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let board = [Empty, ..9];
let line = [0, 3, 6];
let get = line.iter().map(|&i| board[i]);
for p in get {
println!("{:?}", p);
let win_circle = [Circle, ..3];
let win_cross = [Cross, ..3];
let test = [Empty, Cross, Circle];
match test {
win_circle => println!("Circle wins!"),
win_cross => println!("Cross wins!"),
_ => println!("Game continues")
fn play(circles_move: |TicTacToe| -> TicTacToe,
crosses_move: |TicTacToe| -> TicTacToe) {
let mut game = tictactoe::TicTacToe::empty_board();
while !game.is_game_over() {
match game.player() {
PlayerCircle => {
println!("Circles move: ");
game = circles_move(game);
extern crate collections;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
fn main() {
let mut map: CountedSet<&'static str> = CountedSet::new();
let strings = ["this", "is", "a", "list", "of", "of", "strings"];
for k in strings.iter() {
fn make_human_move1(game: TicTacToe) -> TicTacToe {
let mut move = parse_move_from_stdin();
let new_game = game.make_move_from_input(move);
loop {
match new_game {
Some(g) => return g,
None => {
println!("Bad input / invalid move, try again:");
move = parse_move_from_stdin();
let new_game = game.make_move_from_input(move);
extern crate collections;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
fn main() {
let mut map: CountedSet<&'static str> = CountedSet::new();
let strings = ["a", "b", "a", "b", "b", "c"];
let answer = [("b", 3u), ("a", 2), ("c", 1)];
for k in strings.iter() {
fn subtract(&mut self, mut other: &CountedSet<T>) {
for (key, count) in other.iter() {
// Data is a HashMap<T, uint>
match {
Some(c) => {*key, c - *count); }
_ => {}
fn main() {
// CountedSet is HashMap<uint, uint>, with the counts of each key
let numbers = [1u, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1];
let more_numbers = [1u, 1, 2];
let count1: CountedSet<uint> = numbers.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
let count2: CountedSet<uint> = more_numbers.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
println!("{}", count1);
println!("{}", count2);
for (o, e) in Repeat::new(&count1.iter()).zip(count2.iter()) {
println!("{:?} ---- {:?}", o, e);
struct CountedSet<T> {
data: HashMap<T, uint>
fn subtract(&self, other: &CountedSet<T>) -> CountedSet<T> {
let mut result = self.clone();
for (key, count) in other.iter() {
match {
Some(old) => {
extern crate collections;
use collections::HashMap;
fn main () {
static MISSING: uint = 0;