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seth10 / ClickGetImg_Object.js
Last active August 7, 2016 19:57
Alternate approaches for handling multiple changing styles of spotlight in snipmodeClickHandler
var clickGetImg = (function() {
var count = 3;
return function(event) {
if( {
count = -1;
if(count <= 0){
seth10 / chapter_num.js
Created August 28, 2016 19:52
Use the current chapter number in the callback with let to keep the value at that time
for(var n = 1; n <= fic_info['max_chapters']; n++) {
let n_ = n;
getChapter(fic_info['url']+n, function(page) {
(chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()).addChapter(page, n_, fic_info['max_chapters']);
seth10 / print_array_type_string.js
Created August 28, 2016 20:27
Print an array containing a boolean for if each chapter is a string (false being undefined, getChapter has not loaded it yet) every call to addChapter
chaptersStringiness = []
for(var i = 0; i < max_chapters; i++)
chaptersStringiness[i] = typeof(chapters[i])=="string";
seth10 / screeps_absolute_positioning_test.js
Last active September 19, 2016 02:09
Trying to figure out storing absolute positions in Screeps. Turns out you could use ids for this, but shouldn't.
> Game.creeps.Snowflake1.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_SOURCES)
< [source #579fa8b80700be0674d2e2e8]
< [source #579fa8b80700be0674d2e2e8]
< [room W53N6 pos 14,42]
> new RoomPosition(14, 42, 'W53N6')
< [room W53N6 pos 14,42]
> new RoomPosition(14, 42) // room required
//Error: invalid arguments in RoomPosition constructor
> JSON.stringify(Game.spawns['Arendelle'].pos.findPathTo(Game.spawns['Arendelle'].room.find(FIND_SOURCES)[0]).length)
< 11
> JSON.stringify(Game.spawns['Arendelle'].pos.getRangeTo(Game.spawns['Arendelle'].room.find(FIND_SOURCES)[0]))
< 12
> JSON.stringify(Game.spawns['Arendelle'].pos.getRangeTo(Game.flags['AdjoiningRoomSource']))
< null // should be path to exit
>['Arendelle'].pos, Game.flags['AdjoiningRoomSource'].pos).path.length
< 70 // valid, I counted about 68
>['Arendelle'].pos, Game.spawns['Arendelle'].room.find(FIND_SOURCES)[0].pos).path.length
seth10 /
Created September 27, 2016 20:55
Make a PiStorms host an access point to control it from your phone directly
# update list of available packages
sudo apt-get -y update
# hostapd - This is the package that allows you to use the built in WiFi as an access point
# dnsmasq - This is a combined DHCP and DNS server that's very easy to configure
sudo apt-get -y install dnsmasq hostapd
echo -e "\ndenyinterfaces wlan0" >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf
seth10 /
Created October 7, 2016 15:19
A summary of how the coordinates for the battery indicator in the PiStorms browser were derived
# trial and error
scrn.fillRect(x=293, y=180, width=13, height=20, fill=batteryFill, display=False)
scrn.fillRect(x=293+3, y=180-3, width=13-3*2, height= 3, fill=batteryFill, display=False)
scrn.drawAutoText("%.1f V" % (mindsensors_i2c(0x34 >> 1).readByte(0x6E)*.040), xpos+width+(scrn.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-(xpos+width))/2, y=initialYpos+height*4-16, size=16, display=False)
# substituting with how I got these numbers
scrn.fillRect(x=xpos+width+(scrn.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-(xpos+width)-13)/2, y=initialYpos+height*4-16-1-20-5, width=13, height=20, fill=batteryFill, display=False)
scrn.fillRect(x=xpos+width+(scrn.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-(xpos+width)-13)/2+3, y=initialYpos+height*4-16-1-20-5-3, width=13-3*2, height= 3, fill=batteryFill, display=False)
scrn.drawAutoText(("%1.1f V" if battVoltage < 10 else "%2.0f V") % battVoltage, xpos+width+6, y=initialYpos+height*4-16-1, size=16, display=False)
seth10 /
Created October 10, 2016 14:17
A few ways to iterate over pairs of coordinates for drawing a polyline in
for i in range(len(endpoints)/2):
actendpts.append(self.screenXFromImageCoords(endpoints[i*2],endpoints[i*2+1])) # actual x-coordinate
actendpts.append(self.screenYFromImageCoords(endpoints[i*2],endpoints[i*2+1])) # actual y-coordinate
for i in [x * 2 for x in range(len(endpoints)/2)]: # iterate over every other integer [0, 2, 4, ...]
actendpts.append(self.screenXFromImageCoords(endpoints[i],endpoints[i+1])) # actual x-coordinate
actendpts.append(self.screenYFromImageCoords(endpoints[i],endpoints[i+1])) # actual y-coordinate
for (x,y) in [(endpoints[i*2],endpoints[i*2+1]) for i in range(len(endpoints)/2)]: # iterate over each pair of integers
actendpts.append(self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)) # actual x-coordinate
seth10 /
Created October 10, 2016 14:21
Experimenting using a variable number of arguments in Python for drawing a polyline
def drawPolyLine(*args, **kwargs):
width = kwargs.pop('width', 0)
fill = kwargs.pop('fill', (255,255,255))
display = kwargs.pop('display', True)
print "width: %s\nfill: %s\ndisplay: %s" % (width, fill, display)
for arg in args:
print arg