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This is a list of links to articles, talks, and videos about (or vaguely related to) the Dhamma that I have read, listened
to, or watched. It is roughly in chronological order, starting in mid-2017. The first part of the list is fairly
comprehensive and represents more or less anything and everything I encountered. As time has gone on I've been a bit more
selective and included only things that I've found particulary useful or insightful. The earlier links which are not
directly related to the Dhamma are still very important because they naturally led to deeper inquiries into the nature of
the mind.
"Learning to Be Me" by Greg Egan
seaneshbaugh / have.txt
Created October 22, 2017 06:44
MTG comic books
Ice Age vol. 1 - Jul 1995 x2
Ice Age vol. 2 - Aug 1995 x2
Ice Age vol. 3 - Sep 1995 x3
Ice Age vol. 4 - Oct 1995
The Shadow Mage vol. 1 - Jul 1995 x3
The Shadow Mage vol. 2 - Aug 1995 x3
The Shadow Mage vol. 3 - Sep 1995 x3
The Shadow Mage vol. 4 - Oct 1995 x2
Fallen Empires vol. 1 - Sep 1995
Fallen Empires vol.2 - Oct 1995 x2
Here is the genealogy of the Stebbins
family going back to their coming to
America in 1594.
The 10th generation that shows
Charles C. Stebbins is the generation of
my grandfather George K. Stebbins.
There were 4 brothers that settled in
Jefferson Twp. (Montgomery Co. Ohio)
George, Charles, Howard and Edward.
The cloudless sky is bright blue and the sun is shining. Four to five cars are
in each lane. A silver BMW is three cars back in the middle lane. It's clearly
hot outside.
seaneshbaugh / printlist.rb
Last active April 1, 2017 04:56
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'optparse'
options = {} do |opts|
opts.banner = 'Usage: printlist [-d padding] [-n number] [-o offset] [-p prefix] [-s suffix] [-t padstr]'
opts.on('-dPADDING', '--padding=PADDING', 'Set padding for numbers (defaults to the number of digits of the number arg)') do |padding|
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class BufferedWriter {
char buffer[16];
std::size_t filled;
Carly Rae Jepsen - E•MO•TION: Side B
Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder
Tove Lo - Lady Wood
Zero - Zero
Cardiknox - Portrait
Ladyhawke - Wild Things
Perfume - Cosmic Explorer
Avec Sans - Heartbreak Hi
M83 - Junk
Ayumi Hamasaki - M(A)DE IN JAPAN
pg. 99 - Document #5
Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030
Crude - Attitude
Forward - Just Go Forward to Death
In My Eyes - Nothing to Hide
Tragedy - Tragedy
Kid Dynamite - Shorter, Faster, Louder
Ghostface Killah - Supreme Clientele
Paintox - Earth Ball Sports Tournament
Keepsake - The End of Sound
pg. 99 - Document #8
pg. 99 - Document #7
Carry On - A Life Less Plagued
Daft Punk - Discovery
Saves the Day - Stay What You Are
Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon
Kylie Minogue - Fever
Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet
American Nightmare - Background Music
Converge - Jane Doe
City of Caterpillar - City of Caterpillar
pg. 99/Majority Rule - Document #12
Framtid - Under the Ashes
No Warning - Ill Blood
The Apples in Stereo - Velocity of Sound
Tragedy - Vengeance
Taking Back Sunday - Tall All Your Friends
Spazm 151 - Spazm 151