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This simple script will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously.

The script is here:

convert $1 -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 $2


#Alright, so this should automatically convert a given video into a gif called optimized_output.gif
# See here for explanation:
ffmpeg -i $1 out%04d.gif # Extracts each frame of the video as a single gif
convert -delay 4 out*.gif anim.gif # Combines all the frames into one very nicely animated gif.
convert -layers Optimize anim.gif optimized_output.gif # Optimizes the gif using imagemagick
# vvvvv Cleans up the leftovers
sdrew / upgrade_psql
Created May 5, 2015 11:03
Upgrade PSQL
apt-get install postgresql-9.3 pgadmin3 postgresql-contrib-9.3 # contrib is needed for hstore
su - postgres
psql -p 5432 -c "\l" # check the collation column and note that (for ex. en_US.UTF8)
psql -p 5433 -c "\l" # If the collation is the same, continue. If not, recreate the 9.3 cluster with the following commands
# Recreate 9.3 cluster with collation from old 9.1 cluster
# pg_ctlcluster 9.3 main stop
# pg_dropcluster 9.3 main
# export LC_ALL="<old-clusters-collation>" # For ex. LC_ALL="en_US.UTF8"
sdrew /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from 50kudos/
cat $(find app/assets/stylesheets/ -type f) |
grep -Eo '\.[a-z]+[a-z0-9_-]*' | sort | uniq | sed s/.// |
while read CSS; do
if ! grep -Erqi "([^(remove|has)]class[(:|=|[:space:]*=>[:space:]*)]*\s*[(\"|')]*[-a-z0-9[:space:]]*$CSS|\\.$CSS\b)" app/views/ vendor/assets/ app/assets/javascripts/; then
echo $CSS >> unused.scss;
// UIImage+Alpha.h
// Created by Trevor Harmon on 9/20/09.
// Free for personal or commercial use, with or without modification.
// No warranty is expressed or implied.
// Helper methods for adding an alpha layer to an image
@interface UIImage (Alpha)
- (BOOL)hasAlpha;
- (UIImage *)imageWithAlpha;
- (UIImage *)transparentBorderImage:(NSUInteger)borderSize;
@interface Base58Encoder : NSObject {
+ (NSString *)base58EncodedValue:(long long)num;
<!-- layout file -->
<% if current_user %>
Welcome <%= current_user.username %>. Not you? <%= link_to "Log out", logout_path %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Sign up", signup_path %> or <%= link_to "log in", login_path %>.
<% end %>
# Calendar helper with proper events
# (C) 2009 James S Urquhart (jamesu at gmail dot com)
# Derived from calendar_helper
# (C) Jeremy Voorhis, Geoffrey Grosenbach, Jarkko Laine, Tom Armitage, Bryan Larsen
# Licensed under MIT.

1. Achievement

Definition: A virtual or physical representation of having accomplished something. These are often viewed as rewards in and of themselves.

Example: a badge, a level, a reward, points, really anything defined as a reward can be a reward.

2. Appointment Dynamic

Definition: A dynamic in which to succeed, one must return at a predefined time to take some action. Appointment dynamics are often deeply related to interval based reward schedules or avoidance dyanmics.

sdrew / gist:1105520
Created July 25, 2011 23:21
Ruby Style Guide
Original Source:
= Christian Neukirchen's Ruby Style Guide
You may not like all rules presented here, but they work very well for
me and have helped producing high quality code. Everyone is free to
code however they want, write and follow their own style guides, but
when you contribute to my code, please follow these rules: