I hereby claim:
- I am sebinsua on github.
- I am sebinsua (https://keybase.io/sebinsua) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is B9FD 6FC2 115A A22C 9FE6 24C3 3EB6 34BB A9A9 5787
To claim this, I am signing this object:
var express = require('express'), | |
request = require('supertest'), | |
expect = require('chai').expect, | |
proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); | |
var someplaceElsewhere = { | |
configure: function () { | |
return { | |
callsThis: undefined, | |
aMethod: function (query) { |
var express = require('express'), | |
request = require('supertest'), | |
sinon = require('sinon'), | |
expect = require('chai').expect; | |
var AssertionError = require("assert").AssertionError; | |
var throwAssertionErrorAndRespond = function (req, res) { | |
throw new AssertionError({ message: "[2] Mocha should see this." }); | |
res.send('{ "success": true }'); |
// I cannot change this object. | |
var normalResponseObject = { | |
send: function (status, data) { | |
alert("This was executed."); | |
} | |
}; | |
var aScope = function () { | |
var reaction, status; | |
// I cannot change this object. | |
var normalResponseObject = { | |
send: function (status, data) { | |
alert("This was executed."); | |
} | |
}; | |
var generateProxiedResponseSender = function (res) { | |
var oldSend = res.send; | |
var context = this; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Verifying that +sebinsua is my openname (Bitcoin username). https://onename.io/sebinsua |
var Q = require('bluebird'), | |
R = require('ramda'); | |
var shouldError = false; | |
var a = function (arg) { | |
return new Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
resolve("[a] resolved"); | |
}); | |
}; |
import Promise from 'bluebird'; | |
async function bar(message) { | |
const newMessage = await new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { | |
console.log(message); | |
resolve(`${message} printed`); | |
}); | |
return newMessage; | |
} |
As for jstruct itself: | |
- [ ] [Implement this as another kind of pluggable selector.](https://github.com/sebinsua/jstruct/blob/master/jstruct.js#L10) | |
- [ ] [Add error validations back in.](https://github.com/sebinsua/jstruct/blob/master/jstruct.js#L69) | |
- [ ] [Implement a deep/recursive cross between this, reduce and struct#deepPick.](https://github.com/sebinsua/jstruct/blob/master/jstruct.js#L121) | |
* clean readme. | |
Write es6 example. | |
--- | |
* integrate into jstruct |
Build | Consumer | Description | Key in package.json |
CommonJS (main version) |
Node/bundlers | Transpiled and contains require and module.exports . |
main |
ES module | Modern browsers/bundlers | Transpiled apart from import and export statements. |
module |
UMD | Old browsers | Transpiled, minified, containing IIFE 's and has all dependencies baked-in. |
browser |