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Created February 3, 2022 11:47
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mod clients;
mod common;
use crate::clients::dip20::Dip20;
use crate::clients::sonic::Sonic;
use crate::clients::xtc::{XTCBurnPayload, XTC};
use crate::common::guards::controller_guard;
use crate::common::types::{Currency, LimitOrder, MarketOrder, Order, OrderDirective, TargetPrice};
use bigdecimal::num_bigint::{BigInt, ToBigInt};
use bigdecimal::num_traits::Pow;
use bigdecimal::{BigDecimal, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
use ic_cdk::api::{canister_balance, time};
use ic_cdk::export::candid::{export_service, CandidType, Deserialize, Int, Nat, Principal};
use ic_cdk::id;
use ic_cdk::storage::{stable_restore, stable_save};
use ic_cdk_macros::{heartbeat, init, post_upgrade, pre_upgrade, query, update};
use ic_cron::implement_cron;
use ic_cron::types::{Iterations, SchedulingInterval, TaskId};
#[update(guard = controller_guard)]
pub async fn deposit(currency: Currency, amount: Nat) {
let state = *get_state();
let token = token_id_by_currency(currency);
Dip20::approve(&token, state.sonic_swap_canister, amount.clone())
.expect("Unable to approve tokens: call failed")
.expect("Unable to approve tokens: internal error");
Sonic::deposit(&state.sonic_swap_canister, token, amount)
.expect("Unable to deposit tokens: call failed")
.expect("Unable to deposit tokens: internal error");
#[update(guard = controller_guard)]
pub async fn withdraw(currency: Currency, amount: Nat) {
let state = get_state();
let token = token_id_by_currency(currency);
Sonic::withdraw(&state.sonic_swap_canister, token, amount)
.expect("Unable to withdraw tokens: call failed")
.expect("Unable to withdraw tokens: internal error");
#[update(guard = controller_guard)]
pub async fn mint_xtc_with_own_cycles(amount: u64) {
let state = get_state();
XTC::mint(&state.xtc_canister, id(), amount)
.expect("Unable to mint XTC with cycles: call failed")
.expect("Unable to mint XTC with cycles: internal error");
#[update(guard = controller_guard)]
pub async fn burn_xtc_for_own_cycles(amount: u64) {
let state = get_state();
let payload = XTCBurnPayload {
canister_id: id(),
XTC::burn(&state.xtc_canister, payload)
.expect("Unable to burn XTC for cycles: call failed")
.expect("Unable to burn XTC for cycles: internal error");
pub async fn my_token_balance(currency: Currency) -> Nat {
let token = token_id_by_currency(currency);
let (balance,) = Dip20::balance_of(&token, id())
.expect("Unable to fetch my balance at token");
pub async fn my_sonic_balance(currency: Currency) -> Nat {
let state = get_state();
let token = token_id_by_currency(currency);
let (balance,) = Sonic::balance_of(&state.sonic_swap_canister, token.to_text(), id())
.expect("Unable to fetch my balance at Sonic");
pub fn my_cycles_balance() -> u64 {
async fn get_swap_price_internal(give_currency: Currency, take_currency: Currency) -> BigDecimal {
let state = get_state();
let give_token = token_id_by_currency(give_currency);
let take_token = token_id_by_currency(take_currency);
let (pair_opt,) = Sonic::get_pair(&state.sonic_swap_canister, give_token, take_token)
.expect("Unable to fetch pair at Sonic");
let pair = pair_opt.unwrap();
let give_reserve = BigDecimal::from(pair.reserve0.0.to_bigint().unwrap());
let take_reserve = BigDecimal::from(pair.reserve1.0.to_bigint().unwrap());
give_reserve / take_reserve
pub async fn get_swap_price(give_currency: Currency, take_currency: Currency) -> f64 {
let give_token = token_id_by_currency(give_currency.clone());
let take_token = token_id_by_currency(take_currency.clone());
let price_bd = get_swap_price_internal(give_currency, take_currency).await;
