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It can be difficult to test the different scenarious for a module intended for use by including in another class.

If the class is statically defined in the spec, any later definitions extend, not replace, the first definition - which can cause test issues and breaks isolation between examples.

RSpec.describe SomeModule do
  class SomeIncluder
    include SomeModule

It can be difficult to test the different scenarious for a module intended for use by including in another class.

If the class is statically defined in the spec, any later definitions extend, not replace, the first definition - which can cause test issues and breaks isolation between examples.

RSpec.describe SomeModule do
  class SomeIncluder
    include SomeModule
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Created March 16, 2018 18:39 — forked from traumverloren/
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Created August 20, 2018 21:29
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