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Arthur Cachero sebass-surfer

  • Coastal Natives LLC
  • San Diego
View GitHub Profile
function wisePerson(wiseType, whatToSay) { return `A wise ${wiseType} once said: "${whatToSay}".`; }
function shouter(whatToShout) { return `${whatToShout.toUpperCase()}!!!`; }
function textNormalizer(text) { return text.toLowerCase().trim(); }
//GET drill!/hungry-polyester?path=server.js:10:23
//POST drill!/dew-cougar?path=server.js:17:0
// Get all
// Find the command that retrieves all restaurants.
// Limit and sort
// Find the command that makes the first 10 restaurants appear
// when db.restaurants is alphabetically sorted by the name property.
My app looks to help parents find great outdoor parks/playgrounds through reliable referrals and reviews.
Write your app idea down
Users should be able to create an account via email.
Users should be able to create a guest login
Users should be able to search for a playground near their location
Users should be able to read reviews on that playground
Land & Sea
The purpose of this app is to give adventurous individuals and groups a place to share their individual experiences collectively through one engaging platform.
Not going on the trip? Follow along by subscribing to the individual or groups channel and experience their adventure through photos, videos and stories.
Each trip goes through an application process for approval that best represents the values of Land & Sea to give back to the world.
Each Voyage will choose their message and how they will give back. Each traveler can simple choose to document the most beautiful places they sail during their time in while in Indonesia or how crew members decided to bring sustainable concepts to a remote village high in the peruvian mountains.
Each trip has purpose whether the voyage is on land or sea. ie... (Family Vacation, Capturing the Beautiful Outdoors, Humanitarian)
// How the accounts will be set up
//// Essentially 2 users...
// 1. Traveler = User