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sgoguen / recursive-active-patterns.fs
Created January 10, 2023 21:21
Converting Natural Numbers to Recursive Data Structures with Active Patterns
module NatPatterns =
type nat = int64
let nat(x) = int64(x)
// Rosenberg-Strong unpairing function (balances better than Cantor's)
// A true total function when you replace int64 with bigint
let unpair(z: nat): (nat * nat) =
let m = nat(floor (sqrt (double z)))
let ml = z - (m * m)
sgoguen / FiniteTypes.Lean
Last active December 18, 2023 19:32
Counting Types with Lean
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Pairing
-- Let's define a type that represents all finite types
-- Taken from (A Universe of Finite Types - Functional Programming in Lean)
inductive FiniteType where
| unit : FiniteType
| bool : FiniteType
| pair : FiniteType → FiniteType → FiniteType
sgoguen / person-or-cheese.fs
Created December 6, 2023 00:46
Person or Cheese - Type Inferencing
type Person = { Name: string; Age: int }
type Cheese = { Name : string; Age : int }
let people = [
{ Name = "Brie"; Age = 30 }
{ Name = "Colby"; Age = 20 }
{ Name = "Jack"; Age = 40 } ]
let printName thing = thing |> _.Name |> printfn "%s"
people[0] |> printName
sgoguen / compose-total.fs
Created February 7, 2023 05:53
Composing Total Recursive Functions
let composeRecursive baseF recursiveFs =
let funcs = [| (fun _ x -> baseF x); yield! recursiveFs |]
let length = bigint(Array.length funcs)
let rec natToObject n =
let r = int(n % length)
let recF = funcs[r]
let f = recF natToObject
f (n / length)
sgoguen / Reader.fsx
Created December 7, 2022 19:03
F# Reader Monad Example
type Reader<'Env, 'T> = Reader of ('Env -> 'T)
module Reader =
let run (Reader f) env = f env
let ret x = Reader(fun _ -> x)
let ask = Reader(fun env -> env)
let zero() = Reader(fun _ -> ())
let map f (Reader g) = Reader(fun env -> f (g env))
let delay (f: unit -> Reader<'TEnv, 'T>) =
Reader(fun env -> run (f()) env)
sgoguen /
Last active December 1, 2022 18:26
GPT-3.5 Teaching me F#

My First Conversation with GPT-3.5

The following is a conversation with an AI assistant. The assistant is helpful, creative, clever, and very friendly.

Human: Hello, who are you?

AI: I am an AI created by OpenAI. How can I help you today?

Human: Can you help me write an F# tutorial?

sgoguen /
Last active November 2, 2022 13:23
A Small Elm-like DSL in F#

Making Toys with F# - A Small Elm-like DSL in F#

A Small Elm-Like DSL in F#

I've been working on a talk about the virtues of building toy examples for the purpose of communicating ideas with simple interactive examples.

The toys I talk about in my presentation are based my interest in tools that allow programmers to quickly build web applications that allow them to explore their architecture. So to kickstart this series off, I want to introduce a simple

sgoguen /
Last active July 28, 2022 16:22
A bijective map from the set of natural numbers to the set of equations
def pair(x, y):
mxy = max(x, y)
return mxy * mxy + mxy + x - y
def unpair(z):
m = int(z ** 0.5)
ml = z - m * m
if ml < m:
sgoguen / map-ala-hack.ts
Last active September 7, 2021 21:26
A Hack Styled Operator
type Func<A, B> = (input: A) => B;
const _$ = undefined;
// If f and the input are provided, evalulate and return B[]
function map<A, B>(input: A[], f: Func<A, B>): B[];
// If input is not provided, return a function ala partial application
function map<A, B>(input: undefined, f: Func<A, B>): Func<A[], B[]>;
function map<A, B>(input: A[] | undefined, f: Func<A, B>) {
sgoguen / extracting-update-types.ts
Last active February 24, 2021 16:19
Using TypeScript's Mapped Types and Index Types to extract message types from an interface
// Given an interface like this, I can have TypeScript automatically
// generate message types from all of the "update" methods below.
export interface Person {
// We'll ignore these properties
name: string;
age: number;
dob: Date;
// We'll ignore any method that returns void (We want methods to return new methods)
setDate(newDate: Date): void;