let (give_token_decimals,) = Dip20::decimals(&give_token)
.expect("Unable to fetch give_token decimals");
let (take_token_decimals,) = Dip20::decimals(&take_token)
.expect("Unable to fetch take_token decimals");
let decimals_dif =
give_token_decimals.to_i32().unwrap() - take_token_decimals.to_i32().unwrap();
let decimals_modifier = 10f64.pow(decimals_dif);
price_bd.to_f64().unwrap() * decimals_modifier
fn token_id_by_currency(currency: Currency) -> Principal {
let state = get_state();
match currency {
Currency::XTC => state.xtc_canister,
Currency::WICP => state.wicp_canister,
#[update(guard = controller_guard)]
pub async fn add_order(order: Order) -> Option<TaskId> {
match order {
Order::Market(market_order) => {
Order::Limit(limit_order) => {
// TODO: we need to somehow freeze tokens spent for limit orders
let task_id = cron_enqueue(
SchedulingInterval {
delay_nano: 0,
interval_nano: 1_000_000_000 * 10, // check each 10 seconds,
iterations: Iterations::Exact(1),
.expect("Unable to schedule a task");
pub fn tick() {
for task in cron_ready_tasks() {
// we only have limit orders here
let limit_order = task
.expect("Unable to parse limit order");
ic_cdk::block_on(async {
let res = execute_limit_order(limit_order.clone()).await;
if !res {
SchedulingInterval {
delay_nano: 0,
interval_nano: 1_000_000_000 * 10,
iterations: Iterations::Exact(1),
.expect("Unable to reschedule a task");
async fn execute_limit_order(order: LimitOrder) -> bool {
let price = get_swap_price(
match order.target_price_condition {
TargetPrice::MoreThan(target_price) => {
if price >= target_price {
} else {
TargetPrice::LessThan(target_price) => {
if price <= target_price {
} else {
async fn execute_market_order(order: MarketOrder) -> Nat {
let state = *get_state();
let give_token = token_id_by_currency(order.give_currency.clone());
let take_token = token_id_by_currency(order.take_currency.clone());
let slippage_bd = BigDecimal::from_f64(0.99f64).unwrap(); // can tolerate 1% slippage
let deadline = Int(BigInt::from(time() + 1_000_000_000 * 20)); // 20 seconds til now
let this = id();
let price_bd = get_swap_price_internal(order.give_currency, order.take_currency).await;
match order.directive {
OrderDirective::GiveExact(give_amount) => {
let give_amount_bd = BigDecimal::from(give_amount.0.to_bigint().unwrap());
let take_amount_min_bd = give_amount_bd / price_bd * slippage_bd;
let take_amount_min = Nat(take_amount_min_bd
vec![give_token.to_text(), take_token.to_text()],
.expect("Unable to swap exact tokens: call failed")
.expect("Unable to swap exact tokens: internal error")
OrderDirective::TakeExact(take_amount) => {
let take_amount_bd = BigDecimal::from(take_amount.0.to_bigint().unwrap());
let give_amount_max_bd = take_amount_bd * price_bd * slippage_bd;
let give_amount_max = Nat(give_amount_max_bd
vec![give_token.to_text(), take_token.to_text()],
.expect("Unable to swap to exact tokens: call failed")
.expect("Unable to swap exact tokens: internal error")
// -------------------- STATE ---------------------
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct State {
pub xtc_canister: Principal,
pub wicp_canister: Principal,
pub sonic_swap_canister: Principal,
pub controller: Principal,
pub static mut STATE: Option<State> = None;
pub fn get_state() -> &'static State {
unsafe { STATE.as_ref().unwrap() }
pub fn init(controller: Principal) {
unsafe {
STATE = Some(State {
xtc_canister: Principal::from_text("aanaa-xaaaa-aaaah-aaeiq-cai").unwrap(),
wicp_canister: Principal::from_text("utozz-siaaa-aaaam-qaaxq-cai").unwrap(),
sonic_swap_canister: Principal::from_text("3xwpq-ziaaa-aaaah-qcn4a-cai").unwrap(),
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