', 'cruising', 'remain', 'back', 'cab', 'relaxing', 'working', 'even', 'napping', 'therein', 'lies', 'strongest', 'part', 'economic', 'case', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'drivers', 'legally', 'restricted', 'hours', 'driving', 'day', 'hours', 'week', 'given', 'new', 'big', 'rig', 'goes', 'taking', 'account', 'vast', 'delays', 'pulling', 'rest', 'injects', 'movement', 'goods', 'trucks', 'cruise', 'nearly', 'could', 'dramatically', 'lower', 'freight', 'costs', 'there', 'anticipated', 'savings', 'trucks', 'drive', 'across', 'america', 'miles', 'highway', 'fuel', 'third', 'cost', 'operating', 'long', 'haul', 'truck', 'drivers', 'capable', 'wringing', 'maximum', 'miles', 'per', 'gallon', 'trucks', 'many', 'heavy', 'footed', 'pedals', 'berdinis', 'says', 'best', 'drivers', 'percent', 'fuel', 'efficient', 'worst', 'ones', 'otto', 'equipment', 'programmed', 'keep', 'trucks', 'pegged', 'optimal', 'speeds', 'acceleration', 'potential', 'cut', 'accidents', 'truck', 'bus', 'crashes', 'kill', 'people', 'year', 'u', 's', 'injure', 'another', 'driver', 'fatigue', 'factor', 'roughly', 'one', 'seven', 'fatal', 'truck', 'accidents', 'percent', 'accidents', 'caused', 'least', 'part', 'form', 'driver', 'error', 'yet', 'know', 'fraction', 'errors', 'would', 'eliminated', 'autonomous', 'technology', 'or', 'new', 'errors', 'might', 'introduced', 'it', 'but', 'tests', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'suggest', 'technology', 'cut', 'mistakes', 'as', 'long', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'require', 'driver', 'remain', 'board', 'driving', 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'eight', 'years', 'customers', 'calling', 'us', 'saying', 'buy', 'new', 'trucks', 'us', 'provide', 'drivers', 'says', 'carl', 'johan', 'almqvist', 'heads', 'product', 'safety', 'volvo', 'trucks', 'one', 'endorsement', 'potential', 'benefits', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'trucking', 'companies', 'drivers', 'come', 'state', 'government', 'ohio', 'trucking', 'hub', 'home', 'drivers', 'state', 'committed', 'million', 'set', '35', 'mile', 'stretch', 'highway', 'outside', 'columbus', 'testing', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'heads', 'american', 'trucking', 'associations', 'ohio', 'trucking', 'association', 'publicly', 'suggested', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'good', 'truckers', 'however', 'technology', 'way', 'make', 'job', 'attractive', 'human', 'drivers', 'potentially', 'way', 'trucking', 'companies', 'fill', 'drivers', 'available', 'self', 'driving', 'systems', 'someday', 'become', 'accepted', 'capable', 'standing', 'drivers', 'keep', 'human', 'drivers', 'drivers', 'account', 'third', 'per', 'mile', 'costs', 'operating', 'truck', 'even', 'likely', 'foreseeable', 'future', 'drivers', 'stay', 'cab', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'clear', 'economics', 'work', 'favor', 'currently', 'regulation', 'would', 'require', 'companies', 'pay', 'drivers', 'time', 'spend', 'back', 'cab', 'freight', 'companies', 'likely', 'forced', 'convert', 'cost', 'savings', 'always', 'rolling', 'trucks', 'lower', 'hauling', 'charges', 'order', 'compete', 'dropping', 'fees', 'could', 'put', 'pressure', 'truckers', 'pay', 'load', 'prices', 'get', 'pushed', 'technology', 'company', 'say', 'much', 'driving', 'make', 'much', 'says', 'mugriyev', 'safety', 'questionsis', 'otto', 'technology', 'safely', 'piloting', 'pounds', 'truck', 'busy', 'highway', 'driver', 'cab', 'much', 'make', 'shortcomings', 'system', 'given', 'otto', 'reckoning', 'take', 'seconds', 'driver', 'resting', 'back', 'fully', 'orient', 'driver', 'seat', 'the', 'extensive', 'history', 'racked', 'google', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'encouraging', 'crashes', 'seven', 'years', 'millions', 'miles', 'one', 'crashes', 'found', 'fault', 'car', 'traffic', 'merging', 'situation', 'sort', 'otto', 'hands', 'driver', 'but', 'record', 'easily', 'translate', 'prediction', 'safety', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'berdinis', 'notes', 'trucks', 'swerve', 'avoid', 'hazard', 'way', 'cars', 'fast', 'hard', 'turn', 'steering', 'wheel', 'high', 'speed', 'would', 'set', 'truck', 'fishtailing', 'possibly', 'jackknifing', 'moment', 'brakes', 'applied', 'truck', 'going', 'miles', 'per', 'hour', 'takes', 'well', 'length', 'football', 'field', 'vehicle', 'stop', 'six', 'inches', 'lane', 'either', 'side', 'truck', 'meaning', 'even', 'small', 'hazards', 'side', 'lane', 'avoided', 'without', 'leaving', 'lane', 'many', 'avoidance', 'algorithms', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'apply', 'trucks', 'says', 'berdinis', 'one', 'advantage', 'trucks', 'sensors', 'mounted', 'top', 'cab', 'providing', 'high', 'up', 'view', 'see', 'traffic', 'far', 'ahead', 'even', 'state', 'of', 'the', 'art', 'sensors', 'struggle', 'provide', 'accurate', 'unambiguous', 'data', 'bright', 'sunlight', 'briefly', 'blind', 'cameras', 'computers', 'always', 'differentiate', 'car', 'side', 'road', 'big', 'sign', 'systems', 'thrown', 'snow', 'ice', 'sand', 'also', 'interpret', 'facial', 'expressions', 'gestures', 'nearby', 'drivers', 'predict', 'driving', 'behavior', 'vehicles', 'systems', 'would', 'able', 'differentiate', 'hitchhiker', 'construction', 'worker', 'gesturing', 'pull', 'over', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'managed', 'well', 'mostly', 'city', 'driving', 'spite', 'limitations', 'highway', 'speeds', 'limited', 'maneuverability', 'trucks', 'may', 'come', 'short', 'often', 'still', 'problems', 'challenges', 'says', 'volvo', 'trucks', 'almqvist', 'heavy', 'truck', 'drivers', 'typically', 'spend', 'months', 'driving', 'school', 'go', 'thousands', 'miles', 'supervised', 'driving', 'taking', 'full', 'charge', 'big', 'rig', 'thus', 'matching', 'human', 'driver', 'skill', 'harder', 'self', 'driving', 'truck', 'self', 'driving', 'car', 'mugriyev', 'wonders', 'example', 'autonomous', 'system', 'would', 'able', 'wrestle', 'safe', 'stop', 'truck', 'blown', 'front', 'axle', 'smashed', 'up', 'car', 'pasted', 'front', 'because', 'safety', 'concerns', 'volvo', 'current', 'plans', 'field', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'public', 'roads', 'instead', 'intends', 'limit', 'private', 'locations', 'mines', 'ports', 'public', 'roads', 'use', 'technology', 'support', 'driver', 'replace', 'driver', 'says', 'almqvist', 'volvo', 'still', 'unsure', 'social', 'acceptance', 'technology', 'company', 'sometimes', 'identifies', 'license', 'plates', 'passing', 'cars', 'testing', 'autonomous', 'trucks', 'tracks', 'car', 'owners', 'surveys', 'perceptions', 'berdinis', 'acknowledges', 'challenges', 'insists', 'otto', 'technology', 'rapidly', 'evolving', 'meet', 'ship', 'confident', 'situations', 'need', 'human', 'immediately', 'take', 'control', 'truck', 'says', 'otto', 'also', 'convince', 'regulators', 'systems', 'ready', 'highway', 'unlike', 'uber', 'relied', 'consumer', 'popularity', 'passenger', 'service', 'take', 'roads', 'first', 'wrestle', 'regulations', 'later', 'otto', 'everything', 'strictly', 'book', 'notes', 'berdinis', 'even', 'volvo', 'almqvist', 'thinks', 'technology', 'make', 'public', 'roads', 'not', 'too', 'distant', 'future', 'timing', 'crucial', 'adds', 'soon', 'accident', 'hurt', 'industry', 'lose', 'public', 'trust', 'difficult', 'regain', 'it', 'cut', 'read', 'unlimited', 'articles', 'today'], ['shortly', 'walking', 'door', 'face', 'chinese', 'startup', 'valued', 'roughly', 'billion', 'dollars', 'see', 'face', 'unshaven', 'looking', 'bit', 'jet', 'lagged', 'flash', 'large', 'screen', 'near', 'entrance', 'having', 'added', 'database', 'face', 'provides', 'automatic', 'access', 'building', 'also', 'used', 'monitor', 'movements', 'room', 'inside', 'tour', 'offices', 'face', 'pronounced', 'face', 'plus', 'plus', 'located', 'suburb', 'beijing', 'see', 'appear', 'several', 'screens', 'automatically', 'captured', 'countless', 'angles', 'company', 'software', 'one', 'screen', 'video', 'shows', 'software', 'tracking', 'different', 'points', 'face', 'simultaneously', 'little', 'creepy', 'undeniably', 'impressive', 'over', 'past', 'years', 'computers', 'become', 'incredibly', 'good', 'recognizing', 'faces', 'technology', 'expanding', 'quickly', 'china', 'interest', 'surveillance', 'convenience', 'face', 'recognition', 'might', 'transform', 'everything', 'policing', 'way', 'people', 'interact', 'every', 'day', 'banks', 'stores', 'transportation', 'services', 'technology', 'face', 'already', 'used', 'several', 'popular', 'apps', 'possible', 'transfer', 'money', 'alipay', 'mobile', 'payment', 'app', 'used', 'million', 'people', 'china', 'using', 'face', 'credentials', 'meanwhile', 'didi', 'china', 'dominant', 'ride', 'hailing', 'company', 'uses', 'face', 'software', 'let', 'passengers', 'confirm', 'person', 'behind', 'wheel', 'legitimate', 'driver', 'liveness', 'test', 'designed', 'prevent', 'anyone', 'duping', 'system', 'photo', 'requires', 'people', 'scanned', 'move', 'head', 'speak', 'app', 'scans', 'technology', 'figures', 'take', 'china', 'first', 'country', 'attitudes', 'toward', 'surveillance', 'privacy', 'unlike', 'say', 'united', 'states', 'china', 'large', 'centralized', 'database', 'id', 'card', 'photos', 'time', 'face', 'saw', 'local', 'governments', 'using', 'software', 'identify', 'suspected', 'criminals', 'video', 'surveillance', 'cameras', 'omnipresent', 'country', 'especially', 'impressive', 'albeit', 'somewhat', 'dystopian', 'because', 'footage', 'analyzed', 'far', 'perfect', 'mug', 'shots', 'images', 'file', 'may', 'several', 'years', 'old', 'facial', 'recognition', 'existed', 'decades', 'accurate', 'enough', 'used', 'secure', 'financial', 'transactions', 'new', 'versions', 'use', 'deep', 'learning', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'technique', 'especially', 'effective', 'image', 'recognition', 'makes', 'computer', 'zero', 'facial', 'features', 'reliably', 'identify', 'person', 'see', 'breakthrough', 'technologies', 'deep', 'learning', 'face', 'recognition', 'market', 'huge', 'says', 'shiliang', 'zhang', 'assistant', 'professor', 'peking', 'university', 'specializes', 'machine', 'learning', 'image', 'processing', 'zhang', 'heads', 'lab', 'far', 'offices', 'face', 'arrived', 'students', 'working', 'away', 'furiously', 'dozen', 'cubicles', 'china', 'security', 'important', 'also', 'lots', 'people', 'says', 'lots', 'companies', 'working', 'it', 'one', 'company', 'baidu', 'operates', 'china', 'popular', 'search', 'engine', 'along', 'services', 'baidu', 'researchers', 'published', 'papers', 'showing', 'software', 'rivals', 'humans', 'ability', 'recognize', 'face', 'january', 'company', 'proved', 'taking', 'part', 'tv', 'show', 'featuring', 'people', 'remarkably', 'good', 'identifying', 'adults', 'baby', 'photos', 'baidu', 'system', 'outshined', 'them', 'now', 'baidu', 'developing', 'system', 'lets', 'people', 'pick', 'rail', 'tickets', 'showing', 'face', 'company', 'already', 'working', 'government', 'wuzhen', 'historic', 'tourist', 'destination', 'provide', 'access', 'many', 'attractions', 'without', 'ticket', 'involves', 'scanning', 'tens', 'thousands', 'faces', 'database', 'find', 'match', 'baidu', 'says', 'percent', 'accuracy', 'jie', 'tang', 'associate', 'professor', 'tsinghua', 'university', 'advised', 'founders', 'face', 'students', 'says', 'convenience', 'technology', 'appeals', 'people', 'china', 'apartment', 'complexes', 'use', 'facial', 'recognition', 'provide', 'access', 'shops', 'restaurants', 'looking', 'technology', 'make', 'customer', 'experience', 'smoother', 'pay', 'things', 'way', 'says', 'staff', 'coffee', 'shops', 'alerted', 'facial', 'recognition', 'system', 'walks', 'say', 'hello', 'mr', 'tang', 'hear', 'deep', 'learning', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['one', 'labs', 'qutech', 'dutch', 'research', 'institute', 'responsible', 'world', 'advanced', 'work', 'quantum', 'computing', 'looks', 'like', 'hvac', 'testing', 'facility', 'tucked', 'away', 'quiet', 'corner', 'applied', 'sciences', 'building', 'delft', 'university', 'technology', 'space', 'devoid', 'people', 'buzzing', 'resonant', 'waves', 'occupied', 'swarm', 'electric', 'katydids', 'cluttered', 'tangles', 'insulated', 'tubes', 'wires', 'control', 'hardware', 'erupting', 'big', 'blue', 'cylinders', 'three', 'four', 'legs', 'inside', 'blue', 'cylinders', 'essentially', 'supercharged', 'refrigerators', 'spooky', 'quantum', 'mechanical', 'things', 'happening', 'nanowires', 'semiconductors', 'superconductors', 'meet', 'hair', 'absolute', 'zero', 'limits', 'physics', 'solid', 'materials', 'give', 'rise', 'so', 'called', 'quasiparticles', 'whose', 'unusual', 'behavior', 'gives', 'potential', 'serve', 'key', 'components', 'quantum', 'computers', 'lab', 'particular', 'taken', 'big', 'steps', 'toward', 'finally', 'bringing', 'computers', 'fruition', 'years', 'could', 'rewrite', 'encryption', 'materials', 'science', 'pharmaceutical', 'research', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'every', 'year', 'quantum', 'computing', 'comes', 'candidate', 'breakthrough', 'technologies', 'list', 'every', 'year', 'reach', 'conclusion', 'yet', 'indeed', 'years', 'qubits', 'quantum', 'computers', 'existed', 'mainly', 'paper', 'fragile', 'experiments', 'determine', 'feasibility', 'canadian', 'company', 'd', 'wave', 'systems', 'selling', 'machines', 'calls', 'quantum', 'computers', 'using', 'specialized', 'technology', 'called', 'quantum', 'annealing', 'approach', 'skeptics', 'say', 'best', 'applicable', 'constrained', 'set', 'computations', 'might', 'offer', 'speed', 'advantage', 'classical', 'systems', 'year', 'however', 'raft', 'previously', 'theoretical', 'designs', 'actually', 'built', 'also', 'new', 'year', 'increased', 'availability', 'corporate', 'funding', 'from', 'google', 'ibm', 