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semper φ

Greg Pfeil sellout

semper φ
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tightmod : Nat -> (m : Nat) -> so (m /= Z) -> Fin m
tightmod left (S right) p = if left < (S right)
then fromMaybe fZ (natToFin left (S right))
else tightmod (left - (S right)) (S right) p
KSA : ARC4Key n -> Vect 256 (Mod 256)
KSA {n=(n ** p)} key =
fst (runIdentity (runStateT (nextJ (map Prelude.Classes.fromInteger (fromList [0..255])))
(0, 0)))
nextJ : Vect 256 (Mod 256) -> State (Mod 256, Mod 256) (Vect 256 (Mod 256))
nextJ S = do
(i, j) <- get
let ind = tightmod (cast i) (cast n) (stillNotZero n p)
let pos = index ind key
%default total
-- 2.1.1
data binop : Type where
Plus : binop
Times : binop
data type : Type where
nat : type
bool : type
data tbinop : type -> type -> type -> Type where
TPlus : tbinop nat nat nat
TTimes : tbinop nat nat nat
TEq : (t : type) -> tbinop t t bool
TLt : tbinop nat nat bool
tightmod : Nat -> (m : Nat) -> Not (m = Z) -> Fin m
tightmod _ Z prf = FalseElim (prf refl)
tightmod left (S modulus) p = case decLTE left (S modulus) of
Yes _ => fromMaybe fZ (natToFin left (S modulus))
No _ => tightmod (left - (S modulus)) (S modulus) p
ihe__2 : progDenote (compile e__2 ++ p) s = progDenote p (expDenote e__2 :: s)
---------- Goal: ----------
{hole12} : progDenote (compile e__2 ++ (compile e__0 ++ [iBinop b__0]) ++ p) s = progDenote p (binopDenote b__0 (expDenote e__0) (expDenote e__2) :: s)
-- when I try
rewrite ihe__2
-- nothing happens … how do I get it to rewrite the goal into
{hole12} : progDenote ((compile e__0 ++ [iBinop b__0]) ++ p) (expDenote e__2 :: s) = progDenote p (binopDenote b__0 (expDenote e__0) (expDenote e__2) :: s)
-- ?
sellout / gist:0df184ffa53fad08dbb9
Created May 2, 2014 18:30
works in the interactive prover but not in the .idr
-- error at line 109 col 15
-- When elaborating an application of function sym:
-- Can't unify
-- progDenote (compile e__2 ++ p) s = progDenote p (expDenote e__2 :: s)
-- with
-- argTy -> retTy
-- Specifically:
-- Can't unify
-- ((Maybe (List Nat)) = (Maybe (List Nat))) (progDenote (compile e__2 ++ p) s)
-- - + Errors (2)
-- |-- (eliminator) line 0 col 0:
-- | Can't convert
-- | texp t__4
-- | with
-- | texp t
-- `-- line 0 col 0:
-- No type declaration for <<Main.texp eliminator>>
data type : Type where
class Cipher c where
bitsPerChunk : Nat
class Cipher k => StreamCipher k where
generateKeystream : k -> Stream (Bits bitsPerChunk)
instance Cipher (AllegedRivestCipher4 n) where
bitsPerChunk = 8
instance StreamCipher (AllegedRivestCipher4 n) where
class Foo a where
class Bar a where
instance Foo a => Bar a where
instance (Foo a, Foo b) => Bar (a, b) where
-- line 7 col 10:
-- Overlapping instance: Bar a already defined