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* A very simple script to scrape WWP content (note these are the HTML versions not the source XML).
* This assumes that the site is open, as it is/was during March 2014.
* Usage (from the command line): php scrape-wwp.php
* Versions:
* 1.0 (March 3, 2014): initial release
* License: CC-BY (don't blame me if this reformats your drive)
* Author: Stéfan Sinclair
* A very simple script convert files from XML to plain text.
* This assumes that you're on a unix-like system that supports the find command.
* Usage (from the command line): php convertXml2text.php
* Versions:
* 1.0 (March 4, 2014): initial release
* License: CC-BY (don't blame me if this reformats your drive)
* Author: Stéfan Sinclair
sgsinclair / sshrcTsvToAnnualTitles.php
Created April 8, 2014 19:15
Convert SSHRC Awards results (in tab separated values) to annual files of titles
* A very simple script to parse SSHRC awards titles from Excel results into annual files.
* It assumes you've downloaded results into Excel from here:
* and then saved the worksheet as tab separated values in a file called sshrc.txt
* Usage (from the command line): php sshrcTsvToAnnualTitles.php
* Versions:
* 1.0 (April 8, 2014): initial release
// read in contents, don't use file() to have flexible handling of newline characters
$contents = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tonyb-dedup-meta-for-cluster-transcript.csv");
$lines = preg_split("/(\r\n)|\r|\n/", $contents);
// build text files
$lastStartTime = 0;
foreach($lines as $line) {
var rdf = [{"about":"abdyma","label":"FEMALE","predicate":"hasSex"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Maria","predicate":"hasGivenName"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Smith","predicate":"hasSurname"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Abdy","predicate":"hasMarriedName"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"M. A.","predicate":"hasPseudonym"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Mira","predicate":"hasNickname"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"1797-02-25","predicate":"born"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"ONLY","predicate":"birthPosition"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"London","predicate":"birthSettlement"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Middlesex","predicate":"birthRegion"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"English","predicate":"nationality"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"professional","predicate":"socialClass"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"PROFESSIONAL","predicate":"socialClass"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Anglican Church","predicate":"hasDenomination"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"Dissenters","predicate":"hasDenomination"},{"about":"abdyma","label":"presumably white","predica
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
sgsinclair / cablegate html to text
Created November 30, 2010 16:22
This *simply* converts HTML files from a directory into plain text files.
# *Simple* script by Stéfan Sinclair to extract text from Wikileaks Cablegate
# Usage:
# ruby cablegateHtml2text [input_directory] [output_directory]
# If input directory and output directory are not specified, the current directory is used.
# process a directory recursively
def process_directory(input_directory, output_directory) do |file|
sgsinclair / bibsort.xsl
Created February 1, 2011 01:44
A variant of for variable-based sorting
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
xmlns:xs="" version="2.0">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:param name="sortField"/>
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="OldBaileyDocumentsCombine.xsl"?>
<document href="ob/16740429.xml" />
<document href="ob/16740717.xml" />
<!-- and a couple of thousand more documents -->