'intel', 'microsoft', 'among', 'others', 'for', 'research', 'development', 'assorted', 'technologies', 'needed', 'actually', 'build', 'working', 'machine', 'microelectronics', 'complex', 'circuits', 'control', 'software', 'project', 'delft', 'led', 'leo', 'kouwenhoven', 'professor', 'recently', 'hired', 'microsoft', 'aims', 'overcome', 'one', 'long', 'standing', 'obstacles', 'building', 'quantum', 'computers', 'fact', 'qubits', 'basic', 'units', 'quantum', 'information', 'extremely', 'susceptible', 'noise', 'therefore', 'error', 'qubits', 'useful', 'must', 'achieve', 'quantum', 'superposition', 'property', 'something', 'like', 'two', 'physical', 'states', 'simultaneously', 'entanglement', 'phenomenon', 'pairs', 'qubits', 'linked', 'happens', 'one', 'instantly', 'affect', 'even', 'physically', 'separated', 'delicate', 'conditions', 'easily', 'upset', 'slightest', 'disturbance', 'like', 'vibrations', 'fluctuating', 'electric', 'fields', 'people', 'long', 'wrestled', 'problem', 'efforts', 'build', 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'wonder', 'whether', 'digital', 'butlers', 'reduce', 'kids', 'ability', 'things', 'think', 'worried', 'paranoid', 'think', 'something', 'watchful', 'says', 'the', 'researchers', 'spoke', 'worried', 'either', 'notion', 'technology', 'turned', 'everything', 'would', 'great', 'interacting', 'time', 'reading', 'time', 'vandewater', 'says', 'believe', 'that', 'fact', 'maybe', 'opposite', 'true', 'perhaps', 'growing', 'alexa', 'actually', 'make', 'technology', 'less', 'distracting', 'enabling', 'sense', 'fade', 'background', 'get', 'need', 'move', 'lives', 'come', 'back', 'another', 'request', 'for', 'hannah', 'least', 'seems', 'case', 'want', 'spend', 'much', 'time', 'inside', 'playing', 'alexa', 'shortly', 'finished', 'dancing', 'raining', 'tacos', 'ran', 'outside', 'chase', 'little', 'brother', 'around', 'yard', 'hear', 'robots', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['david', 'mitchell', 'pulls', 'parking', 'lot', 'desert', 'research', 'institute', 'environmental', 'science', 'outpost', 'university', 'nevada', 'perched', 'dry', 'red', 'hills', 'reno', 'campus', 'stares', 'tops', 'downtown', 'casinos', 'snow', 'buried', 'pine', 'nut', 'mountains', 'morning', 'wispy', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'draw', 'long', 'lines', 'range', 'mitchell', 'lanky', 'soft', 'spoken', 'atmospheric', 'physicist', 'believes', 'frigid', 'clouds', 'upper', 'troposphere', 'may', 'offer', 'one', 'best', 'fallback', 'plans', 'combating', 'climate', 'change', 'tiny', 'ice', 'crystals', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'cast', 'thermal', 'radiation', 'back', 'surface', 'earth', 'trapping', 'heat', 'like', 'blanket', 'or', 'point', 'like', 'carbon', 'dioxide', 'mitchell', 'associate', 'research', 'professor', 'institute', 'thinks', 'might', 'way', 'counteract', 'effects', 'clouds', 'it', 'would', 'work', 'like', 'fleets', 'large', 'drones', 'would', 'crisscross', 'upper', 'latitudes', 'globe', 'winter', 'months', 'sprinkling', 'skies', 'tons', 'extremely', 'fine', 'dust', 'like', 'materials', 'every', 'year', 'mitchell', 'right', 'would', 'produce', 'larger', 'ice', 'crystals', 'normal', 'creating', 'thinner', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'dissipate', 'faster', 'would', 'allow', 'radiation', 'space', 'cooling', 'earth', 'mitchell', 'says', 'done', 'large', 'enough', 'scale', 'cloud', 'seeding', 'could', 'ease', 'global', 'temperatures', 'much', 'c', 'planet', 'warmed', 'since', 'industrial', 'revolution', 'according', 'separate', 'yale', 'study', 'big', 'questions', 'remain', 'whether', 'would', 'really', 'work', 'damaging', 'side', 'effects', 'might', 'arise', 'whether', 'world', 'risk', 'deploying', 'tool', 'could', 'alter', 'entire', 'climate', 'indeed', 'suggestion', 'entrust', 'global', 'thermostat', 'armada', 'flying', 'robots', 'strike', 'many', 'preposterous', 'real', 'question', 'preposterous', 'compared', 'without', 'kind', 'drastic', 'action', 'climate', 'change', 'could', 'killing', 'estimated', 'half', 'million', 'people', 'annually', 'middle', 'century', 'famine', 'flooding', 'heat', 'stress', 'human', 'conflict', 'preventing', 'temperatures', 'rising', 'c', 'preindustrial', 'levels', 'long', 'considered', 'danger', 'zone', 'avoided', 'cost', 'looks', 'nearly', 'impossible', 'would', 'mean', 'cutting', 'greenhouse', 'gas', 'emissions', 'much', 'percent', 'may', 'well', 'require', 'developing', 'technologies', 'could', 'suck', 'megatons', 'carbon', 'dioxide', 'atmosphere', 'according', 'u', 'n', 'intergovernmental', 'panel', 'climate', 'change', 'growing', 'body', 'research', 'suggests', 'probably', 'time', 'technology', 'pull', 'notably', 'even', 'every', 'nation', 'sticks', 'commitments', 'made', 'politically', 'ambitious', 'paris', 'climate', 'accords', 'global', 'temperatures', 'could', 'still', 'soar', 'c', 'everyone', 'looking', 'two', 'degrees', 'pipe', 'dream', 'says', 'daniel', 'schrag', 'director', 'harvard', 'university', 'center', 'environment', 'one', 'president', 'obama', 'top', 'advisors', 'climate', 'change', 'fear', 'lucky', 'escape', 'four', 'want', 'make', 'sure', 'nobody', 'ever', 'sees', 'six', 'difference', 'two', 'four', 'degrees', 'another', 'quarter', 'billion', 'people', 'without', 'reliable', 'access', 'water', 'hundred', 'million', 'exposed', 'flooding', 'massive', 'declines', 'worldwide', 'crop', 'yields', 'according', 'study', 'committee', 'climate', 'change', 'london', 'based', 'scientific', 'group', 'established', 'advise', 'u', 'k', 'government', 'see', 'without', 'kind', 'drastic', 'action', 'climate', 'change', 'could', 'killing', 'estimated', 'half', 'million', 'people', 'annually', 'middle', 'century', 'the', 'idea', 'could', 'counteract', 'dangers', 'reëengineering', 'climate', 'techniques', 'collectively', 'known', 'geoengineering', 'began', 'emerge', 'scientific', 'fringes', 'decade', 'ago', 'see', 'geoengineering', 'gambit', 'momentum', 'behind', 'idea', 'building', 'increasingly', 'grim', 'climate', 'projections', 'convinced', 'growing', 'number', 'scientists', 'time', 'start', 'conducting', 'experiments', 'find', 'might', 'work', 'addition', 'impressive', 'list', 'institutions', 'including', 'harvard', 'university', 'carnegie', 'council', 'university', 'california', 'los', 'angeles', 'recently', 'established', 'research', 'initiatives', 'few', 'serious', 'scientists', 'would', 'argue', 'begin', 'deploying', 'geoengineering', 'anytime', 'soon', 'time', 'running', 'imperative', 'explore', 'option', 'could', 'pull', 'world', 'back', 'brink', 'catastrophe', 'says', 'jane', 'long', 'former', 'associate', 'director', 'lawrence', 'livermore', 'national', 'laboratory', 'really', 'know', 'answer', 'says', 'believe', 'need', 'keep', 'saying', 'truth', 'truth', 'might', 'need', 'it', 'dreams', 'dustmitchell', 'works', 'small', 'square', 'office', 'top', 'floor', 'desert', 'research', 'institute', 'stacks', 'scientific', 'papers', 'crowd', 'desk', 'journals', 'binders', 'pack', 'bookshelf', 'close', 'up', 'images', 'delicate', 'ice', 'crystals', 'hang', 'thumbtacks', 'bulletin', 'board', 'computer', 'monitor', 'spring', 'sabbatical', 'national', 'center', 'atmospheric', 'research', 'boulder', 'colorado', 'mitchell', 'began', 'exploring', 'size', 'ice', 'crystals', 'affects', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'climate', 'system', 'colleagues', 'found', 'bigger', 'crystals', 'type', 'tend', 'form', 'presence', 'dust', 'particles', 'produced', 'fewer', 'thinner', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'that', 'point', 'stuck', 'mitchell', 'brain', 'one', 'morning', 'shortly', 'returning', 'nevada', 'dream', 'insight', 'morphed', 'climate', 'engineering', 'scheme', 'awoke', 'wondering', 'deliberately', 'adding', 'dust', 'areas', 'clouds', 'form', 'would', 'spawn', 'larger', 'ice', 'crystals', 'reducing', 'cirrus', 'coverage', 'releasing', 'heat', 'space', 'more', 'people', 'without', 'access', 'adequate', 'watermore', 'people', 'exposed', 'major', 'river', 'floodsmore', 'people', 'subjected', 'coastal', 'floodingdecline', 'global', 'maize', 'productivitythough', 'serious', 'reservations', 'geoengineering', 'decided', 'explore', 'idea', 'colleague', 'published', 'paper', 'suggesting', 'seeding', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'tiny', 'particles', 'bismuth', 'tri', 'iodide', 'inorganic', 'compound', 'may', 'break', 'necessary', 'sub', 'micrometer', 'size', 'might', 'substantially', 'offset', 'climate', 'change', 'recently', 'mitchell', 'estimated', 'would', 'take', 'around', 'tons', 'material', 'annually', 'seed', 'clouds', 'areas', 'mind', 'cost', 'million', 'drop', 'spring', 'wheat', 'yieldsof', 'plant', 'species', 'lose', 'half', 'suitable', 'habitatof', 'mammal', 'species', 'lose', 'habitatnot', 'everyone', 'agrees', 'proposal', 'would', 'work', 'paper', 'science', 'led', 'mit', 'atmospheric', 'scientist', 'dan', 'cziczo', 'concluded', 'formation', 'ice', 'crystals', 'around', 'dust', 'known', 'heterogeneous', 'ice', 'nucleation', 'already', 'dominant', 'mechanism', 'creating', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'might', 'mean', 'adding', 'dust', 'would', 'balance', 'create', 'thicker', 'clouds', 'trap', 'heat', 'larger', 'problem', 'idea', 'cziczo', 'argues', 'clouds', 'least', 'understood', 'part', 'climate', 'system', 'nearly', 'enough', 'knowledge', 'cloud', 'microphysics', 'accurate', 'enough', 'measurements', 'precisely', 'manipulate', 'climate', 'way', 'says', 'but', 'mitchell', 'recent', 'research', 'relying', 'observations', 'ice', 'crystal', 'concentrations', 'nasa', 'calipso', 'satellite', 'convinced', 'cloud', 'seeding', 'could', 'work', 'long', 'done', 'regions', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'form', 'primarily', 'without', 'dust', 'particles', 'monitor', 'office', 'mitchell', 'pulls', 'page', 'maps', 'paper', 'presented', 'national', 'center', 'atmospheric', 'research', 'late', 'february', 'navy', 'light', 'blue', 'dots', 'representing', 'cziczo', 'heterogeneous', 'clouds', 'dominate', 'mid', 'latitudes', 'covering', 'much', 'south', 'america', 'africa', 'higher', 'latitudes', 'covered', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'green', 'dots', 'indicate', 'sorts', 'clouds', 'mitchell', 'mind', 'the', 'satellite', 'images', 'suggest', 'cold', 'humid', 'conditions', 'toward', 'poles', 'particularly', 'winter', 'tiny', 'ice', 'crystals', 'form', 'spontaneously', 'without', 'dust', 'suggests', 'cloud', 'seeding', 'could', 'work', 'targeted', 'areas', 'months', 'mitchell', 'even', 'thinks', 'come', 'way', 'get', 'nature', 'carry', 'field', 'experiment', 'test', 'theory', 'spring', 'winter', 'strong', 'winds', 'regularly', 'stir', 'major', 'dust', 'storms', 'deserts', 'mongolia', 'western', 'edge', 'china', 'fine', 'particles', 'blow', 'across', 'pacific', 'run', 'atmospheric', 'wave', 'rolls', 'rocky', 'mountains', 'if', 'mitchell', 'correct', 'dust', 'promote', 'thinner', 'cirrus', 'clouds', 'area', 'thicker', 'type', 'otherwise', 'tends', 'dominate', 'way', 'properly', 'observe', 'phenomenon', 'until', 'late', 'last', 'year', 'national', 'oceanic', 'atmospheric', 'administration', 'launched', 'satellite', 'equipped', 'powerful', 'imaging', 'technology', 'ever', 'launched', 'space', 'well', 'sensors', 'measure', 'temperatures', 'clouds', 'satellite', 'able', 'capture', 'exactly', 'happens', 'dust', 'rides', 'rockies', 'detecting', 'subtle', 'shifts', 'way', 'cloud', 'microphysics', 'mitchell', 'submitted', 'research', 'proposal', 'noaa', 'last', 'year', 'asking', 'agency', 'use', 'satellite', 'make', 'observations', 'knows', 'long', 'shot', 'particularly', 'light', 'trump', 'administration', 'efforts', 'slash', 'funding', 'climate', 'science', 'noaa', 'agrees', 'test', 'could', 'lend', 'weight', 'theory', 'or', 'course', 'contradict', 'it', 'another', 'outdoor', 'geoengineering', 'experiment', 'occur', 'even', 'sooner', 'by', 'time', 'next', 'year', 'harvard', 'professors', 'david', 'keith', 'frank', 'keutsch', 'hope', 'launch', 'high', 'altitude', 'balloon', 'site', 'tucson', 'arizona', 'mark', 'beginning', 'research', 'project', 'explore', 'feasibility', 'risks', 'approach', 'known', 'solar', 'radiation', 'management', 'basic', 'idea', 'spraying', 'materials', 'stratosphere', 'could', 'help', 'reflect', 'heat', 'back', 'space', 'mimicking', 'natural', 'cooling', 'phenomenon', 'occurs', 'volcanoes', 'blast', 'tens', 'millions', 'tons', 'sulfur', 'dioxide', 'sky', 'see', 'cheap', 'easy', 'plan', 'stop', 'global', 'warming', 'scientists', 'generally', 'believe', 'technique', 'would', 'ease', 'temperatures', 'lingering', 'question', 'else', 'notably', 'volcanic', 'eruptions', 'also', 'significantly', 'altered', 'rainfall', 'patterns', 'certain', 'areas', 'sulfur', 'dioxide', 'known', 'deplete', 'protective', 'ozone', 'layer', 'likely', 'scenarios', 'climate', 'longer', 'time', 'scales', 'devastating', 'future', 'generations', 'absolutely', 'devastating', 'keith', 'done', 'extensive', 'climate', 'modeling', 'explore', 'whether', 'materials', 'including', 'alumina', 'diamond', 'dust', 'calcium', 'carbonate', 'might', 'neutral', 'even', 'positive', 'impact', 'ozone', 'conversation', 'office', 'harvard', 'stressed', 'experiments', 'constitute', 'test', 'geoengineering', 'would', 'allow', 'group', 'subject', 'models', 'real', 'world', 'data', 'revealing', 'relevant', 'stratospheric', 'physics', 'chemistry', 'theory', 'alone', 'tell', 'happen', 'atmosphere', 'keith', 'says', 'fool', 'go', 'make', 'direct', 'measurements', 'keith', 'already', 'begun', 'design', 'work', 'balloon', 'company', 'world', 'view', 'enterprises', 'well', 'discussions', 'appropriate', 'transparency', 'oversight', 'outdoor', 'experiments', 'early', 'flights', 'would', 'test', 