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Mariem Sbouii sbouii

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What is kubernetes ?

  • kubernetes is an open source orchestration tool for Docker containers( kubernetes supports also rkt as a replacement for docker).
  • It automates the deployment + scaling + management of Docker containers across clusters of physical or virtual machines .

How it's related to Docker (or Rkt)?

  • Docker manage the life cycle of a container (run,stop,start etc... a container), kubernetes (specifically kubelet) instructs or delegate Docker to do this task on a specific machine.

What is a cluster in kubernetes ?

  • it's the physical machines or the virtual ones that the kubernetes platform is deployed on, mainly it's composed from a master machine and nodes.

What are the componments of kubernetes?

  • Master components:
  • etcd

what is Docker?

  • Docker is an open source platform mainly designed for linux operating systems (now it can be installed on windows and run containers in the same way as Linux), it allows a developer to package an application with its dependencies in containers in order to be portable among systems running Linux so it will be running in the same way. in order to run linux containers on windows , you have to add an Hyper-V which will spin up a linux virtual machine where the linux container will be running, same thing if you want to run a windows container on linux systems.

Is container's technology a new technology ?

  • No, it has been built into linux in the form of LXC or Solaris container.

Which platforms Docker can run on ?

  • Docker can run on linux and windows(windows server 2016 and windows 10) based operating systems and cloud platforms(Amazon, Google Compute Engine, Rackspace,MicrosoftAzure)

Can docker run on bare-metal (on a host machine not on a guest VM)?

  • Yes , the minmum requireme