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sergeych / sorted_array.rb
Created June 21, 2010 08:28
self-sorting Array with binary search and effective support for either comparing block or item's own odrer method (<)
# +Array+ that sorts itself on the fly.
# * <<, +push+ and +unshift+ insert new item in the right place
# place, as well as +, += and +concat+.
# * +index+ and +find_index+ use extremely effective binary search.
# * +insert+ and +[]=+ are made private to forbid order changes.
# It is possible to provide comparing procedure in the block passed to the
sergeych / hash.rb
Created June 21, 2010 08:29
Python-inspired Hash extension: index sequence getters/setters
# Python-inspired Hash extension: index sequence getters/setters
# author::
# Example:
# h = { '1' => 'one', '2' => 'two', 3 => 'three'}
# h[:one, :three, :two] = h[ '1', '3', '2']
# p h # => {"1"=>"one", "2"=>"two", 3=>"three", :one=>"one", :three=>nil, :two=>"two"}
class Hash
sergeych / numcode.rb
Created March 27, 2011 18:03
The user-readable huge number encoder that corrects misreadings
# encoding: utf-8
# The arbitrary-length positive integers to human readable form codec (serials, links and like).
# The idea is to avoid misreading/misinterpetation of symbols. For example,
# the letter 0 o and O, ir I and 1, often looks very likely. The numcode
# takes care of it using clearly distinctive characters for both English and Russian
# charset and corrects potential errors
# Numcode uses set 21 characters common to Russian and English to encode positive decimal
sergeych / extract_params.rb
Created March 30, 2011 05:12
Extract Hash params from the array if the last element is a Hash
class Array
## Extract Hash params from the array with defaults if the last element is
# a Hash (otherwise returns defaults as is). To be used with *args, e.g.
# def function *args
# params = args.extract_params! { :defval => 'foobar' }
# ...
# end
def extract_params! defaults = {}
sergeych / jqtimer.rb
Created April 8, 2011 08:48
Simple handy timer for jquery core.
function Timer(millis, callback, _params) {
var params = $.extend({repeat: false,context: this},_params)
this.interval = millis;
this.repeat = params.repeat;
this.context = params.context;
this.args = params.args;
this.onTimer = callback;
this.callback = $.proxy(this._onTimer, this);
this.single = false;
this._reqs = 0;
sergeych /
Created June 23, 2011 14:07
fixed for titanium appcelerator iphone sdk 1.6.2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Build and Launch iPhone Application in Simulator or install
# the application on the device via iTunes
import os, sys, uuid, subprocess, shutil, signal, string, traceback, imp
import platform, time, re, run, glob, codecs, hashlib, datetime, plistlib
from compiler import Compiler
sergeych / rpull
Created September 11, 2011 22:14
bash script: git pull && pass rails migrations if need
# git pull && run migratoins if need
dbtime=`stat -f "%m" db/migrate`
schema=`stat -f "%m" db/schema.rb`
git pull || exit
# If either schema or migrate dir has been changed, run migrations and test db prepare
sergeych /
Last active December 27, 2015 08:09
Effectively encodes/decodes binary data to the text suitable to use as urls and file names, unlike Base64 which is case-sensitive
package net.sergeych.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* Binary to text encoder suitable to use encoded strings as any parts of urls
* and parts of file names safely even on case-insensitive systems. Human
* friendly, easy to retype from print or from voice, treats confusing
sergeych / httpick.rb
Created December 5, 2015 14:18
Easy took to perform http request with pool and keep-alive support
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'hashie'
# Simple HTTP access, with embed JSON parsing, pooling and keep-alive support. Especially useful
# for API access over https. Requires json support and gem 'hashie'.
# v2 by
require 'twilio-ruby'
require 'thread'
# Simple interface to send long SMS over twilio and test it like
# ActionMailer. Requires gem twilio-ruby, and following constants from
# Thread safe.
# Enjoy ;)