'basic', 'workings', 'balloon', 'would', 'tethered', 'gondola', 'equipped', 'propellers', 'sprayers', 'sensors', 'eventually', 'experiment', 'would', 'involve', 'releasing', 'fine', 'plume', 'materials', 'probably', 'calcium', 'carbonate', 'stratosphere', 'balloon', 'would', 'track', 'trail', 'reverse', 'allowing', 'sensors', 'measure', 'well', 'particles', 'scatter', 'sunlight', 'whether', 'coalesce', 'disperse', 'interact', 'precursors', 'ozone', 'unknown', 'unknownsfull', 'scale', 'geoengineering', 'would', 'inevitably', 'involve', 'level', 'risk', 'likely', 'face', 'terrible', 'choice', 'accepting', 'clear', 'dangers', 'climate', 'change', 'risking', 'unknowns', 'geoengineering', 'alan', 'robock', 'professor', 'environmental', 'sciences', 'rutgers', 'published', 'list', 'risks', 'concerns', 'raised', 'technology', 'including', 'potential', 'deplete', 'ozone', 'layer', 'decrease', 'rainfall', 'africa', 'asia', 'ultimately', 'robock', 'worries', 'geoengineering', 'may', 'simply', 'risky', 'ever', 'try', 'know', 'know', 'says', 'trust', 'planet', 'known', 'intelligent', 'life', 'complicated', 'technical', 'system', 'mit', 'cziczo', 'blunter', 'know', 'problem', 'greenhouse', 'gas', 'solution', 'take', 'greenhouse', 'gas', 'says', 'try', 'something', 'completely', 'understand', 'reservations', 'surrounding', 'geoengineering', 'research', 'full', 'display', 'late', 'march', 'dozens', 'notable', 'climate', 'social', 'scientists', 'gathered', 'carnegie', 'endowment', 'international', 'peace', 'washington', 'd', 'c', 'forum', 'u', 's', 'solar', 'geoengineering', 'research', 'speakers', 'highlighted', 'long', 'list', 'unanswered', 'perhaps', 'unanswerable', 'questions', 'international', 'governance', 'gets', 'decide', 'pull', 'trigger', 'determine', 'correct', 'average', 'temperatures', 'ones', 'affect', 'different', 'nations', 'markedly', 'different', 'ways', 'one', 'nation', 'held', 'responsible', 'negative', 'effects', 'geoengineering', 'scheme', 'another', 'country', 'weather', 'could', 'tools', 'used', 'deliberately', 'attack', 'neighboring', 'nation', 'could', 'conflicts', 'questions', 'tip', 'war', 'yet', 'hear', 'description', 'future', 'solar', 'geoengineered', 'world', 'sounds', 'anything', 'dystopian', 'highly', 'unrealistic', 'said', 'rose', 'cairns', 'research', 'fellow', 'university', 'sussex', 'joined', 'morning', 'discussion', 'england', 'skype', 'but', 'harvard', 'schrag', 'argued', 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'tsunami', 'hacking', 'activity', 'among', 'provisions', 'acdc', 'act', 'section', 'would', 'require', 'department', 'justice', 'produce', 'annual', 'report', 'highlighting', 'among', 'things', 'total', 'number', 'investigations', 'opened', 'computer', 'fraud', 'crimes', 'agencies', 'charged', 'policing', 'number', 'law', 'enforcement', 'personnel', 'assigned', 'investigate', 'prosecute', 'cybercrimes', 'push', 'greater', 'transparency', 'bit', 'otherwise', 'deeply', 'flawed', 'bill', 'actually', 'worth', 'supporting', 'hear', 'security', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['probably', 'read', 'new', 'year', 'brought', 'glad', 'tidings', 'bitcoin', 'january', 'cryptocurrency', 'hit', 'three', 'year', 'high', 'value', 'reaching', 'much', 'matter', 'fact', 'serves', 'highlight', 'shortcomings', 'currency', 'blockchain', 'advocates', 'may', 'breathlessly', 'point', 'increase', 'value', 'means', 'collective', 'worth', 'currency', 'totals', 'much', 'billion', 'sounds', 'like', 'lot', 'financial', 'times', 'points', 'paywall', 'context', 'central', 'intelligence', 'agency', 'put', 'planet', 'stock', 'broad', 'money', 'notes', 'coins', 'various', 'forms', 'bank', 'account', 'at', '82tn', 'end', 'cia', 'figures', 'value', 'bitcoins', 'hashed', 'existence', 'similar', 'broad', 'money', 'total', 'uzbekistani', 'soms', 'apologies', 'tashkent', 'value', 'soms', 'bitcoins', 'number', 'people', 'relevant', 'pieces', 'information', 'world', 'modern', 'finance', 'round', 'zero', 'in', 'words', 'even', 'valued', 'bitcoin', 'making', 'much', 'impression', 'grand', 'scheme', 'things', 'fact', 'rising', 'price', 'even', 'hints', 'troubles', 'the', 'register', 'notes', 'recent', 'rise', 'bitcoin', 'may', 'attributed', 'removal', 'high', 'value', 'bank', 'notes', 'india', 'venezuela', 'perhaps', 'significantly', 'steady', 'devaluation', 'chinese', 'yuan', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'reported', 'last', 'year', 'small', 'band', 'chinese', 'companies', 'effectively', 'gained', 'control', 'currency', 'domestic', 'currency', 'value', 'fallen', 'demand', 'digital', 'currency', 'risen', 'driving', 'value', 'but', 'centralization', 'unwelcome', 'many', 'users', 'currency', 'outside', 'china', 'structure', 'bitcoin', 'means', 'single', 'user', 'mines', 'majority', 'currency', 'able', 'rewrite', 'blockchain', 'sees', 'fit', 'even', 'veto', 'changes', 'underlying', 'technology', 'change', 'probably', 'needs', 'currency', 'grow', 'which', 'financial', 'times', 'argues', 'clearly', 'needs', 'to', 'it', 'need', 'technical', 'redesign', 'currently', 'bitcoin', 'tolerate', 'transactions', 'per', 'second', 'tiny', 'compared', 'many', 'thousands', 'say', 'visa', 'handle', 'researchers', 'believe', 'capacity', 'could', 'stretched', 'transactions', 'per', 'second', 'without', 'complete', 'overhaul', 's', 'still', 'small', 'the', 'chinese', 'companies', 'mining', 'bitcoin', 'could', 'theory', 'join', 'forces', 'take', 'advantage', 'majority', 'loophole', 'given', 'country', 'prolific', 'miners', 'operate', 'news', 'could', 'raise', 'fears', 'state', 'control', 'none', 'helped', 'particularly', 'passing', 'arbitrary', 'threshold', 'read', 'bbc', 'register', 'financial', 'times', 'paywall', 'new', 'york', 'times', 'technical', 'roadblock', 'might', 'shatter', 'bitcoin', 'dreams', 'bitcoin', 'transactions', 'get', 'stranded', 'cryptocurrency', 'maxes', 'article', 'updated', 'january', 'correct', 'current', 'transaction', 'rate', 'bitcoin', 'clarify', 'majority', 'rights', 'currency', 'hear', 'bitcoin', 'experts', 'business', 'blockchain', 'april', 'cambridge'], ['different', 'electronic', 'medical', 'records', 'systems', 'used', 'city', 'boston', 'language', 'representing', 'sharing', 'data', 'critical', 'information', 'often', 'scattered', 'across', 'multiple', 'facilities', 'sometimes', 'accessible', 'needed', 'most', 'a', 'situation', 'plays', 'every', 'day', 'around', 'u', 's', 'costing', 'money', 'sometimes', 'even', 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'interest', 'expect', 'clients', 'knowing', 'technology', 'perform', 'many', 'repetitive', 'tasks', 'make', 'increasingly', 'unwilling', 'lawyers', 'work', 'ziegler', 'says', 'would', 'pay', 'junior', 'associate', 'work', 'technology', 'could', 'faster', 'hear', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['last', 'october', 'uber', 'one', 'self', 'driving', 'trucks', 'make', 'beer', 'run', 'traveling', 'kilometers', 'interstate', 'deliver', 'cargo', 'budweiser', 'fort', 'collins', 'colorado', 'springs', 'person', 'rode', 'truck', 'spent', 'trip', 'sleeper', 'berth', 'monitoring', 'automated', 'system', 'test', 'came', 'weeks', 'uber', 'announced', 'driverless', 'car', 'service', 'pittsburgh', 'self', 'driving', 'truck', 'developed', 'uber', 'recently', 'acquired', 'otto', 'unit', 'reflects', 'remarkable', 'technological', 'achievements', 'also', 'provides', 'yet', 'another', 'indicator', 'looming', 'shift', 'economy', 'could', 'deep', 'political', 'consequences', 'it', 'uncertain', 'long', 'take', 'driverless', 'trucks', 'cars', 'take', 'roads', 'so', 'called', 'autonomous', 'vehicle', 'require', 'driver', 'albeit', 'one', 'often', 'passive', 'potential', 'loss', 'millions', 'jobs', 'exhibit', 'report', 'issued', 'outgoing', 'u', 's', 'administration', 'late', 'december', 'written', 'president', 'obama', 'top', 'economic', 'science', 'advisors', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'automation', 'economy', 'clear', 'eyed', 'look', 'fast', 'developing', 'ai', 'automation', 'technologies', 'affecting', 'jobs', 'offers', 'litany', 'suggestions', 'deal', 'upheaval', 'it', 'estimates', 'automated', 'vehicles', 'could', 'threaten', 'alter', 'million', 'million', 'existing', 'u', 's', 'jobs', 'includes', 'million', 'jobs', 'driving', 'tractor', 'trailers', 'heavy', 'rigs', 'dominate', 'highways', 'long', 'haul', 'drivers', 'says', 'currently', 'enjoy', 'wage', 'premium', 'others', 'labor', 'market', 'level', 'educational', 'attainment', 'words', 'truck', 'drivers', 'lose', 'jobs', 'particularly', 'screwed', 'it', 'hard', 'read', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'without', 'thinking', 'presidential', 'election', 'happened', 'six', 'weeks', 'published', 'election', 'decided', 'midwest', 'states', 'heart', 'long', 'called', 'rust', 'belt', 'key', 'issue', 'many', 'voters', 'economy', 'or', 'precisely', 'shortage', 'relatively', 'well', 'paying', 'jobs', 'rhetoric', 'campaign', 'much', 'blame', 'lost', 'jobs', 'went', 'globalization', 'movement', 'manufacturing', 'facilities', 'overseas', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'ways', 'lament', 'days', 'steel', 'products', 'made', 'domestically', 'thriving', 'middle', 'class', 'but', 'many', 'economists', 'argue', 'automation', 'bears', 'much', 'blame', 'globalization', 'decline', 'jobs', 'region', 'manufacturing', 'sector', 'gutting', 'middle', 'class', 'indeed', 'farewell', 'speech', 'thousands', 'packed', 'convention', 'hall', 'chicago', 'president', 'obama', 'warned', 'next', 'wave', 'economic', 'dislocations', 'come', 'overseas', 'come', 'relentless', 'pace', 'automation', 'makes', 'lot', 'good', 'middle', 'class', 'jobs', 'obsolete', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'points', 'particular', 'current', 'wave', 'ai', 'describes', 'begun', 'around', 'advances', 'machine', 'learning', 'increasing', 'availability', 'big', 'data', 'enhanced', 'computation', 'power', 'began', 'providing', 'computers', 'unprecedented', 'capabilities', 'ability', 'accurately', 'recognize', 'images', 'report', 'says', 'greater', 'deployment', 'ai', 'automation', 'could', 'boost', 'economic', 'growth', 'creating', 'new', 'types', 'jobs', 'improving', 'efficiency', 'many', 'businesses', 'also', 'points', 'negative', 'effects', 'job', 'destruction', 'related', 'increases', 'income', 'inequality', 'least', 'less', 'educated', 'workers', 'likely', 'replaced', 'automation', 'highly', 'educated', 'ones', 'report', 'notes', 'far', 'automation', 'displaced', 'higher', 'skill', 'workers', 'adds', 'skills', 'humans', 'maintained', 'comparative', 'advantage', 'likely', 'erode', 'time', 'ai', 'new', 'technologies', 'become', 'sophisticated', 'labor', 'economists', 'pointing', 'employment', 'consequences', 'new', 'digital', 'technologies', 'several', 'years', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'dutifully', 'lays', 'many', 'findings', 'notes', 'imminent', 'problem', 'robots', 'hasten', 'day', 'need', 'human', 'workers', 'end', 'of', 'work', 'scenario', 'remains', 'speculative', 'report', 'pays', 'little', 'heed', 'instead', 'far', 'concerned', 'transition', 'economy', 'already', 'way', 'types', 'jobs', 'available', 'rapidly', 'changing', 'report', 'timely', 'attempt', 'elevate', 'washington', 'political', 'circles', 'discussion', 'automation', 'increasingly', 'ai', 'affecting', 'employment', 'time', 'finally', 'adopt', 'educational', 'labor', 'policies', 'address', 'plight', 'workers', 'either', 'displaced', 'technology', 'ill', 'suited', 'new', 'opportunities', 'it', 'glaringly', 'obvious', 'says', 'daron', 'acemoglu', 'economist', 'mit', 'political', 'leaders', 'totally', 'unprepared', 'deal', 'automation', 'changing', 'employment', 'automation', 'displacing', 'workers', 'variety', 'occupations', 'including', 'ones', 'manufacturing', 'says', 'ai', 'quickening', 'deployment', 'robots', 'various', 'industries', 'including', 'auto', 'manufacturing', 'metal', 'products', 'pharmaceuticals', 'food', 'service', 'warehouses', 'could', 'exacerbate', 'effects', 'even', 'begun', 'debate', 'warns', 'papering', 'issues', 'left', 'outit', 'often', 'argued', 'technological', 'progress', 'always', 'leads', 'massive', 'shifts', 'employment', 'end', 'day', 'economy', 'grows', 'new', 'jobs', 'created', 'however', 'far', 'facile', 'way', 'looking', 'impact', 'ai', 'automation', 'jobs', 'today', 'joel', 'mokyr', 'leading', 'economic', 'historian', 'northwestern', 'university', 'spent', 'career', 'studying', 'people', 'societies', 'experienced', 'radical', 'transitions', 'spurred', 'advances', 'technology', 'industrial', 'revolution', 'began', 'late', '18th', 'century', 'current', 'disruptions', 'faster', 'intensive', 'mokyr', 'says', 'nothing', 'like', 'seen', 'past', 'issue', 'whether', 'system', 'adapt', 'past', 'mokyr', 'describes', 'less', 'pessimistic', 'others', 'whether', 'ai', 'create', 'plenty', 'jobs', 'opportunities', 'make', 'ones', 'lost', 'even', 'alternative', 'technological', 'stagnation', 'is', 'far', 'worse', 'still', 'leaves', 'troubling', 'quandary', 'help', 'workers', 'left', 'behind', 'question', 'modern', 'capitalist', 'system', 'occupation', 'identity', 'says', 'pain', 'humiliation', 'felt', 'whose', 'jobs', 'replaced', 'automation', 'clearly', 'major', 'issue', 'adds', 'see', 'easy', 'way', 'solving', 'inevitable', 'consequence', 'technological', 'progress', 'problem', 'united', 'states', 'particularly', 'bad', 'last', 'decades', 'helping', 'people', 'lost', 'periods', 'technological', 'change', 'social', 'educational', 'financial', 'problems', 'largely', 'ignored', 'least', 'federal', 'government', 'according', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'u', 's', 'spends', 'around', 'percent', 'gdp', 'programs', 'designed', 'help', 'people', 'deal', 'changes', 