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ESP 5 (2 CL + 3 EL)
GER 3 (1 CL + 2 EL)
POR 2 (1 CL + 1 EL)
rest of world
* AC Milan (ITA)
* Chelsea FC (ENG)
" big companies are often unintentionally trying to forget: hacking is important."
"These people, called managers, don’t create product, they create process."
"Hackers are allergic to process not because they don’t understand the value; they’re allergic to it because it violates their core values. These values are well documented in Zuckerberg’s letter: “Done is better than perfect”, “Code wins arguments”, and that “Hacker culture is extremely open and meritocratic”. The folks who create process care about control, and they use politics to shape that control and to influence communications, and if there is ever a sentence that would cause a hacker to stand up and throw his or her keyboard at the screen, it’s the first half of this one."
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INC = 'hoho'
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self._mock = INC
def __del__(self):
$ wget -q -O - ''
foo({"src":"", "height":418, "favicon":"", "faviconLink":"", "attribution_icon":"", "attribution_url":""})
from timeit import Timer
def test_json_response():
new_json_response = """\
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import simplejson
class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
def __init__(self, data=None, content_type=None, **kwargs):
if not content_type:
$ bc -l
bc 1.06.95
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sekimura / gist:1556073
Created January 3, 2012 17:53
(not so) useful English phrases
Apparently I'm still running on my holiday brain.
sekimura / gist:1551894
Created January 2, 2012 20:02
2012 soccer activities
Sun Jan 1 2012
* 120m: a pickup game at Crocker Amazon field 2
Wed Jan 4 2012
* 120m: two SoccerFours sessions
Sun Jan 8 2012
* 90m: Sports4Good 11vs11