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shafty023 / messy_prefs.kt
Last active June 10, 2020 00:47
Messy preferences
class Preferences(context: Context) {
private val prefs: SharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("Prefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
companion object {
const val PREF_CURRENT_STATE = "CurrentState"
const val PREF_LAST_KNOWN_ERROR = "LastKnownError"
const val PREF_LAST_ACTION_PERFORMED = "LastActionPerformed"
shafty023 / state_machine.kt
Created June 10, 2020 00:46
* Keeps track of current and prior application state.
* @param dataStore storage
class StateMachine(private val dataStore: DataStore) {
* Storage implementation for our state machine.
* A factory that can serialize/deserialize json.
object GsonUtils {
* Handles deserializing the json string into a [T] instance.
* @param json the json to deserialize into an instance of [T]
* @throws JsonSyntaxException if there is a failure deserializing then this exception is thrown
shafty023 / datastore.kt
Last active June 10, 2020 00:37
* A storage implementation that enforces whole class serialization/deserialization.
* This enforces organization of data that needs to be persisted rather than having generic classes
* with lots of unrelated data.
* @param context the caller's context
class DataStore(context: Context) {
shafty023 / encrypted_room_db.kt
Created June 9, 2020 23:19
Encrypted Room db
abstract class EncryptedDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
companion object {
fun getInstance(passcode: CharArray, context: Context):
EncryptedDatabase = buildDatabase(passcode, context)
private fun buildDatabase(
passcode: CharArray,
context: Context
): EncryptedDatabase {
// DatabaseKeyMgr is a singleton that all of the above code is wrapped into.
shafty023 / get_char_key.kt
Created June 9, 2020 23:10
Returns the db key
* Returns the database key suitable for using with Room.
* @param passcode the user's passcode
* @param context the caller's context
fun getCharKey(passcode: CharArray, context: Context): CharArray {
if (dbCharKey == null) {
initKey(passcode, context)
shafty023 / get_raw_byte_key.kt
Created June 9, 2020 23:02
Decrypts the Storable instance using a passcode
* Decrypts the [Storable] instance using the [passcode].
* @pararm passcode the user's passcode
* @param storable the storable instance previously saved with [saveToPrefs]
* @return the raw byte key previously generated with [generateRandomKey]
fun getRawByteKey(passcode: CharArray, storable: Storable): ByteArray {
val aesWrappedKey = Base64.decode(storable.key, Base64.DEFAULT)
val iv = Base64.decode(storable.iv, Base64.DEFAULT)
shafty023 / get_storable.kt
Last active August 7, 2020 00:13
Retrieve Storable instance from storage
* Retrieves the [Storable] instance from prefs.
* @param context the caller's context
* @return the storable instance
fun getStorable(context: Context): Storable? {
val prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("database",
val serialized = prefs.getString("key", null)
shafty023 / save_to_prefs.kt
Created June 9, 2020 22:52
Persist the db key to storage
* Save the storable instance to preferences.
* @param storable a storable instance
fun saveToPrefs(context: Context, storable: Storable) {
val serialized = Gson().toJson(storable)
val prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("database",
prefs.edit().putString("key", serialized).apply()
shafty023 / encrypt_and_store_key.kt
Last active April 14, 2022 15:04
Encrypt the key and store it
fun persistRawKey(userPasscode: CharArray) {
val storable = toStorable(rawByteKey, userPasscode)
// Implementation explained in next step
* Returns a [Storable] instance with the db key encrypted using PBE.
* @param rawDbKey the raw database key