'workplace', 'far', 'less', 'developed', 'economies', 'funding', 'declined', 'last', 'years', 'the', 'picture', 'actually', 'even', 'worse', 'numbers', 'alone', 'suggest', 'says', 'mark', 'muro', 'senior', 'fellow', 'brookings', 'institution', 'existing', 'federal', 'readjustment', 'programs', 'says', 'include', 'collection', 'small', 'initiatives', 'some', 'dating', 'back', '1960s', 'addressing', 'everything', 'military', 'base', 'closings', 'needs', 'appalachian', 'coal', 'mining', 'communities', 'none', 'specifically', 'designed', 'help', 'people', 'whose', 'jobs', 'disappeared', 'automation', 'overall', 'funding', 'limited', 'says', 'help', 'piecemeal', 'take', 'broad', 'labor', 'force', 'disruption', 'like', 'automation', 'some', 'observers', 'spearheaded', 'clique', 'silicon', 'valley', 'insiders', 'begun', 'arguing', 'universal', 'basic', 'income', 'way', 'help', 'unable', 'find', 'work', 'wisely', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'rejects', 'solution', 'giving', 'possibility', 'workers', 'remaining', 'employed', 'alternative', 'muro', 'proposes', 'calls', 'universal', 'basic', 'adjustment', 'benefit', 'unlike', 'universal', 'basic', 'income', 'would', 'consist', 'targeted', 'benefits', 'seeking', 'new', 'job', 'opportunities', 'would', 'provide', 'support', 'wage', 'insurance', 'job', 'counseling', 'relocation', 'subsidies', 'financial', 'career', 'help', 'such', 'generous', 'benefits', 'unlikely', 'offered', 'anytime', 'soon', 'acknowledges', 'muro', 'worked', 'manufacturing', 'communities', 'midwest', 'see', 'manufacturing', 'jobs', 'n', 't', 'coming', 'back', 'however', 'presidential', 'election', 'suggests', 'wake', 'up', 'call', 'many', 'people', 'ways', 'result', 'secretly', 'automation', 'says', 'great', 'sense', 'anxiety', 'frustration', 'there', 'question', 'whether', 'looming', 'onslaught', 'ai', 'make', 'existing', 'tensions', 'even', 'worse', 'cloudy', 'daysno', 'one', 'actually', 'knows', 'ai', 'advanced', 'automation', 'affect', 'future', 'job', 'opportunities', 'predictions', 'types', 'jobs', 'replaced', 'fast', 'vary', 'widely', 'one', 'commonly', 'cited', 'study', 'estimated', 'roughly', 'percent', 'u', 's', 'jobs', 'could', 'lost', 'next', 'decade', 'two', 'involve', 'work', 'easily', 'automated', 'reports', 'noting', 'jobs', 'often', 'involve', 'multiple', 'tasks', 'might', 'easily', 'automated', 'others', 'not', 'have', 'come', 'smaller', 'percentage', 'occupations', 'machines', 'could', 'make', 'obsolete', 'recent', 'study', 'organization', 'economic', 'cooperation', 'development', 'estimates', 'around', 'percent', 'u', 's', 'jobs', 'high', 'risk', 'part', 'employment', 'equation', 'how', 'many', 'jobs', 'created', 'is', 'essentially', 'unknowable', 'could', 'predicted', 'decade', 'market', 'app', 'developers', 'economic', 'anxiety', 'ai', 'automation', 'real', 'dismissed', 'reversing', 'technological', 'progress', 'in', 'past', 'new', 'technologies', 'greatly', 'expanded', 'overall', 'employment', 'opportunities', 'particular', 'economic', 'rule', 'dictates', 'always', 'true', 'economists', 'warn', 'must', 'overly', 'sanguine', 'consequences', 'automation', 'ai', 'ai', 'much', 'infancy', 'says', 'mit', 'acemoglu', 'really', 'know', 'soon', 'know', 'impact', 'jobs', 'key', 'part', 'answer', 'says', 'extent', 'technologies', 'used', 'replace', 'humans', 'alternatively', 'help', 'carry', 'jobs', 'expand', 'capabilities', 'personal', 'computers', 'internet', 'technologies', 'last', 'several', 'decades', 'replace', 'bank', 'tellers', 'cashiers', 'others', 'whose', 'jobs', 'involved', 'routine', 'tasks', 'mainly', 'technologies', 'complemented', 'people', 'abilities', 'let', 'work', 'says', 'acemoglu', 'pattern', 'continue', 'robots', 'line', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'replacement', 'part', 'might', 'far', 'stronger', 'cautions', 'not', 'might', 'automation', 'ai', 'prove', 'particularly', 'prone', 'replacing', 'human', 'workers', 'effects', 'might', 'offset', 'government', 'policies', 'softened', 'blow', 'transitions', 'past', 'initiatives', 'like', 'improved', 'retraining', 'workers', 'lost', 'jobs', 'automation', 'increased', 'financial', 'protections', 'seeking', 'new', 'careers', 'steps', 'recommended', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'appears', 'political', 'appetite', 'programs', 'worried', 'next', 'wave', 'ai', 'automation', 'hit', 'supports', 'place', 'says', 'lawrence', 'katz', 'economist', 'harvard', 'katz', 'published', 'research', 'showing', 'large', 'investments', 'secondary', 'education', 'early', '1900s', 'helped', 'nation', 'make', 'shift', 'agriculture', 'based', 'economy', 'manufacturing', 'one', 'says', 'could', 'use', 'education', 'system', 'much', 'effectively', 'example', 'areas', 'united', 'states', 'successfully', 'connected', 'training', 'programs', 'community', 'colleges', 'local', 'companies', 'needs', 'says', 'regions', 'federal', 'government', 'done', 'little', 'realm', 'result', 'says', 'large', 'areas', 'left', 'behind', 'one', 'problem', 'growing', 'adoption', 'ai', 'could', 'make', 'much', 'worse', 'income', 'inequality', 'see', 'technology', 'inequality', 'sharp', 'divisions', 'geographic', 'areas', 'benefit', 'need', 'expert', 'written', 'white', 'house', 'report', 'tell', 'us', 'impact', 'digital', 'technologies', 'automation', 'large', 'swaths', 'midwest', 'different', 'effects', 'silicon', 'valley', 'post', 'election', 'analysis', 'showed', 'one', 'strongest', 'predictors', 'voting', 'behavior', 'county', 'unemployment', 'rate', 'whether', 'wealthy', 'poor', 'share', 'jobs', 'routine', 'economists', 'shorthand', 'ones', 'easily', 'automated', 'areas', 'high', 'percentage', 'routine', 'jobs', 'overwhelmingly', 'went', 'donald', 'trump', 'message', 'turning', 'back', 'clock', 'make', 'american', 'great', 'again', 'economic', 'anxiety', 'ai', 'automation', 'real', 'dismissed', 'reversing', 'technological', 'progress', 'need', 'economic', 'boost', 'technologies', 'improve', 'lackluster', 'productivity', 'growth', 'threatening', 'many', 'people', 'financial', 'prospects', 'furthermore', 'progress', 'ai', 'promises', 'medicine', 'areas', 'could', 'greatly', 'improve', 'live', 'yet', 'fail', 'use', 'technology', 'way', 'benefits', 'many', 'people', 'possible', 'see', 'robots', 'risk', 'fueling', 'public', 'resentment', 'automation', 'creators', 'danger', 'much', 'direct', 'political', 'backlash', 'though', 'history', 'luddites', 'suggests', 'could', 'happen', 'but', 'rather', 'failure', 'embrace', 'invest', 'technology', 'abundant', 'possibilities', 'despite', 'excitement', 'around', 'ai', 'still', 'early', 'days', 'driverless', 'vehicles', 'fine', 'sunny', 'days', 'struggle', 'fog', 'snow', 'still', 'trusted', 'emergency', 'situations', 'ai', 'systems', 'spot', 'complex', 'patterns', 'massive', 'data', 'sets', 'still', 'lack', 'common', 'sense', 'child', 'innate', 'language', 'skills', 'two', 'year', 'old', 'still', 'difficult', 'technical', 'challenges', 'ahead', 'ai', 'going', 'achieve', 'full', 'economic', 'potential', 'need', 'pay', 'much', 'attention', 'social', 'employment', 'challenges', 'technical', 'ones', 'hear', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['tropical', 'island', 'marks', 'southern', 'tip', 'china', 'computer', 'program', 'called', 'lengpudashi', 'playing', 'one', 'on', 'one', 'poker', 'dozen', 'people', 'absolutely', 'crushing', 'lengpudashi', 'means', 'cold', 'poker', 'master', 'mandarin', 'using', 'new', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'technique', 'outbet', 'outbluff', 'opponents', 'two', 'player', 'version', 'texas', 'hold', 'em', 'the', 'venue', 'tournament', 'modern', 'looking', 'technology', 'park', 'haikou', 'capital', 'island', 'hainan', 'outside', 'modern', 'high', 'rises', 'loom', 'aging', 'neighborhoods', 'gathered', 'play', 'machine', 'include', 'several', 'poker', 'champs', 'well', 'known', 'chinese', 'investors', 'entrepreneurs', 'ceos', 'even', 'odd', 'television', 'celebrity', 'games', 'broadcast', 'online', 'millions', 'watching', 'event', 'symbolizes', 'growing', 'sense', 'excitement', 'enthusiasm', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'china', 'also', 'problem', 'lengpudashi', 'made', 'hainan', 'beijing', 'shanghai', 'built', 'pittsburgh', 'u', 's', 'a', 'for', 'many', 'china', 'simply', 'country', 'embarking', 'unprecedented', 'effort', 'master', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'government', 'planning', 'pour', 'hundreds', 'billions', 'yuan', 'tens', 'billions', 'dollars', 'technology', 'coming', 'years', 'companies', 'investing', 'heavily', 'nurturing', 'developing', 'ai', 'talent', 'country', 'wide', 'effort', 'succeeds', 'and', 'many', 'signs', 'will', 'china', 'could', 'emerge', 'leading', 'force', 'ai', 'improving', 'productivity', 'industries', 'helping', 'become', 'leader', 'creating', 'new', 'businesses', 'leverage', 'technology', 'many', 'believe', 'ai', 'key', 'future', 'growth', 'china', 'prowess', 'field', 'help', 'fortify', 'position', 'dominant', 'economic', 'power', 'world', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'may', 'invented', 'west', 'see', 'future', 'taking', 'shape', 'side', 'world', 'indeed', 'country', 'political', 'business', 'leaders', 'betting', 'ai', 'jump', 'start', 'economy', 'recent', 'decades', 'booming', 'manufacturing', 'sector', 'and', 'market', 'reforms', 'encouraging', 'foreign', 'trade', 'investment', 'have', 'helped', 'bring', 'hundreds', 'millions', 'people', 'poverty', 'creating', 'business', 'empires', 'transforming', 'chinese', 'society', 'manufacturing', 'growth', 'slowing', 'country', 'looking', 'toward', 'future', 'built', 'around', 'advanced', 'technology', 'see', 'china', 'building', 'robot', 'army', 'model', 'workers', 'applying', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'may', 'next', 'step', 'technology', 'fueled', 'economic', 'miracle', 'many', 'west', 'fret', 'ai', 'eliminating', 'jobs', 'worsening', 'wealth', 'income', 'inequality', 'china', 'seems', 'believe', 'bring', 'precisely', 'opposite', 'outcomes', 'china', 'ai', 'push', 'includes', 'extraordinary', 'commitment', 'government', 'recently', 'announced', 'sweeping', 'vision', 'ai', 'ascendancy', 'plan', 'calls', 'homegrown', 'ai', 'match', 'developed', 'west', 'within', 'three', 'years', 'china', 'researchers', 'making', 'major', 'breakthroughs', 'chinese', 'ai', 'envy', 'world', '2030', 'there', 'good', 'reasons', 'believe', 'country', 'make', 'vision', 'real', 'early', '2000s', 'government', 'said', 'wanted', 'build', 'high', 'speed', 'rail', 'network', 'would', 'spur', 'technological', 'development', 'improve', 'country', 'transportation', 'system', 'train', 'network', 'advanced', 'world', 'chinese', 'government', 'announces', 'plan', 'like', 'significant', 'implications', 'country', 'economy', 'says', 'andrew', 'ng', 'prominent', 'ai', 'expert', 'previously', 'oversaw', 'ai', 'technology', 'strategy', 'china', 'biggest', 'online', 'search', 'company', 'baidu', 'strong', 'signal', 'everyone', 'things', 'happen', 'government', 'call', 'action', 'accelerate', 'already', 'begun', 'happen', 'country', 'tech', 'companies', 'led', 'internet', 'giants', 'baidu', 'alibaba', 'tencent', 'hiring', 'scores', 'ai', 'experts', 'building', 'new', 'research', 'centers', 'investing', 'data', 'centers', 'rival', 'anything', 'operated', 'amazon', 'google', 'microsoft', 'money', 'also', 'pouring', 'countless', 'startups', 'chinese', 'entrepreneurs', 'investors', 'spy', 'huge', 'opportunity', 'harness', 'ai', 'different', 'industries', 'china', 'big', 'advantages', 'ai', 'wealth', 'talented', 'engineers', 'scientists', 'one', 'also', 'rich', 'data', 'necessary', 'train', 'ai', 'systems', 'fewer', 'obstacles', 'data', 'collection', 'use', 'china', 'amassing', 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'far', 'less', 'attention', 'home', 'country', 'hainan', 'to', 'explore', 'china', 'ai', 'revolution', 'implications', 'traveled', 'heart', 'boom', 'met', 'many', 'key', 'researchers', 'entrepreneurs', 'executives', 'china', 'bustling', 'capital', 'factory', 'filled', 'south', 'ambitious', 'new', 'research', 'center', 'billion', 'dollar', 'startup', 'one', 'thing', 'clear', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'may', 'invented', 'west', 'see', 'future', 'taking', 'shape', 'side', 'world', 'my', 'journey', 'begins', 'mit', 'one', 'wellsprings', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'kai', 'fu', 'lee', 'well', 'known', 'chinese', 'ai', 'expert', 'investor', 'one', 'organizers', 'hainan', 'tournament', 'come', 'recruit', 'students', 'new', 'ai', 'institute', 'company', 'sinovation', 'ventures', 'building', 'beijing', 'lee', 'gives', 'talk', 'entirely', 'mandarin', 'auditorium', 'packed', 'chinese', 'students', 'dressed', 'impeccably', 'expensive', 'looking', 'suit', 'dress', 'shirt', 'speaks', 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'previously', 'developed', 'office', 'apps', 'microsoft', 'redmond', 'washington', 'says', 'returned', 'china', 'opportunities', 'seemed', 'much', 'bigger', 'struggling', 'get', 'thousand', 'users', 'talked', 'friend', 'working', 'startup', 'china', 'said', 'oh', 'million', 'users', 'nothing', 'we', 'get', 'several', 'days', 'recalls', 'earlier', 'year', 'sensetime', 'engineers', 'developed', 'novel', 'image', 'processing', 'technique', 'automatically', 'removing', 'smog', 'rain', 'photographs', 'another', 'tracking', 'full', 'body', 'motion', 'using', 'single', 'camera', 'last', 'year', 'part', 'team', 'prestigious', 'international', 'computer', 'vision', 'award', 'xiaoou', 'tang', 'sensetime', 'founder', 'professor', 'chinese', 'university', 'hong', 'kong', 'wearing', 'suede', 'jacket', 'slacks', 'glasses', 'intense', 'air', 'seems', 'fiercely', 'proud', 'company', 