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Last active February 7, 2020 18:37
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  • Save shadaj/0af341e0d82b838f52f56423950365b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Circe Colab Demo.ipynb
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"nbformat": 4,
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"name": "Circe Colab Demo.ipynb",
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"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
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"# Running Circe in Colab\n",
"In this notebook, we'll take a look at how to import libraries into a Scala notebook. Here, we'll load up [Circe](, a library for handling JSON data in Scala."
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"source": [
"## Install the Scala Kernel\n",
"If you get a \"scala\" kernel not recognized warning when loading up the notebook for the first time, start by running the two cells below. Once you are done **reload the page** to load the notebook in the installed Scala kernel."
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"SCALA_VERSION=2.12.8 ALMOND_VERSION=0.3.0+16-548dc10f-SNAPSHOT\n",
"curl -Lo coursier\n",
"chmod +x coursier\n",
"./coursier bootstrap \\\n",
" -r jitpack -r sonatype:snapshots \\\n",
" -i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \\\n",
" sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \\\n",
" --sources --default=true \\\n",
" -o almond-snapshot --embed-files=false\n",
"rm coursier\n",
"./almond-snapshot --install --global --force\n",
"rm almond-snapshot"
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"echo \"{\n",
" \\\"language\\\" : \\\"scala\\\",\n",
" \\\"display_name\\\" : \\\"Scala\\\",\n",
" \\\"argv\\\" : [\n",
" \\\"bash\\\",\n",
" \\\"-c\\\",\n",
" \\\"env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/\\$LD_PRELOAD java -jar /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/scala/launcher.jar --connection-file {connection_file}\\\"\n",
" ]\n",
"}\" > /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/scala/kernel.json"
"execution_count": 0,
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"## Use Circe"
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"First, we'll import Circe into the notebook."
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"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 85
"source": [
"import $ivy.`io.circe::circe-core:0.10.0`, $ivy.`io.circe::circe-generic:0.10.0`, $ivy.`io.circe::circe-parser:0.10.0`\n",
"import io.circe._,, io.circe.parser._, io.circe.syntax._"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[32mimport \u001b[39m\u001b[36m$ivy.$ , $ivy.$ , $ivy.$ \n",
"\u001b[32mimport \u001b[39m\u001b[36mio.circe._,, io.circe.parser._, io.circe.syntax._\u001b[39m"
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"cell_type": "markdown",
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"With Circe loaded, we can convert a Scala object to JSON!"
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"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 102
"source": [
"case class Qux(i: Int, d: Option[Double])\n",
"val json = Qux(13, Some(14.0)).asJson.spaces2"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"defined \u001b[32mclass\u001b[39m \u001b[36mQux\u001b[39m\n",
"\u001b[36mjson\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mString\u001b[39m = \u001b[32m\"\"\"{\n",
" \"i\" : 13,\n",
" \"d\" : 14.0\n",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"execution_count": 2
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mdivk commented Feb 7, 2020

Thank you for your sharing, it is an awesome work!
However I encountered the following error and wonder if you can help to sort it out? Screenshot is below:

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shadaj commented Feb 7, 2020

@mdvik did you run the installer cells first and then reload the page? The error you saw is usually what happens when the Scala kernel isn't detected.

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