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Sean Schofield schof

  • Stedi
  • Washington, DC
View GitHub Profile
# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
# Called by git-commit with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-commit".
if git-rev-parse --verify HEAD > /dev/null
Processing ProductsController#show (for at 2009-11-15 17:55:52) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"palmgard-grip-tack-lite-adult-football-lineman-gloves", "controller"=>"products"}
[4;36;1mProduct Load (0.9ms)[0m [0;1mSELECT * FROM `products` WHERE (`products`.`permalink` = 'palmgard-grip-tack-lite-adult-football-lineman-gloves') LIMIT 1[0m
Cache miss: Spree::Config ({})
[4;35;1mPreference Load (0.4ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `preferences` WHERE (`preferences`.owner_id = 1 AND `preferences`.owner_type = 'Configuration') [0m
[4;36;1mConfiguration Columns (1.2ms)[0m [0;1mSHOW FIELDS FROM `configurations`[0m
[4;35;1mConfiguration Load (0.2ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
[4;36;1mCACHE (0.0ms)[0m [0;1mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
[4;35;1mCACHE (0.0ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
Cache write (will save 3.80ms): Spree::Config
Processing ProductsController#show (for at 2009-11-15 17:55:52) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"palmgard-grip-tack-lite-adult-football-lineman-gloves", "controller"=>"products"}
[4;36;1mProduct Load (0.9ms)[0m [0;1mSELECT * FROM `products` WHERE (`products`.`permalink` = 'palmgard-grip-tack-lite-adult-football-lineman-gloves') LIMIT 1[0m
Cache miss: Spree::Config ({})
[4;35;1mPreference Load (0.4ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `preferences` WHERE (`preferences`.owner_id = 1 AND `preferences`.owner_type = 'Configuration') [0m
[4;36;1mConfiguration Columns (1.2ms)[0m [0;1mSHOW FIELDS FROM `configurations`[0m
[4;35;1mConfiguration Load (0.2ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
[4;36;1mCACHE (0.0ms)[0m [0;1mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
[4;35;1mCACHE (0.0ms)[0m [0mSELECT * FROM `configurations` WHERE (`configurations`.`id` = 1) [0m
Cache write (will save 3.80ms): Spree::Config
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders?search[number]=R664048424 --globoff -i
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6"
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders/1035625630/shipments
# create new shipment for order (assumes you know shipping method id - no inventory units)
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders?search[number]=R664048424 --globoff -i
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6"
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "X-SpreeAPIKey: 164472af75abf6bb02a7b83ff1bed852852252b6" http://localhost:3000/api/orders/1035625630/shipments
# create new shipment for order (assumes you know shipping method id - no inventory units)
Shipment.class_eval do
def editable_by?(user)
%w(pending ready_to_ship unable_to_ship needs_fulfilment).include?(state) or user.has_role?(:admin)
Shipment.state_machines[:state] =, :initial => 'pending') do
event :ready do
transition :from => 'pending', :to => 'ready_to_ship'
event :pend do
function hset() {
rm -rf ~/.heroku/credentials
ln -s ~/.heroku/credentials_$1 ~/.heroku/credentials
== 0.11.0
* # - 728 ProductsController::change_image method is not in use
* # - 1170 Support EWay payment gateway (AU)
* # - 1194 Improve confirmation button text for checkout steps
* # - 1232 user.has_role? should respect changes to roles and reloads
* # - 1235 Explicitly define the @orders collection on which to paginate in the admin/orders/index view
* # - 1236 Improve API for products.
* # - 1239 Introduce support of Cucumber
* # - 1256 Add alternative text to product images
use 5.008;
use strict;
use Memoize;
sub usage { die "usage: git-large-blob <size[b|k|m]> [<git-log arguments ...>]\n" }
@ARGV or usage();
my ( $max_size, $unit ) = ( shift =~ /^(\d+)([bkm]?)\z/ ) ? ( $1, $2 ) : usage();
require "spec_helper"
describe Spree::MailSettings do
let(:mail_method) { MailMethod.create(:environment => "test") }
before { mail_method.set(:perform_delivery => false) }
after { mail_method.set(:perform_delivery => true) }
context "init" do