'achievements', 'tang', 'explains', 'company', 'name', 'comes', 'phonetic', 'transcription', 'name', 'shang', 'dynasty', 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'freedoms', 'manufacturing', 'empires', 'built', 'backs', 'migrant', 'workers', 'producing', 'every', 'imaginable', 'product', 'population', 'rose', 'million', 'recent', 'years', 'city', 'reflected', 'china', 'technological', 'progress', 'home', 'global', 'technology', 'companies', 'including', 'networking', 'giant', 'huawei', 'smartphone', 'maker', 'zte', 'electric', 'car', 'company', 'byd', 'there', 'reason', 'china', 'ai', 'fueled', 'economic', 'progress', 'come', 'expense', 'countries', 'countries', 'embrace', 'technology', 'keenly', 'the', 'city', 'main', 'strip', 'lined', 'palm', 'trees', 'gaudy', 'hotels', 'busy', 'bars', 'restaurants', 'tencent', 'headquarters', 'nanshan', 'district', 'spans', 'several', 'large', 'buildings', 'entrance', 'busy', 'subway', 'station', 'stepping', 'inside', 'stifling', 'humidity', 'begin', 'tour', 'touts', 'tencent', 'history', 'achievements', 'shows', 'first', 'technology', 'big', 'impact', 'company', 'launched', 'simple', 'messaging', 'app', 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'developed', 'way', 'prevent', 'women', 'passing', 'certain', 'rare', 'diseases', 'children', 'zhang', 'says', 'also', 'used', 'create', 'rejuvenated', 'eggs', 'calls', 'cure', 'infertility', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'begin', 'offering', 'women', 'aged', 'age', 'chance', 'becoming', 'pregnant', 'declines', 'dramatically', 'zhang', 'highly', 'skilled', 'fertility', 'provocateur', 'last', 'year', 'mexico', 'carried', 'first', 'successful', 'use', 'technique', 'employs', 'delicate', 'hollow', 'needles', 'swap', 'chromosomes', 'woman', 'egg', 'egg', 'donor', 'the', 'process', 'controversial', 'largely', 'untested', 'consider', 'form', 'genetic', 'modification', 'march', 'lengthy', 'public', 'debate', 'u', 'k', 'became', 'first', 'country', 'allow', 'fertility', 'clinic', 'offer', 'similar', 'treatment', 'couple', 'high', 'risk', 'child', 'life', 'threatening', 'genetic', 'disease', 'the', 'technique', 'remains', 'illegal', 'u', 's', 'zhang', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'offer', 'overseas', 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'contents', 'another', 'egg', 'notably', 'energy', 'making', 'structures', 'called', 'mitochondria', 'mitochondria', 'possess', 'small', 'number', 'genes', 'resulting', 'child', 'three', 'genetic', 'parents', 'the', 'cause', 'age', 'related', 'infertility', 'still', 'unknown', 'zhang', 'experts', 'believe', 'faulty', 'mitochondria', 'reason', 'older', 'women', 'easily', 'produce', 'viable', 'embryos', 'zhang', 'thinks', 'technique', 'harnessing', 'young', 'egg', 'help', 'last', 'year', 'zhang', 'team', 'performed', 'spindle', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'eggs', 'woman', 'rare', 'neurological', 'disease', 'called', 'leigh', 'syndrome', 'caused', 'defective', 'mitochondria', 'parents', 'jordanian', 'couple', 'previously', 'two', 'children', 'died', 'disease', 'zhang', 'started', 'obtaining', 'egg', 'donor', 'removing', 'nucleus', 'genetically', 'hollowed', 'out', 'egg', 'injected', 'chromosomes', 'jordanian', 'woman', 'obtained', 'one', 'eggs', 'zhang', 'fertilized', 'reconstructed', 'egg', 'father', 'sperm', 'would', 'occur', 'standard', 'vitro', 'fertilization', 'ivf', 'although', 'embryo', 'created', 'new', 'york', 'city', 'transferred', 'woman', 'uterus', 'mexico', 'u', 's', 'law', 'effectively', 'outlaws', 'use', 'technology', 'healthy', 'baby', 'boy', 'born', 'april', '2016', 'concerns', 'designer', 'babies', 'led', 'congress', 'forbid', 'u', 's', 'food', 'drug', 'administration', 'considering', 'research', 'applications', 'involving', 'type', 'genetically', 'modified', 'embryos', 'including', 'made', 'using', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'technique', 'because', 'regulatory', 'red', 'tape', 'zhang', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'continue', 'making', 'embryos', 'u', 's', 'perform', 'medical', 'procedures', 'new', 'hope', 'clinic', 'guadalajara', 'mexico', 'countries', 'believes', 'embrace', 'idea', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'technique', 'much', 'like', 'iphone', 'designed', 'california', 'assembled', 'china', 'says', 'safety', 'concernsrobin', 'lovell', 'badge', 'developmental', 'biologist', 'francis', 'crick', 'institute', 'london', 'says', 'zhang', 'effort', 'commercialize', 'technology', 'concerning', 'procedure', 'carries', 'potential', 'risks', 'faulty', 'mitochondria', 'still', 'end', 'resulting', 'embryo', 'also', 'chance', 'genetic', 'incompatibility', 'zhang', 'report', 'mexico', 'birth', 'published', 'april', 'reveals', 'damaged', 'dna', 'mother', 'unintentionally', 'transferred', 'donor', 'egg', 'could', 'lead', 'health', 'problems', 'child', 'later', 'life', 'lovell', 'badge', 'part', 'expert', 'panel', 'u', 'k', 'november', 'recommended', 'mitochondrial', 'replacement', 'therapy', 'permitted', 'reasoning', 'worth', 'risk', 'avoid', 'debilitating', 'genetic', 'disease', 'understand', 'desire', 'women', 'children', 'genetically', 'related', 'children', 'says', 'lovell', 'badge', 'risk', 'benefit', 'ratio', 'different', 'question', 'children', 'child', 'suffering', 'terrible', 'disease', 'quite', 'same', 'ainsley', 'newson', 'associate', 'professor', 'bioethics', 'university', 'sydney', 'also', 'thinks', 'limiting', 'use', 'mitochondrial', 'replacement', 'prevent', 'disease', 'under', 'strict', 'regulation', 'research', 'protocol', 'united', 'kingdom', 'is', 'prudent', 'u', 's', 'federal', 'government', 'bars', 'procedure', 'also', 'prohibits', 'funding', 'research', 'fertility', 'treatments', 'human', 'embryos', 'sean', 'tipton', 'spokesperson', 'american', 'society', 'reproductive', 'medicine', 'trade', 'group', 'representing', 'doctors', 'says', 'zhang', 'choice', 'offer', 'process', 'overseas', 'result', 'restrictions', 'government', 'buries', 'head', 'sand', 'refusing', 'let', 'fda', 'even', 'evaluate', 'kind', 'procedure', 'going', 'see', 'efforts', 'move', 'places', 'oversight', 'might', 'done', 'manner', 'would', 'like', 'says', 'tipton', 'designer', 'babieszhang', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'charge', 'spindle', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'estimates', 'market', 'worth', 'billion', 'per', 'year', 'considering', 'many', 'women', 'conceive', 'age', 'ivf', 'attempts', 'women', 'u', 's', 'less', 'percent', 'led', 'successful', 'pregnancy', 'showing', 'much', 'age', 'weighs', 'odds', 'newson', 'worries', 'marketing', 'procedures', 'infertile', 'women', 'equates', 'selling', 'hope', 'often', 'vulnerable', 'women', 'ivf', 'already', 'costly', 'physically', 'draining', 'uncertain', 'undertaking', 'average', 'price', 'ivf', 'treatment', 'runs', 'u', 's', 'according', 'tipton', 'organization', 'many', 'women', 'undergo', 'two', 'three', 'rounds', 'treatment', 'become', 'pregnant', 'zhang', 'says', 'women', 'go', 'ivf', 'already', 'committed', 'getting', 'pregnant', 'reason', 'zhang', 'think', 'dissuaded', 'traveling', 'another', 'country', 'get', 'procedure', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'already', 'received', 'hundreds', 'inquiries', 'prospective', 'parents', 'zhang', 'breakaway', 'plans', 'stop', 'spindle', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'says', 'future', 'step', 'combine', 'technique', 'editing', 'genes', 'parents', 'select', 'hair', 'eye', 'color', 'maybe', 'improve', 'children', 'iq', 'everything', 'step', 'toward', 'designer', 'babies', 'zhang', 'says', 'darwin', 'life', 'nuclear', 'transfer', 'gene', 'editing', 'together', 'really', 'anything', 'want', 'cut', 'read', 'unlimited', 'articles', 'today'], ['employee', 'number', 'seven', 'tesla', 'gene', 'berdichevsky', 'instrumental', 'solving', 'one', 'earliest', 'challenges', 'thousands', 'lithium', 'ion', 'batteries', 'company', 'planned', 'pack', 'electric', 'sports', 'car', 'caught', 'fire', 'far', 'often', 'manufacturers', 'claimed', 'solution', 'combination', 'heat', 'transfer', 'materials', 'cooling', 'channels', 'battery', 'arrangements', 'ensured', 'fire', 'would', 'self', 'contained', 'now', 'berdichevsky', 'cofounded', 'sila', 'nanotechnologies', 'aims', 'make', 'better', 'lithium', 'ion', 'batteries', 'company', 'developed', 'silicon', 'based', 'nanoparticles', 'form', 'high', 'capacity', 'anode', 'silicon', 'almost', 'times', 'theoretical', 'capacity', 'material', 'often', 'used', 'lithium', 'ion', 'batteries', 'tends', 'swell', 'charging', 'causing', 'damage', 'sila', 'particles', 'robust', 'yet', 'porous', 'enough', 'accommodate', 'swelling', 'promising', 'longer', 'lasting', 'batteries', 'james', 'temple'], ['beneath', 'microscope', 'radha', 'boya', 'lab', 'thin', 'sheet', 'carbon', 'almost', 'imperceptible', 'channel', 'cutting', 'center', 'depth', 'single', 'molecule', 'water', 'wanted', 'create', 'ultimately', 'small', 'fluidic', 'channels', 'possible', 'explains', 'boya', 'solution', 'identify', 'best', 'building', 'blocks', 'reliably', 'repeatedly', 'build', 'structure', 'containing', 'unimaginably', 'narrow', 'capillaries', 'settled', 'graphene', 'form', 'carbon', 'single', 'atom', 'thick', 'she', 'positions', 'two', 'sheets', 'graphene', 'single', 'sheet', 'nanometers', 'thick', 'next', 'small', 'lateral', 'gap', 'sandwiched', 'sides', 'slabs', 'graphite', 'material', 'made', 'many', 'layers', 'graphene', 'stacked', 'top', 'result', 'channel', 'nanometers', 'deep', 'nanometers', 'wide', 'cutting', 'block', 'graphite', 'adding', 'extra', 'layers', 'graphene', 'tune', 'size', 'channel', '0', '3', 'nanometer', 'increments', 'but', 'fits', 'something', 'narrow', 'water', 'molecule', 'which', 'measures', 'around', 'nanometers', 'across', 'can', 'pass', 'channel', 'without', 'application', 'pressure', 'two', 'layers', 'graphene', '0', '6', 'nanometer', 'gap', 'water', 'passes', 'one', 'meter', 'per', 'second', 'surface', 'graphene', 'slightly', 'hydrophobic', 'water', 'molecules', 'stick', 'rather', 'walls', 'says', 'boya', 'helps', 'liquid', 'slide', 'easily', 'because', 'gaps', 'consistently', 'sized', 'could', 'used', 'build', 'precisely', 'tuned', 'filtration', 'systems', 'boya', 'performed', 'experiments', 'show', 'channels', 'could', 'filter', 'salt', 'ions', 'water', 'separate', 'large', 'volatile', 'organic', 'compounds', 'smaller', 'gas', 'molecules', 'size', 'consistency', 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'labeled', 'examples', 'learn', 'effectively', 'also', 'possible', 'learn', 'unlabeled', 'data', 'typically', 'worked', 'well', 'goodfellow', 'staff', 'research', 'scientist', 'google', 'brain', 'team', 'wondered', 'two', 'neural', 'networks', 'could', 'work', 'tandem', 'one', 'network', 'could', 'learn', 'data', 'set', 'generate', 'examples', 'second', 'could', 'try', 'tell', 'whether', 'real', 'fake', 'allowing', 'first', 'tweak', 'parameters', 'effort', 'improve', 'returning', 'pub', 'goodfellow', 'coded', 'first', 'example', 'named', 'generative', 'adversarial', 'network', 'gan', 'dueling', 'neural', 'network', 'approach', 'vastly', 'improved', 'learning', 'unlabeled', 'data', 'gans', 'already', 'perform', 'dazzling', 'tricks', 'internalizing', 'characteristics', 'collection', 'photos', 'example', 'gan', 'improve', 'resolution', 'pixelated', 'image', 'also', 'dream', 'realistic', 'fake', 'photos', 'apply', 'particular', 'artistic', 'style', 'image', 'think', 'generative', 'models', 'giving', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'form', 'imagination', 'goodfellow', 'says', 'will', 'knighthear', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['problem', 'americans', 'receive', 'artificial', 'heart', 'valves', 'valves', 'last', 'forever', 'replacing', 'involves', 'costly', 'invasive', 'surgery', 'children', 'must', 'replaced', 'repeatedly', 'solution', 'svenja', 'hinderer', 'leads', 'research', 'group', 'fraunhofer', 'institute', 'stuttgart', 'germany', 'created', 'biodegradable', 'heart', 'valve', 'studies', 'strongly', 'suggest', 'replaced', 'time', 'patient', 'cells', 'to', 'accomplish', 'hinderer', 'created', 'scaffolding', 'biodegradable', 'fibers', 'mimic', 'elastic', 'properties', 'healthy', 'tissues', 'attaches', 'proteins', 'power', 'attract', 'stem', 'cells', 'naturally', 'circulate', 'blood', 'idea', 'implanted', 'heart', 'valve', 'would', 'colonized', 'replaced', 'patient', 'cells', 'within', 'two', 'three', 'years', 'russ', 'juskalian'], ['lorenz', 'meier', 'curious', 'technologies', 'could', 'allow', 'robots', 'move', 'around', 'started', 'looking', 'unimpressed', 'most', 'systems', 'yet', 'even', 'adopted', 'affordable', 'motion', 'sensors', 'found', 'smartphones', 'so', 'meier', 'postdoc', 'swiss', 'federal', 'institute', 'technology', 'zurich', 'built', 'system', 'instead', 'px4', 'open', 'source', 'autopilot', 'autonomous', 'drone', 'control', 'importantly', 'meier', 'system', 'aims', 'use', 'cheap', 'cameras', 'computer', 'logic', 'let', 'drones', 'fly', 'around', 'obstacles', 'determine', 'optimal', 'paths', 'control', 'overall', 'flight', 'little', 'user', 'input', 'already', 'adopted', 'companies', 'including', 'intel', 'qualcomm', 'sony', 'gopro', 'russ', 'juskalian'], ['would', 'hacks', 'augmented', 'reality', 'look', 'like', 'imagine', 'see', 'through', 'ar', 'display', 'car', 'helping', 'navigate', 'now', 'imagine', 'hacker', 'adding', 'images', 'virtual', 'dogs', 'pedestrians', 'street', 'franzi', 'roesner', 'recognized', 'challenge', 'early', 'leading', 'thinking', 'security', 'privacy', 'provisions', 'ar', 'devices', 'need', 'protect', 'research', 'group', 'university', 'washington', 'created', 'prototype', 'ar', 'platform', 'example', 'block', 