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semper φ

Greg Pfeil sellout

semper φ
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-- error: expected: "{",
-- function declaration
-- | M = MD5 (zipWith (+) [A, B, C, D] (loop 64 [A, B, C, D]))
updateMD5Context : MessageDigest5 -> Bits 512 -> MessageDigest5
updateMD5Context (MD5 [A, B, C, D]) chunk with (the (Vect 16 (Bits 32)) (partition chunk))
| M = MD5 (zipWith (+) [A, B, C, D] (loop 64 [A, B, C, D]))
where loop : Fin 65 -> Vect 4 (Bits 32) -> Vect 4 (Bits 32)
loop fZ context = context
-- Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThen is possibly not total due to recursive path Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThen --> Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThen
-- Prelude.idr:370:3:Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromTo is possibly not total due to: Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThen
-- Prelude.idr:372:3:Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThenTo is possibly not total due to: Prelude.Fin (S n) instance of Prelude.Enum, method enumFromThen
-- predifine Nat versions of Enum, so we can use them in the default impls
total natEnumFromThen : Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
natEnumFromThen n inc = n :: natEnumFromThen (plus inc n) inc
total natEnumFromThenTo : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> List Nat
natEnumFromThenTo _ Z _ = []
natEnumFromThenTo n inc m = map (plus n . (* inc)) (natRange (S ((m - n) `div` inc)))
sellout / gist:b5f0376e6b8b45a78b46
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
I _think_ Idris is complaining about the mutual recursion in the class, even though that doesn’t exist in the instance.
-- Data.Bifunctor.Either instance of Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor, method first is possibly not total due to recursive path Data.Bifunctor.Either instance of Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor, method first
-- Data.Bifunctor.Either instance of Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor, method second is possibly not total due to: Data.Bifunctor.Either instance of Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor, method first
class Bifunctor (p : Type -> Type -> Type) where
bimap : (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
-- bimap f g = first f . second g
first : (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
-- first f = bimap f id
second : (c -> d) -> p a c -> p a d
-- second g = bimap id g
-- When elaborating constructor constructor of Main.Foo:
-- When elaborating an application of type constructor Prelude.Vect.Vect:
-- Can't convert
-- a b6
-- with
-- Type
-- In context:
-- a : (__pi_arg : Type) -> Type
syntax "bitOp" {name} [prim8] [prim16] [prim32] [prim64] =
name {n=Z} = prim8
name {n=S Z} = prim16
name {n=S (S Z)} = prim32
name {n=S (S (S _))} = prim64
gte : machineTy n -> machineTy n -> Int
bitOp gte prim__gteB8 prim__gteB16 prim__gteB32 prim__gteB64
Can't unify
Buffer (bytesUsed (S n) + (fromInteger 1 * fromInteger 8))
Buffer (plus (plus (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) 0)) (plus (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) 0)) 0)) (plus (plus (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) 0)) (plus (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) (plus (plus (power 2 n) (plus (power 2 n) 0)) 0)) 0)) 0))
sellout / gist:d450b124a08ade5b48d6
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Idris antipatterns (I think)
-- using a local function with an additional decrementing parameter because Idris can’t tell that `x - (S n) < x`
tightmod : Nat -> (m : Nat) -> {default () ok : notZero m} -> Fin m
tightmod _ Z {ok=prf} = FalseElim prf
tightmod left (S modulus) = tightmod' left left modulus
tightmod' : Nat -> Nat -> (n : Nat) -> Fin (S n)
tightmod' Z center right = fromMaybe fZ (natToFin center (S right))
tightmod' (S left) center right =
if lte center right
then fromMaybe fZ (natToFin center (S right))
foldIntoBuff : (Buffer k -> elt -> Buffer (m+k)) -> Buffer k -> Vect n elt -> Buffer (n*m+k)
foldIntoBuff _ buff [] = buff
foldIntoBuff fn buff (i::is) = foldIntoBuff fn (fn buff i) is
-- When elaborating right hand side of foldIntoBuff:
-- When elaborating an application of Data.Bits.foldIntoBuff:
-- Can't unify
-- Buffer (m + k)
-- with
-- Buffer k
sellout / gist:57bd7498e02d10ae2ae2
Created May 21, 2014 02:33
Call to `weaken` is obscuring induction
instance Integral (Fin (S n)) where
div _ fZ = last
div left (fS right) = div' left left (fS right)
div' : Fin (S n) -> Fin (S n) -> Fin (S n) -> Fin (S n)
div' fZ center right = fZ
div' (fS left) center right =
if center <= right
then fZ
else case strengthen (fS (div' (weaken left) (center - right) right)) of
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
directory-files(nil t "ipkg$")
#[257 "\302!\303\304\300\305P#\211\203\211\202(\203\306!\232\203\"\307\202(\301\242\306!!\207" ["ipkg" (#0) file-name-directory directory-files t "$" directory-file-name nil] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]("~")
#[257 "\302!\303\304\300\305P#\211\203\211\202(\203\306!\232\203\"\307\202(\301\242\306!!\207" ["ipkg" (#0) file-name-directory directory-files t "$" directory-file-name nil] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]("~/Documents")
#[257 "\302!\303\304\300\305P#\211\203\211\202(\203\306!\232\203\"\307\202(\301\242\306!!\207" ["ipkg" (#0) file-name-directory directory-files t "$" directory-file-name nil] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]("~/Documents/Clozure")
#[257 "\302!\303\304\300\305P#\211\203\211\202(\203\306!\232\203\"\307\202(\301\242\306!!\207" ["ipkg" (#0) file-name-directory directory-files t "$" directory-file-name nil] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]("~/Documents/Clozure/ccl-clean")
#[257 "\302!