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Working from home

Scott scott45

Working from home
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scott45 /
Created January 15, 2019 09:28 — forked from croxton/
Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names

Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on OSX

Open ssl.conf in a text editor.

Edit the domain(s) listed under the [alt_names] section so that they match the local domain name you want to use for your project, e.g.

DNS.1   =

Additional FQDNs can be added if required:

scott45 / main.yml
Created February 3, 2019 15:42 — forked from evantahler/main.yml
CertBot + Ansible
# tasks/main.yml
- name: install certbot dependencies
apt: name={{ item }} state=present
- build-essential
- libssl-dev
- libffi-dev
- python-dev
- git
scott45 /
Created February 20, 2019 14:11 — forked from ruanbekker/
NFS Volumes with Docker Swarm

Create NFS Volumes:

Creating the NFS Volume:

$ docker volume create --driver local \
  --opt type=nfs \
  --opt o=addr=,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw \
  --opt device=:/mnt/volumes/mysql-test \
scott45 / gcloud_projects_list.output
Created April 15, 2019 12:01 — forked from shashyajoshi/gcloud_projects_list.output
Output of the gcloud projects list command in json format
$ gcloud projects list --format json
"createTime": "2018-07-02T14:13:29.262Z",
"labels": {
"app-name": "micro-svc-app",
"biz-unit": "it",
"env-name": "qa",
"owner": "john-smith"
scott45 /
Created March 4, 2020 14:17 — forked from PurpleBooth/
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