'windshield', 'app', 'hiding', 'signs', 'people', 'real', 'world', 'car', 'motion', 'asking', 'question', 'could', 'buggy', 'malicious', 'application', 'says', 'rachel', 'metzhear', 'augmented', 'reality', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['hard', 'navigate', 'human', 'environment', 'without', 'seeing', 'says', 'olga', 'russakovsky', 'assistant', 'professor', 'princeton', 'working', 'create', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'systems', 'better', 'understanding', 'looking', 'at', 'a', 'years', 'ago', 'machines', 'capable', 'spotting', 'objects', 'a', 'list', 'included', 'people', 'airplanes', 'chairs', 'russakovsky', 'devised', 'method', 'based', 'partly', 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'need', 'russakovsky', 'took', 'rather', 'conventional', 'path', 'studying', 'mathematics', 'undergrad', 'stanford', 'also', 'earned', 'phd', 'computer', 'science', 'postdoc', 'carnegie', 'mellon', 'suggests', 'also', 'need', 'many', 'others', 'biologists', 'maybe', 'great', 'coding', 'bring', 'expertise', 'need', 'psychologists', 'the', 'diversity', 'thought', 'really', 'injects', 'creativity', 'field', 'allows', 'us', 'think', 'broadly', 'type', 'problems', 'tackling', 'rather', 'coming', 'one', 'particular', 'angle', 'erika', 'berashear', 'robotics', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['crystalline', 'silicon', 'panels', 'which', 'make', 'percent', 'deployed', 'photovoltaics', 'are', 'expensive', 'already', 'bumping', 'efficiency', 'limits', 'converting', 'sunlight', 'electricity', 'years', 'ago', 'michael', 's', 'aliba', 'researcher', 'swiss', 'federal', 'institute', 'technology', 'lausanne', 'set', 'investigate', 'new', 'type', 'solar', 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'francisco'], ['joshua', 'browder', 'determined', 'upend', 'billion', 'legal', 'services', 'market', 'things', 'chatbots', 'thinks', 'chatbots', 'automate', 'many', 'tasks', 'lawyers', 'business', 'charging', 'high', 'hourly', 'rate', 'complete', 'never', 'hassle', 'engage', 'legal', 'process', 'never', 'question', 'afford', 'pay', 'says', 'browder', 'question', 'right', 'outcome', 'getting', 'justice', 'browder', 'started', 'small', 'creating', 'simple', 'tool', 'called', 'donotpay', 'help', 'people', 'contest', 'parking', 'tickets', 'came', 'idea', 'successfully', 'contesting', 'many', 'tickets', 'friends', 'urged', 'create', 'app', 'could', 'benefit', 'approach', 'question', 'right', 'outcome', 'getting', 'justice', 'browder', 'basic', 'robot', 'lawyer', 'asks', 'bits', 'information', 'which', 'state', 'ticket', 'issued', 'date', 'and', 'uses', 'generate', 'form', 'letter', 'asking', 'charges', 'dropped', 'far', 'people', 'avoided', 'million', 'penalties', 'says', 'in', 'early', 'july', 'donotpay', 'expanded', 'portfolio', 'include', 'relatively', 'discrete', 'legal', 'tasks', 'lodging', 'workplace', 'discrimination', 'complaint', 'canceling', 'online', 'marketing', 'trial', 'days', 'later', 'introduced', 'open', 'source', 'tools', 'others', 'including', 'lawyers', 'coding', 'experience', 'could', 'use', 'create', 'chatbots', 'warren', 'agin', 'adjunct', 'law', 'professor', 'boston', 'college', 'created', 'one', 'people', 'declared', 'bankruptcy', 'use', 'fend', 'creditors', 'debtors', 'lot', 'legal', 'tools', 'available', 'know', 'says', 'browder', 'sweeping', 'plans', 'wants', 'automate', 'least', 'simplify', 'famously', 'painful', 'legal', 'processes', 'applying', 'political', 'asylum', 'getting', 'divorce', 'huge', 'challenges', 'remain', 'browder', 'likely', 'run', 'obstacles', 'laid', 'lawyers', 'intent', 'maximizing', 'billable', 'hours', 'consumers', 'wary', 'relying', 'heavily', 'algorithms', 'rather', 'flesh', 'and', 'blood', 'lawyers', 'peter', 'burrows'], ['five', 'years', 'ago', 'phillipa', 'gill', 'began', 'research', 'fellowship', 'university', 'toronto', 'citizen', 'lab', 'surprised', 'find', 'real', 'accepted', 'approach', 'empirically', 'measuring', 'censorship', 'gill', 'assistant', 'professor', 'computer', 'science', 'university', 'massachusetts', 'amherst', 'built', 'set', 'new', 'measurement', 'tools', 'detect', 'quantify', 'practices', 'one', 'technique', 'automatically', 'detects', 'so', 'called', 'block', 'pages', 'tell', 'user', 'site', 'blocked', 'government', 'entity', 'gill', 'colleagues', 'used', 'methods', 'confirm', 'state', 'owned', 'isp', 'yemen', 'using', 'traffic', 'filtering', 'device', 'block', 'political', 'content', 'armed', 'conflict', 'mike', 'orcutt'], ['problem', 'complex', 'microprocessors', 'like', 'heart', 'autonomous', 'driving', 'artificial', 'intelligence', 'can', 'overheat', 'shut', 'happens', 'usually', 'fault', 'internal', 'component', 'scale', 'nanometers', 'decades', 'nobody', 'designed', 'chips', 'could', 'figure', 'way', 'measure', 'temperatures', 'scale', 'minuscule', 'parts', 'solution', 'fabian', 'menges', 'researcher', 'ibm', 'research', 'zurich', 'switzerland', 'invented', 'scanning', 'probe', 'method', 'measures', 'changes', 'thermal', 'resistance', 'variations', 'rate', 'heat', 'flows', 'surface', 'determine', 'temperature', 'structures', 'smaller', 'nanometers', 'let', 'chipmakers', 'come', 'designs', 'better', 'dissipating', 'heat', 'russ', 'juskalian'], ['volodymyr', 'mnih', 'research', 'scientist', 'deepmind', 'created', 'first', 'system', 'demonstrate', 'human', 'level', 'performance', 'almost', 'atari', 'video', 'games', 'including', 'pong', 'space', 'invaders', 'minh', 'system', 'first', 'combine', 'playful', 'characteristics', 'reinforcement', 'learning', 'rigorous', 'approach', 'deep', 'learning', 'mirrors', 'way', 'human', 'brain', 'processes', 'information', 'learning', 'example', 'software', 'learned', 'play', 'games', 'much', 'human', 'would', 'playful', 'trial', 'error', 'using', 'game', 'score', 'measurement', 'hone', 'perfect', 'technique', 'game', 'simon', 'parkin'], ['driverless', 'cars', 'use', 'laser', 'sensors', 'lidar', 'map', 'surroundings', '3', 'd', 'spot', 'obstacles', 'cheap', 'new', 'sensors', 'may', 'accurate', 'enough', 'high', 'speed', 'use', 'suited', 'roomba', 'says', 'austin', 'russell', 'dropped', 'stanford', 'set', 'lidar', 'company', 'luminar', 'biggest', 'fear', 'people', 'prematurely', 'deploy', 'autonomous', 'cars', 'unsafe', 'luminar', 'device', 'uses', 'longer', 'wavelength', 'light', 'sensors', 'allowing', 'spot', 'dark', 'objects', 'twice', 'far', 'miles', 'per', 'hour', 'three', 'extra', 'seconds', 'warning', 'jamie', 'condliffe'], ['safety', 'never', 'used', 'much', 'concern', 'machine', 'learning', 'systems', 'goof', 'made', 'image', 'labeling', 'speech', 'recognition', 'might', 'annoying', 'put', 'anybody', 'life', 'risk', 'autonomous', 'cars', 'drones', 'manufacturing', 'robots', 'raised', 'stakes', 'angela', 'schoellig', 'leads', 'dynamic', 'systems', 'lab', 'university', 'toronto', 'developed', 'learning', 'algorithms', 'allow', 'robots', 'learn', 'together', 'order', 'ensure', 'example', 'flying', 'robot', 'never', 'crashes', 'wall', 'navigating', 'unknown', 'place', 'self', 'driving', 'vehicle', 'never', 'leaves', 'lane', 'driving', 'new', 'city', 'work', 'demonstrably', 'extended', 'capabilities', 'today', 'robots', 'enabling', 'self', 'flying', 'self', 'driving', 'vehicles', 'fly', 'drive', 'along', 'predefined', 'path', 'despite', 'uncertainties', 'wind', 'changing', 'payloads', 'unknown', 'road', 'conditions', 'as', 'phd', 'student', 'swiss', 'federal', 'institute', 'technology', 'zurich', 'schoellig', 'worked', 'others', 'develop', 'flying', 'machine', 'arena', '10', 'cubic', 'meter', 'space', 'training', 'drones', 'fly', 'together', 'enclosed', 'area', 'created', 'performance', 'fleet', 'uavs', 'flew', 'synchronously', 'music', 'dancing', 'quadrocopter', 'project', 'became', 'known', 'used', 'algorithms', 'allowed', 'drones', 'adapt', 'movements', 'match', 'music', 'tempo', 'character', 'coordinate', 'avoid', 'collision', 'without', 'need', 'researchers', 'manually', 'control', 'flight', 'paths', 'setup', 'decoupled', 'two', 'essential', 'usually', 'intertwined', 'components', 'autonomous', 'systems', 'perception', 'action', 'by', 'placing', 'center', 'space', 'high', 'precision', 'overhead', 'motion', 'capture', 'system', 'perfectly', 'locate', 'multiple', 'objects', 'rates', 'exceeding', 'frames', 'per', 'second', 'external', 'system', 'enabled', 'team', 'concentrate', 'resources', 'vehicle', 'control', 'algorithms', 'simon', 'parkinhear', 'machine', 'learning', 'experts', 'emtech', 'digital', 'conference', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['sizable', 'percentage', 'hospital', 'patients', 'end', 'infection', 'arrived', 'among', 'lethal', 'clostridium', 'difficile', 'bacterium', 'spreads', 'easily', 'hospitals', 'health', 'care', 'facilities', 'source', 'almost', 'half', 'million', 'infections', 'among', 'patients', 'united', 'states', 'single', 'year', 'according', 'report', 'centers', 'disease', 'control', 'prevention', 'fifteen', 'thousand', 'deaths', 'directly', 'attributable', 'bug', 'jenna', 'wiens', 'assistant', 'professor', 'computer', 'science', 'engineering', 'university', 'michigan', 'thinks', 'hospitals', 'could', 'learn', 'prevent', 'many', 'infections', 'deaths', 'taking', 'advantage', 'vast', 'amounts', 'data', 'already', 'collect', 'patients', 'think', 'really', 'get', 'value', 'data', 'collecting', 'necessary', 'taking', 'machine', 'learning', 'data', 'mining', 'approach', 'says', 'wiens', 'developed', 'computational', 'models', 'use', 'algorithms', 'search', 'data', 'contained', 'hospital', 'electronic', 'health', 'records', 'system', 'including', 'patients', 'medication', 'prescriptions', 'lab', 'results', 'records', 'procedures', 'undergone', 'models', 'tease', 'specific', 'risk', 'factors', 'c', 'difficile', 'hospital', 'traditional', 'approach', 'would', 'start', 'small', 'number', 'variables', 'believe', 'risk', 'factors', 'make', 'model', 'based', 'risk', 'factors', 'approach', 'essentially', 'throws', 'everything', 'available', 'wiens', 'says', 'readily', 'adapted', 'different', 'types', 'data', 'aside', 'using', 'information', 'treat', 'patients', 'earlier', 'prevent', 'infections', 'altogether', 'wiens', 'says', 'model', 'could', 'used', 'help', 'researchers', 'carry', 'clinical', 'trials', 'new', 'treatments', 'like', 'novel', 'antibiotics', 'studies', 'difficult', 'past', 'hospital', 'acquired', 'infections', 'like', 'c', 'difficile', 'the', 'infections', 'come', 'fast', 'little', 'time', 'enroll', 'patient', 'trial', 'using', 'wiens', 'model', 'researchers', 'could', 'identify', 'patients', 'vulnerable', 'infections', 'study', 'proposed', 'intervention', 'based', 'risk', 'at', 'time', 'health', 'care', 'costs', 'rising', 'exponentially', 'hard', 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'elastic', 'security', 'network', 'quickly', 'divert', 'benign', 'traffic', 'new', 'ip', 'address', 'face', 'ddos', 'attack', 'eliminating', 'need', 'pile', 'bandwidth', 'system', 'would', 'greatly', 'reduce', 'cost', 'keeping', 'internet', 'safe', 'yiting', 'sun']]\n",
"[['go', 'go', 'thought', 'race', 'grégoir', 'courtin', 'mind', 'the', 'french', 'neuroscientist', 'watch', 'macaqu', 'monkey', 'hunch', 'aggress', 'one', 'end', 'treadmil', 'team', 'use', 'blade', 'slice', 'halfway', 'anim', 'spinal', 'cord', 'paralyz', 'right', 'leg', 'courtin', 'want', 'prove', 'could', 'get', 'monkey', 'walk', 'colleagu', 'instal', 'record', 'devic', 'beneath', 'skull', 'touch', 'motor', 'cortex', 'sutur', 'pad', 'flexibl', 'electrod', 'around', 'anim', 'spinal', 'cord', 'injuri', 'wireless', 'connect', 'join', 'two', 'electron', 'devic', 'the', 'result', 'system', 'read', 'monkey', 'intent', 'move', 'transmit', 'immedi', 'form', 'burst', 'electr', 'stimul', 'spine', 'soon', 'enough', 'monkey', 'right', 'leg', 'began', 'move', 'extend', 'flex', 'extend', 'flex', 'hobbl', 'forward', 'monkey', 'think', 'boom', 'walk', 'recal', 'exult', 'courtin', 'professor', 'switzerland', 'école', 'polytechniqu', 'fédérale', 'de', 'lausann', 'in', 'recent', 'year', 'lab', 'anim', 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'popular', 'passeng', 'servic', 'take', 'road', 'first', 'wrestl', 'regul', 'later', 'otto', 'everyth', 'strict', 'book', 'note', 'berdini', 'even', 'volvo', 'almqvist', 'think', 'technolog', 'make', 'public', 'road', 'not', 'too', 'distant', 'futur', 'time', 'crucial', 'add', 'soon', 'accid', 'hurt', 'industri', 'lose', 'public', 'trust', 'difficult', 'regain', 'it', 'cut', 'read', 'unlimit', 'articl', 'today'], ['short', 'walk', 'door', 'face', 'chines', 'startup', 'valu', 'rough', 'billion', 'dollar', 'see', 'face', 'unshaven', 'look', 'bit', 'jet', 'lag', 'flash', 'larg', 'screen', 'near', 'entranc', 'have', 'ad', 'databas', 'face', 'provid', 'automat', 'access', 'build', 'also', 'use', 'monitor', 'movement', 'room', 'insid', 'tour', 'offic', 'face', 'pronounc', 'face', 'plus', 'plus', 'locat', 'suburb', 'beij', 'see', 'appear', 'sever', 'screen', 'automat', 'captur', 'countless', 'angl', 'compani', 'softwar', 'one', 'screen', 'video', 'show', 'softwar', 'track', 'differ', 'point', 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'million', 'peopl', 'annual', 'middl', 'centuri', 'the', 'idea', 'could', 'counteract', 'danger', 'reëengin', 'climat', 'techniqu', 'collect', 'known', 'geoengin', 'began', 'emerg', 'scientif', 'fring', 'decad', 'ago', 'see', 'geoengin', 'gambit', 'momentum', 'behind', 'idea', 'build', 'increas', 'grim', 'climat', 'project', 'convinc', 'grow', 'number', 'scientist', 'time', 'start', 'conduct', 'experi', 'find', 'might', 'work', 'addit', 'impress', 'list', 'institut', 'includ', 'harvard', 'univers', 'carnegi', 'council', 'univers', 'california', 'los', 'angel', 'recent', 'establish', 'research', 'initi', 'few', 'serious', 'scientist', 