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shawly / SRMManifestCreator.ps1
Last active July 1, 2024 18:22
Steam ROM Manager Powershell Script for generating manifest.json files
SRMManifestGenerator - A script to generate manifest.json files for Steam ROM Manager.
This PowerShell script retrieves all .lnk files in a specified folder, extracts their
properties (target, working directory, and filename without the .lnk extension),
conditionally removes the 'Run as administrator' flag for executable shortcuts,
and generates a manifest.json file. This script has been created because the
Steam overlay does not work with shortcuts.
shawly / createGFEShortcuts.bat
Last active April 21, 2020 23:36
Batch script for creating emulator shortcuts with commandline options within GeForce Experience for game streaming. (usage examples in the comment section)
@echo off
title GeForce Experience Shortcut generator
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
if %1.==. goto usage
set executable=%1
if not exist %executable% goto :exenotfound
for %%A in (%executable%) do (
set exefullpath=%%~fA
set exeworkingdirectory=%%~dA%%~pA