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Seb Bailey seb231

  • London, UK
View GitHub Profile
(def input
[{:sentence "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."}
{:sentence "Vestibulum tincidunt leo lectus, ac vulputate quam aliquet a."}
{:sentence "Ut molestie suscipit faucibus."}
{:sentence "Curabitur hendrerit tortor quis sodales consequat."}])
(def splitter
(comp #(map (fn [x] (hash-map :word x)) %)
#(clojure.string/split % #" ")))
16-07-19 14:13:21 Sebs-Work-MacBook.local ERROR [] -
... run_models.clj: 151 run_models.clj: 157 run_models.clj: 147
clojure.core/slurp core.clj: 6657 (repeats 2 times)
clojure.core/apply core.clj: 648
(defn assert! [p msg] (when-not (p) (throw (Exception. (timbre/info (format msg))))))
(defn jumpoffyr-method-average
"Takes in a dataset with historical data, a column name to be averaged,
a name for the average column, and years to start and end averaging for.
Returns a dataset where the column to be averaged contains the averages
for all the years of interest and is named to avg-name."
[historical-data col-to-avg avg-name start-yr-avg end-yr-avg]
(let [hist-earliest-yr (reduce min (ds/column historical-data :year))
hist-latest-yr (reduce max (ds/column historical-data :year))
Show: Clojure Java REPL Tooling Duplicates All (16 frames hidden)
2. Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
Error compiling schemas.clj at (112:3) 3657 clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr/eval 451 clojure.lang.Compiler$DefExpr/eval 6932 clojure.lang.Compiler/eval 7379 clojure.lang.Compiler/load
REPL: 1 witan.models.dem.ccm.mort.mortality-test/eval48832
"1 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::ccm-core/prepare-starting-popn"
"2 witan.workspace-api <- finished fn::ccm-core/prepare-starting-popn"
"3 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"4 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"5 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"6 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"7 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"8 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"9 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"10 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"1 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"2 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"3 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"4 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"5 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"6 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"7 witan.workspace-api -> calling input::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader"
"8 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"9 witan.workspace-api -> calling fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
"10 witan.workspace-api <- finished fn::workspace-test/resource-csv-loader-filtered"
(map (fn [year] (map (fn [age] (vec [gss-code age year (reduce + ($ :popn (-> (query-dataset foo {:year {:$eq year}})
(query-dataset {:age age})
)))])) age-range)) year-range)
(def age-range (range 0 91))
(def year-range (range 2001 2041))
(def gss-code "E06000023")

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am seb231 on github.
  • I am seb231 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBL1-91IOPaCr7uhpA2y9ndfn8X3AzT_qX_dq_VVeKXOwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

{:file-inputs {:settings-to-change "data/modify-settings1.csv"
:transition-matrix "data/transitions.csv"
:population "data/population.csv"
:setting-cost "data/need-setting-costs.csv"
:valid-setting-academic-years "data/valid-setting-academic-years.csv"}
:transition-parameters {:filter-transitions-from nil
:which-transitions? ["joiners"]
:splice-ncy nil
:modify-transition-by 0.5}
{:file-inputs {:settings-to-change "data/modify-settings1.csv"
:transition-matrix "data/transitions.csv"
:population "data/population.csv"
:setting-cost "data/need-setting-costs.csv"
:valid-setting-academic-years "data/valid-setting-academic-years.csv"}
:transition-parameters {:filter-transitions-from nil
:which-transitions? ["joiners"]
:splice-ncy nil
:modify-transition-by 0.5}