'would', 'argu', 'begin', 'deploy', 'geoengin', 'anytim', 'soon', 'time', 'run', 'imper', 'explor', 'option', 'could', 'pull', 'world', 'back', 'brink', 'catastroph', 'say', 'jane', 'long', 'former', 'associ', 'director', 'lawrenc', 'livermor', 'nation', 'laboratori', 'realli', 'know', 'answer', 'say', 'believ', 'need', 'keep', 'say', 'truth', 'truth', 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'peopl', 'without', 'access', 'adequ', 'watermor', 'peopl', 'expos', 'major', 'river', 'floodsmor', 'peopl', 'subject', 'coastal', 'floodingdeclin', 'global', 'maiz', 'productivitythough', 'serious', 'reserv', 'geoengin', 'decid', 'explor', 'idea', 'colleagu', 'publish', 'paper', 'suggest', 'seed', 'cirrus', 'cloud', 'tini', 'particl', 'bismuth', 'tri', 'iodid', 'inorgan', 'compound', 'may', 'break', 'necessari', 'sub', 'micromet', 'size', 'might', 'substanti', 'offset', 'climat', 'chang', 'recent', 'mitchel', 'estim', 'would', 'take', 'around', 'ton', 'materi', 'annual', 'seed', 'cloud', 'area', 'mind', 'cost', 'million', 'drop', 'spring', 'wheat', 'yieldsof', 'plant', 'speci', 'lose', 'half', 'suitabl', 'habitatof', 'mammal', 'speci', 'lose', 'habitatnot', 'everyon', 'agre', 'propos', 'would', 'work', 'paper', 'scienc', 'led', 'mit', 'atmospher', 'scientist', 'dan', 'cziczo', 'conclud', 'format', 'ice', 'crystal', 'around', 'dust', 'known', 'heterogen', 'ice', 'nucleat', 'alreadi', 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'indic', 'sort', 'cloud', 'mitchel', 'mind', 'the', 'satellit', 'imag', 'suggest', 'cold', 'humid', 'condit', 'toward', 'pole', 'particular', 'winter', 'tini', 'ice', 'crystal', 'form', 'spontan', 'without', 'dust', 'suggest', 'cloud', 'seed', 'could', 'work', 'target', 'area', 'month', 'mitchel', 'even', 'think', 'come', 'way', 'get', 'natur', 'carri', 'field', 'experi', 'test', 'theori', 'spring', 'winter', 'strong', 'wind', 'regular', 'stir', 'major', 'dust', 'storm', 'desert', 'mongolia', 'western', 'edg', 'china', 'fine', 'particl', 'blow', 'across', 'pacif', 'run', 'atmospher', 'wave', 'roll', 'rocki', 'mountain', 'if', 'mitchel', 'correct', 'dust', 'promot', 'thinner', 'cirrus', 'cloud', 'area', 'thicker', 'type', 'otherwis', 'tend', 'domin', 'way', 'proper', 'observ', 'phenomenon', 'until', 'late', 'last', 'year', 'nation', 'ocean', 'atmospher', 'administr', 'launch', 'satellit', 'equip', 'power', 'imag', 'technolog', 'ever', 'launch', 'space', 'well', 'sensor', 'measur', 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'bit', 'otherwis', 'deepli', 'flaw', 'bill', 'actual', 'worth', 'support', 'hear', 'secur', 'expert', 'emtech', 'digit', 'confer', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['probabl', 'read', 'new', 'year', 'brought', 'glad', 'tide', 'bitcoin', 'januari', 'cryptocurr', 'hit', 'three', 'year', 'high', 'valu', 'reach', 'much', 'matter', 'fact', 'serv', 'highlight', 'shortcom', 'currenc', 'blockchain', 'advoc', 'may', 'breathless', 'point', 'increas', 'valu', 'mean', 'collect', 'worth', 'currenc', 'total', 'much', 'billion', 'sound', 'like', 'lot', 'financi', 'time', 'point', 'paywal', 'context', 'central', 'intellig', 'agenc', 'put', 'planet', 'stock', 'broad', 'money', 'note', 'coin', 'various', 'form', 'bank', 'account', 'at', '82tn', 'end', 'cia', 'figur', 'valu', 'bitcoin', 'hash', 'exist', 'similar', 'broad', 'money', 'total', 'uzbekistani', 'som', 'apolog', 'tashkent', 'valu', 'som', 'bitcoin', 'number', 'peopl', 'relev', 'piec', 'inform', 'world', 'modern', 'financ', 'round', 'zero', 'in', 'word', 'even', 'valu', 'bitcoin', 'make', 'much', 'impress', 'grand', 'scheme', 'thing', 'fact', 'rise', 'price', 'even', 'hint', 'troubl', 'the', 'regist', 'note', 'recent', 'rise', 'bitcoin', 'may', 'attribut', 'remov', 'high', 'valu', 'bank', 'note', 'india', 'venezuela', 'perhap', 'signific', 'steadi', 'devalu', 'chines', 'yuan', 'new', 'york', 'time', 'report', 'last', 'year', 'small', 'band', 'chines', 'compani', 'effect', 'gain', 'control', 'currenc', 'domest', 'currenc', 'valu', 'fallen', 'demand', 'digit', 'currenc', 'risen', 'drive', 'valu', 'but', 'central', 'unwelcom', 'mani', 'user', 'currenc', 'outsid', 'china', 'structur', 'bitcoin', 'mean', 'singl', 'user', 'mine', 'major', 'currenc', 'abl', 'rewrit', 'blockchain', 'see', 'fit', 'even', 'veto', 'chang', 'under', 'technolog', 'chang', 'probabl', 'need', 'currenc', 'grow', 'which', 'financi', 'time', 'argu', 'clear', 'need', 'to', 'it', 'need', 'technic', 'redesign', 'current', 'bitcoin', 'toler', 'transact', 'per', 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'year', 'mexico', 'carri', 'first', 'success', 'use', 'techniqu', 'employ', 'delic', 'hollow', 'needl', 'swap', 'chromosom', 'woman', 'egg', 'egg', 'donor', 'the', 'process', 'controversi', 'larg', 'untest', 'consid', 'form', 'genet', 'modif', 'march', 'lengthi', 'public', 'debat', 'becam', 'first', 'countri', 'allow', 'fertil', 'clinic', 'offer', 'similar', 'treatment', 'coupl', 'high', 'risk', 'child', 'life', 'threaten', 'genet', 'diseas', 'the', 'techniqu', 'remain', 'illeg', 'zhang', 'say', 'darwin', 'life', 'offer', 'oversea', 'say', 'compani', 'assess', 'hand', 'hope', 'women', 'may', 'abl', 'benefit', 'the', 'format', 'compani', 'alarm', 'observ', 'say', 'process', 'new', 'commerci', 'wide', 'could', 'creat', 'increas', 'demand', 'donor', 'suppli', 'egg', 'biolog', 'extrem', 'riski', 'procedur', 'say', 'marci', 'darnovski', 'execut', 'director', 'center', 'genet', 'societi', 'group', 'question', 'advanc', 'biotechnolog', 'talk', 'use', 'techniqu', 'age', 'relat', 'infertil', 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'promis', 'longer', 'last', 'batteri', 'jame', 'templ'], ['beneath', 'microscop', 'radha', 'boya', 'lab', 'thin', 'sheet', 'carbon', 'almost', 'impercept', 'channel', 'cut', 'center', 'depth', 'singl', 'molecul', 'water', 'want', 'creat', 'ultim', 'small', 'fluidic', 'channel', 'possibl', 'explain', 'boya', 'solut', 'identifi', 'best', 'build', 'block', 'reliabl', 'repeat', 'build', 'structur', 'contain', 'unimagin', 'narrow', 'capillari', 'settl', 'graphen', 'form', 'carbon', 'singl', 'atom', 'thick', 'she', 'posit', 'two', 'sheet', 'graphen', 'singl', 'sheet', 'nanomet', 'thick', 'next', 'small', 'later', 'gap', 'sandwich', 'side', 'slab', 'graphit', 'materi', 'made', 'mani', 'layer', 'graphen', 'stack', 'top', 'result', 'channel', 'nanomet', 'deep', 'nanomet', 'wide', 'cut', 'block', 'graphit', 'ad', 'extra', 'layer', 'graphen', 'tune', 'size', 'channel', 'nanomet', 'increment', 'but', 'fit', 'someth', 'narrow', 'water', 'molecul', 'which', 'measur', 'around', 'nanomet', 'across', 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['would', 'hack', 'augment', 'realiti', 'look', 'like', 'imagin', 'see', 'through', 'ar', 'display', 'car', 'help', 'navig', 'now', 'imagin', 'hacker', 'ad', 'imag', 'virtual', 'dog', 'pedestrian', 'street', 'franzi', 'roesner', 'recogn', 'challeng', 'earli', 'lead', 'think', 'secur', 'privaci', 'provis', 'ar', 'devic', 'need', 'protect', 'research', 'group', 'univers', 'washington', 'creat', 'prototyp', 'ar', 'platform', 'exampl', 'block', 'windshield', 'app', 'hide', 'sign', 'peopl', 'real', 'world', 'car', 'motion', 'ask', 'question', 'could', 'buggi', 'malici', 'applic', 'say', 'rachel', 'metzhear', 'augment', 'realiti', 'expert', 'emtech', 'digit', 'confer', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['hard', 'navig', 'human', 'environ', 'without', 'see', 'say', 'olga', 'russakovski', 'assist', 'professor', 'princeton', 'work', 'creat', 'artifici', 'intellig', 'system', 'better', 'understand', 'look', 'at', 'year', 'ago', 'machin', 'capabl', 'spot', 'object', 'list', 'includ', 'peopl', 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'expert', 'emtech', 'digit', 'confer', 'march', 'san', 'francisco'], ['talli', 'gome', 'spent', 'four', 'year', 'ceo', 'easytaxi', 'uber', 'brazil', 'decid', 'aim', 'concept', 'new', 'direct', 'the', 'beauti', 'industri', 'his', 'on', 'demand', 'servic', 'platform', 'call', 'singu', 'allow', 'custom', 'summon', 'masseus', 'manicurist', 'beauti', 'profession', 'home', 'offic', 'schedul', 'done', 'algorithm', 'factor', 'data', 'singu', 'third', 'parti', 'includ', 'locat', 'weather', 'profession', 'see', 'fewer', 'custom', 'would', 'shop', 'make', 'money', 'cover', 'overhead', 'gome', 'say', 'algorithm', 'get', 'manicurist', 'mani', 'custom', 'month', 'earn', '000', 'compar', 'lawyer', 'junior', 'engin', 'might', 'make', 'nanett', 'byrn'], ['kathi', 'gong', 'becam', 'chess', 'master', 'four', 'year', 'later', 'board', 'plane', 'one', 'way', 'ticket', 'new', 'york', 'citi', 'attend', 'columbia', 'univers', 'knew', 'littl', 'english', 'time', 'learn', 'studi', 'graduat', 'return', 'china', 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'autom', 'system', 'place', 'scan', 'blood', 'sampl', 'trace', 'tumor', 'dna', 'so', 'call', 'liquid', 'biopsi', 'collect', 'genet', 'inform', 'advanc', 'cancer', 'might', 'lead', 'clue', 'drive', 'diseas', 'later', 'stage', 'drug', 'give', 'patient', 'adalsteinsson', 'whose', 'mother', 'succumb', 'breast', 'cancer', 'earn', 'phd', 'look', 'improv', 'treatment', 'part', 'sever', 'project', 'includ', 'one', 'send', 'blood', 'collect', 'tube', 'women', 'fight', 'breast', 'cancer', 'across', 'america', 'doctor', 'patient', 'cross', 'finger', 'lot', 'watch', 'wait', 'say', 'adalsteinsson', 'close', 'monitor', 'patient', 'respons', 'therapi', 'see', 'caus', 'treatment', 'fail', 'antonio', 'regalado'], ['human', 'like', 'artifici', 'intellig', 'still', 'long', 'way', 'greg', 'brockman', 'believ', 'time', 'start', 'think', 'safeti', 'help', 'build', 'onlin', 'payment', 'firm', 'stripe', 'cofound', 'openai', 'along', 'elon', 'musk', 'other', 'nonprofit', 'research', 'group', 'focus', 'make', 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'contest', 'mani', 'ticket', 'friend', 'urg', 'creat', 'app', 'could', 'benefit', 'approach', 'question', 'right', 'outcom', 'get', 'justic', 'browder', 'basic', 'robot', 'lawyer', 'ask', 'bit', 'inform', 'which', 'state', 'ticket', 'issu', 'date', 'and', 'use', 'generat', 'form', 'letter', 'ask', 'charg', 'drop', 'far', 'peopl', 'avoid', 'million', 'penalti', 'say', 'in', 'earli', 'juli', 'donotpay', 'expand', 'portfolio', 'includ', 'relat', 'discret', 'legal', 'task', 'lodg', 'workplac', 'discrimin', 'complaint', 'cancel', 'onlin', 'market', 'trial', 'day', 'later', 'introduc', 'open', 'sourc', 'tool', 'other', 'includ', 'lawyer', 'code', 'experi', 'could', 'use', 'creat', 'chatbot', 'warren', 'agin', 'adjunct', 'law', 'professor', 'boston', 'colleg', 'creat', 'one', 'peopl', 'declar', 'bankruptci', 'use', 'fend', 'creditor', 'debtor', 'lot', 'legal', 'tool', 'avail', 'know', 'say', 'browder', 'sweep', 'plan', 'want', 'autom', 'least', 'simplifi', 'famous', 'pain', 'legal', 'process', 'appli', 'polit', 'asylum', 'get', 'divorc', 'huge', 'challeng', 'remain', 'browder', 'like', 'run', 'obstacl', 'laid', 'lawyer', 'intent', 'maxim', 'billabl', 'hour', 'consum', 'wari', 'reli', 'heavili', 'algorithm', 'rather', 'flesh', 'and', 'blood', 'lawyer', 'peter', 'burrow'], ['five', 'year', 'ago', 'phillipa', 'gill', 'began', 'research', 'fellowship', 'univers', 'toronto', 'citizen', 'lab', 'surpris', 'find', 'real', 'accept', 'approach', 'empir', 'measur', 'censorship', 'gill', 'assist', 'professor', 'comput', 'scienc', 'univers', 'massachusett', 'amherst', 'built', 'set', 'new', 'measur', 'tool', 'detect', 'quantifi', 'practic', 'one', 'techniqu', 'automat', 'detect', 'so', 'call', 'block', 'page', 'tell', 'user', 'site', 'block', 'govern', 'entiti', 'gill', 'colleagu', 'use', 'method', 'confirm', 'state', 'own', 'isp', 'yemen', 'use', 'traffic', 'filter', 'devic', 'block', 'polit', 'content', 'arm', 'conflict', 'mike', 'orcutt'], ['problem', 'complex', 'microprocessor', 'like', 'heart', 'autonom', 'drive', 'artifici', 'intellig', 'can', 'overheat', 'shut', 'happen', 'usual', 'fault', 'intern', 'compon', 'scale', 'nanomet', 'decad', 'nobodi', 'design', 'chip', 'could', 'figur', 'way', 'measur', 'temperatur', 'scale', 'minuscul', 'part', 'solut', 'fabian', 'meng', 'research', 'ibm', 'research', 'zurich', 'switzerland', 'invent', 'scan', 'probe', 'method', 'measur', 'chang', 'thermal', 'resist', 'variat', 'rate', 'heat', 'flow', 'surfac', 'determin', 'temperatur', 'structur', 'smaller', 'nanomet', 'let', 'chipmak', 'come', 'design', 'better', 'dissip', 'heat', 'russ', 'juskalian'], ['volodymyr', 'mnih', 'research', 'scientist', 'deepmind', 'creat', 'first', 'system', 'demonstr', 'human', 'level', 'perform', 'almost', 'atari', 'video', 'game', 'includ', 'pong', 'space', 'invad', 'minh', 'system', 'first', 'combin', 'play', 'characterist', 'reinforc', 'learn', 'rigor', 'approach', 'deep', 'learn', 'mirror', 'way', 'human', 'brain', 'process', 'inform', 'learn', 'exampl', 'softwar', 'learn', 'play', 'game', 'much', 'human', 'would', 'play', 'trial', 'error', 'use', 'game', 'score', 'measur', 'hone', 'perfect', 'techniqu', 'game', 'simon', 'parkin'], ['driverless', 'car', 'use', 'laser', 'sensor', 'lidar', 'map', 'surround', 'spot', 'obstacl', 'cheap', 'new', 'sensor', 'may', 'accur', 'enough', 'high', 'speed', 'use', 'suit', 'roomba', 'say', 'austin', 'russel', 'drop', 'stanford', 'set', 'lidar', 'compani', 'luminar', 'biggest', 'fear', 'peopl', 'prematur', 'deploy', 'autonom', 'car', 'unsaf', 'luminar', 'devic', 'use', 'longer', 'wavelength', 'light', 'sensor', 'allow', 'spot', 'dark', 'object', 'twice', 'far', 'mile', 'per', 'hour', 'three', 'extra', 'second', 'warn', 'jami', 'condliff'], ['safeti', 'never', 'use', 'much', 'concern', 'machin', 'learn', 'system', 'goof', 'made', 'imag', 'label', 'speech', 'recognit', 'might', 'annoy', 'put', 'anybodi', 'life', 'risk', 'autonom', 'car', 'drone', 'manufactur', 'robot', 'rais', 'stake', 