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require "csv"
require 'action_controller/test_process'
file = `ls upload/*.csv | grep -v and-r`.chomp
info = || file)
# TODO: set this list by eliminating the expected cols
properties = %w[Colour Material Size Weight Warranty] + ["Pole Diameter", "Fits Pole Size"]
vvalgis / Capistrano tasks for starting unicorn.rb
Created May 7, 2010 08:13
Capistrano tasks for starting unicorn
set :rails_env, :production
set :unicorn_binary, "/usr/bin/unicorn"
set :unicorn_config, "#{current_path}/config/unicorn.rb"
set :unicorn_pid, "#{current_path}/tmp/pids/"
namespace :deploy do
task :start, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "cd #{current_path} && #{try_sudo} #{unicorn_binary} -c #{unicorn_config} -E #{rails_env} -D"
task :stop, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
perusio / gist:1326701
Created October 31, 2011 01:28
Mobile device detection in Nginx with just 7 lines of configuration
### Testing if the client is a mobile or a desktop.
### The selection is based on the usual UA strings for desktop browsers.
## Testing a user agent using a method that reverts the logic of the
## UA detection. Inspired by
map $http_user_agent $is_desktop {
default 0;
~*linux.*android|windows\s+(?:ce|phone) 0; # exceptions to the rule
~*spider|crawl|slurp|bot 1; # bots
~*windows|linux|os\s+x\s*[\d\._]+|solaris|bsd 1; # OSes
class PostsController < ActionController::Base
def create
def update
johnbintz / gist:2965472
Last active October 6, 2015 08:28
ruby 1.9.3-p327 with performance patches built into a .deb package with fpm
# For Debian Squeeze + Backports + OpenSSL 1.0.0
# Part 1: Make a deb package of ruby:
# Get our deps
sudo su -c "echo deb squeeze-backports main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/squeeze-backports.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-setuptools python-dev build-essential dpkg-dev libopenssl-ruby ruby1.8-dev rubygems bison autoconf zlib1g zlib1g-dev libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
# Get ruby
if [ ! -f ruby-1.9.3-p327.tar.gz ]; then
stevenharman /
Last active May 23, 2024 04:43
Heroku Release Phase script for managing Rails DB migrations, and playing nice with Review Apps and postdeploy scripts

Heroku Release Phase + Review Apps + Rails

This is a simplified, but fairly thorough, set of scripts and configuration to enable Heroku Release Phase for Rails apps. Further, this particular set up plays nicely with Heroku Review Apps in that the release phase script will:

  1. Fail, loudly, if the DB does not yet exist.
  2. Load the DB schema if the current schema version (as determined by bin/rails db:version) is 0.
  3. Run DB migrations otherwise.

For a "normal" app that usually means it will run the DB migrations.