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seberg /
Created August 22, 2012 22:39
numy stride tricks based functions for changing the shape and axis order of arrays.
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict as _dd
def rolling_window(array, window=(0,), asteps=None, wsteps=None, axes=None, toend=True):
"""Create a view of `array` which for every point gives the n-dimensional
neighbourhood of size window. New dimensions are added at the end of
`array` or after the corresponding original dimension.
seberg /
Created August 23, 2012 00:07
Numpy tricks I stumbled upon
"""Impressive little thing how einsum + stride_tricks can beat numpys build in C functions
for correlate (for large data). (ok depending on the implementation of np.correlate, the
comparison is not fair, but still rather impressive that you can get comparable speeds)
import numpy as np
import stride_tricks as st # gist
a = np.random.random((100,100,100)).ravel()
stamp = np.random.random((3,3,3)).ravel()
seberg /
Created October 10, 2012 14:38
Multidimensional rolling_window for numpy
def rolling_window(array, window=(0,), asteps=None, wsteps=None, axes=None, toend=True):
"""Create a view of `array` which for every point gives the n-dimensional
neighbourhood of size window. New dimensions are added at the end of
`array` or after the corresponding original dimension.
array : array_like
Array to which the rolling window is applied.
window : int or tuple
seberg /
Last active March 18, 2019 21:53
Vectorized version of percentile
import numpy as np
from numpy import asarray, add, rollaxis, sort, arange
def percentile(a, q, limit=None, interpolation='linear', axis=None,
out=None, overwrite_input=False):
Compute the qth percentile of the data along the specified axis.
Returns the qth percentile of the array elements.
import numpy as np
def object_einsum(string, *arrays):
"""Simplified object einsum, not as much error checking
does not support "..." or list input and will see "...", etc. as three times
an axes identifier, tries normal einsum first!
NOTE: This is untested, and not fast, but object type is
never really fast anyway...
seberg / new-fancy-indexing.rst
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
NEP: New ways to index NumPy arrays
seberg /
Created July 26, 2018 17:34
map reduce using nditer
# A Map reduce made from ufuncs and with nditer, a C-Api version
# would be very similar (but cleaner in some cases). This still creates
# some unnecessary temporaries, which may or may not slow down things a
# a bit for no reason
# WARNING : Mostly untested and I am not sure I would use it except to
# get the idea of how to implement a specialized version maybe.
seberg /
Last active April 9, 2020 16:02
Snippet that loads numpy and tries to guess (and give a bit of information) the BLAS/LAPACK implementation loaded at runtime
Simply run the script to try to guess some information about how numpy
is linked.
If there is something odd going on, run/import the script after
your real import of numpy.
All versions tested on Linux, MKL is confusing me a bit since both lower and
upper case versions exist.
seberg /
Last active February 15, 2019 19:29
Numpy Casting Rules

Numpy Promotion Table

This table includes the promotion rules for the basic numeric types. The only suprising rule is that 8-byte integers are considered to cast "safely" to f8 (and complex), which also shows up in these promotion rules (If there was an int128, it would be allowed to safely cast to float128!):

i1 u1 i2 u2 i4 u4 i8 u8 f2 f4 f8 f16 c8 c16 c32
seberg /
Created June 13, 2019 01:38
Python code to preprocess non-advanced indexes.
import operator
def normalize_index(index, ndim):
"""Does basic index normalization like numpy, disregards advanced indexing.
index : tuple
Indexing tuple to normalize
ndim : int