'angela', 'schoellig', 'lead', 'dynam', 'system', 'lab', 'univers', 'toronto', 'develop', 'learn', 'algorithm', 'allow', 'robot', 'learn', 'togeth', 'order', 'ensur', 'exampl', 'fli', 'robot', 'never', 'crash', 'wall', 'navig', 'unknown', 'place', 'self', 'drive', 'vehicl', 'never', 'leav', 'lane', 'drive', 'new', 'citi', 'work', 'demonstr', 'extend', 'capabl', 'today', 'robot', 'enabl', 'self', 'fli', 'self', 'drive', 'vehicl', 'fli', 'drive', 'along', 'predefin', 'path', 'despit', 'uncertainti', 'wind', 'chang', 'payload', 'unknown', 'road', 'condit', 'as', 'phd', 'student', 'swiss', 'feder', 'institut', 'technolog', 'zurich', 'schoellig', 'work', 'other', 'develop', 'fli', 'machin', 'arena', '10', 'cubic', 'meter', 'space', 'train', 'drone', 'fli', 'togeth', 'enclos', 'area', 'creat', 'perform', 'fleet', 'uav', 'flew', 'synchron', 'music', 'danc', 'quadrocopt', 'project', 'becam', 'known', 'use', 'algorithm', 'allow', 'drone', 'adapt', 'movement', 'match', 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'death', 'direct', 'attribut', 'bug', 'jenna', 'wien', 'assist', 'professor', 'comput', 'scienc', 'engin', 'univers', 'michigan', 'think', 'hospit', 'could', 'learn', 'prevent', 'mani', 'infect', 'death', 'take', 'advantag', 'vast', 'amount', 'data', 'alreadi', 'collect', 'patient', 'think', 'realli', 'get', 'valu', 'data', 'collect', 'necessari', 'take', 'machin', 'learn', 'data', 'mine', 'approach', 'say', 'wien', 'develop', 'comput', 'model', 'use', 'algorithm', 'search', 'data', 'contain', 'hospit', 'electron', 'health', 'record', 'system', 'includ', 'patient', 'medic', 'prescript', 'lab', 'result', 'record', 'procedur', 'undergon', 'model', 'teas', 'specif', 'risk', 'factor', 'difficil', 'hospit', 'tradit', 'approach', 'would', 'start', 'small', 'number', 'variabl', 'believ', 'risk', 'factor', 'make', 'model', 'base', 'risk', 'factor', 'approach', 'essenti', 'throw', 'everyth', 'avail', 'wien', 'say', 'readili', 'adapt', 'differ', 'type', 'data', 'asid', 'use', 'inform', 'treat', 'patient', 'earlier', 'prevent', 'infect', 'altogeth', 'wien', 'say', 'model', 'could', 'use', 'help', 'research', 'carri', 'clinic', 'trial', 'new', 'treatment', 'like', 'novel', 'antibiot', 'studi', 'difficult', 'past', 'hospit', 'acquir', 'infect', 'like', 'difficil', 'the', 'infect', 'come', 'fast', 'littl', 'time', 'enrol', 'patient', 'trial', 'use', 'wien', 'model', 'research', 'could', 'identifi', 'patient', 'vulner', 'infect', 'studi', 'propos', 'intervent', 'base', 'risk', 'at', 'time', 'health', 'care', 'cost', 'rise', 'exponenti', 'hard', 'imagin', 'hospit', 'want', 'spend', 'money', 'new', 'machin', 'learn', 'approach', 'wien', 'hope', 'hospit', 'see', 'valu', 'hire', 'data', 'scientist', 'think', 'bigger', 'cost', 'use', 'data', 'say', 'patient', 'die', 'seek', 'medic', 'care', 'acquir', 'one', 'infect', 'prevent', 'save', 'priceless', 'emili', 'mullin'], ['distribut', 'denial', 'servic', 'ddos', 'attack', 'attack', 'overwhelm', 'domain', 'name', 'server', 'traffic', 'collaps', 'tradit', 'way', 'fend', 'attack', 'like', 'pile', 'bandwidth', 'server', 'attack', 'alway', 'enough', 'volum', 'handl', 'attack', 'releas', 'hacker', 'becom', 'capabl', 'attack', 'bigger', 'bigger', 'data', 'volum', 'longer', 'feasibl', 'sinc', 'target', 'ddos', 'attack', 'websit', 'ip', 'address', 'hanq', 'wu', 'chief', 'secur', 'scientist', 'alibaba', 'cloud', 'devis', 'defens', 'mechan', 'one', 'web', 'address', 'translat', 'thousand', 'ip', 'address', 'elast', 'secur', 'network', 'quick', 'divert', 'benign', 'traffic', 'new', 'ip', 'address', 'face', 'ddos', 'attack', 'elimin', 'need', 'pile', 'bandwidth', 'system', 'would', 'great', 'reduc', 'cost', 'keep', 'internet', 'safe', 'yite', 'sun']]\n"
"source": [
"for text in gen_docs :\n",
" stem_doc=[]\n",
" for t in text :\n",
" if len(t)>1 :\n",
" stem_doc.append(stemmer.stem(t))\n",
" stem_docs.append(stem_doc)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Insert data into mysql"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Connectivity with mysql"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "NameError",
"evalue": "name 'errorcode' is not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mConnectionRefusedError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mopen_connection\u001b[0;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 508\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0msock\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0msettimeout\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_connection_timeout\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 509\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0msock\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnect\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0msockaddr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 510\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mIOError\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;31mConnectionRefusedError\u001b[0m: [Errno 111] Connection refused",
"\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n",
"\u001b[0;31mInterfaceError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-17-cc64f58e7a92>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mtry\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 2\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mcnx\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmysql\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnector\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnect\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0muser\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'root'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpassword\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m''\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mhost\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'localhost'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdatabase\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'search-engine'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mport\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'3306'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmysql\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnector\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mError\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mconnect\u001b[0;34m(*args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 178\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 179\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mMySQLConnection\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 180\u001b[0m \u001b[0mConnect\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mconnect\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# pylint: disable=C0103\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, *args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 94\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mtry\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 95\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnect\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 96\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mconnect\u001b[0;34m(self, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 727\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdisconnect\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 728\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_open_connection\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 729\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_post_connection\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_open_connection\u001b[0;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 234\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_socket\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_get_connection\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 235\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_socket\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mopen_connection\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 236\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_do_handshake\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mysql/connector/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mopen_connection\u001b[0;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 511\u001b[0m raise errors.InterfaceError(\n\u001b[0;32m--> 512\u001b[0;31m errno=2003, values=(self.get_address(), _strioerror(err)))\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 513\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mException\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;31mInterfaceError\u001b[0m: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost:3306' (111 Connection refused)",
"\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n",
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-17-cc64f58e7a92>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcnx\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmysql\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnector\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnect\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0muser\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'root'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpassword\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m''\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mhost\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'localhost'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdatabase\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'search-engine'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mport\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'3306'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmysql\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mconnector\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mError\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 4\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0merrno\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0merrorcode\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 5\u001b[0m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"Something is wrong with your user name or password\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 6\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0merr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0merrno\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0merrorcode\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mER_BAD_DB_ERROR\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'errorcode' is not defined"
"source": [
" cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='',host='localhost',database='search-engine',port='3306')\n",
"except mysql.connector.Error as err:\n",
" if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:\n",
" print(\"Something is wrong with your user name or password\")\n",
" elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:\n",
" print(\"Database does not exist\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(err)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Cursor to manage the data"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cursor = cnx.cursor()"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Insertion into table"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"while i<len(gen_docs) :\n",
" keywords=' '\n",
" for gen_doc in gen_docs[i] :\n",
" keywords+=gen_doc\n",
" keywords+=' '\n",
" query = \"INSERT INTO weblinks (url, keywords, title) VALUES ('%s',%r,'%s')\" % (scrapeData.links[i],keywords, scrapeData.titles[i])\n",
" try :\n",
" cursor.execute(query)\n",
" except mysql.connector.Error as err:\n",
" print(err)\n",
" i+=1\n",
" continue\n",
" i+=1"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Commit the changes made"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Close the connection"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### created dictonary of number of words"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(stem_docs)\n",
"print(\"Number of words in dictionary:\",len(dictionary))\n",
"for i in range(len(dictionary)):\n",
" print(i, dictionary[i])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### created a corpus which will contain the mapping of the word to the dictionary of each document."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(gen_doc) for gen_doc in stem_docs]\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Now we create a tf-idf model from the corpus. \n",
"### num_nnz is the number of tokens."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"tf_idf = gensim.models.TfidfModel(corpus)\n",
"s = 0\n",
"for i in corpus:\n",
" s += len(i)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"sims = gensim.similarities.Similarity('/home/nsaxena/Documents',tf_idf[corpus],\n",
" num_features=len(dictionary))\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"query=\"hacking attacks\"\n",
"for w in word_tokenize(query) :\n",
" # include only words and in lower case\n",
" if'[a-zA-Z]', w.lower()):\n",
" # for removing common words(the,i,etc)\n",
" if w.lower() not in stopwords :\n",
" word+=w.lower()\n",
" word+=' '\n",
"for t in query_doc :\n",
" if len(t)>1 :\n",
" query_stem_doc.append(stemmer.stem(t))\n",
"query_doc_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(query_stem_doc)\n",
"query_doc_tf_idf = tf_idf[query_doc_bow]\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"sims.num_best = 10\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"for sim in similar :\n",
" print( scrapeData.titles[sim[0]])\n",
" print( scrapeData.links[sim[0]])"
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