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Empire and Metasploit 101
Goal: Use Empire and metasploit in example situation of network exploitation and post-exploitation host enumeration. We will exploit a network service on a Windows 7 VM, and then use our low-privilege shell to then execute an empire powershell stager, which will create an Empire agent on the local Windows 7 VM. After this, we will look through the various options available as an Empire agent.
Following this, we will generate a DLL stager within Empire, and then use our existing meterpreter session on the Windows 7 VM to perform a DLL injection attack, to inject another Empire agent, directly into memory.
Pre-Stuff: Empire is not just for windows. It has python based agents that can run on OS X and Linux. It's communication profile between agents and listeners is configurable, similar to CobaltStrikes. You can use pre-built or custom-made ones to employ such functionality. Empire is designed to stay off disk and in memory as much as possible. Empire does contain modules that will
seonar22 /
Created December 2, 2023 13:48 — forked from KingOfBrian/
XCTest and nil assertions

XCTest and Optional Unwrapping

XCTest is the default test harness on iOS an Apple’s other platforms. It provides support for organizing test cases and asserting expectations in your application code, and reporting the status of those expectations. It's not as fancy as some of the BDD frameworks like Quick and Cedar, but it has gotten much better than it used to be, and is my preferred test framework these days.

The Problem

One place where the XCTest assertion utilities fall a bit short has been with managing Optional variables in swift. The default use of XCTAssertNotNil don't provide any mechanism for unwrapping, easily leading to assertion checks like this:

class TestCaseDefault: XCTestCase {
seonar22 / TNT’s
Created March 1, 2024 04:15 — forked from rampfox/TNT’s
If Crashes when opening Mac Cracked Apps

Apple removed TNT’s certificate, so the app will crash after July 12th. The current solution is to sign it yourself.

Run in Terminal

codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/

if Permission denied don't forget to add sudo


import Foundation
struct Post: Decodable {
let id: String
let title: String
let body: String
struct GraphQLResult<T: Decodable>: Decodable {
let object: T?
func addMeasurement(id: String, measurement: ClientMeasurementRequest) -> Future<GraphQLResult<AddMeasurementMutation.Data>, Error> {
let promise = Promise<GraphQLResult<AddMeasurementMutation.Data>, Error>()
Network.shared.apollo.perform(mutation: AddMeasurementMutation(client_id: id, measurementsRequest: measurement)) { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let graphqlResult):
case .failure(let error):
seonar22 / Apollo+Rx.swift
Created April 30, 2024 15:07 — forked from skanev/Apollo+Rx.swift
Homegrown fetchMore in Apollo iOS
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import RxRelay
import Apollo
// MARK: - Apollo Support
enum ApolloError: Error {
case genericError(String)
case graphqlErrors([GraphQLError])