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Notes on learning OpenGL

Learning OpenGL Notes

I'm learning OpenGL using Go 1.5 and, these are my notes.

Examples should be mostly-compilable, but sometimes they deviate from the actual Go API into an imaginary variant that is closer to the underlying C API (which most GL libraries are based on). The goal is to understand how OpenGL works on in general, not to learn about quirks of a specific library.

This may be a good primer to go over before diving into a language-specific OpenGL tutorial.



A vertex is the coordinate of a point. In a three-dimensional context, a vertex might look like {1, 2, 3} for x, y, z coordinates. A line is made of two vertices, and a triangle is made of three vertices.

When we define vertices, we need to indicate how they should be treated. Whether each one is an independent point (GL_POINTS) or a line (GL_LINES) or more commonly, a triangle (GL_TRIANGLES).

Triangles are the elementary shapes of GPUs. A square can be constructed with two triangles, for example. Some versions of OpenGL drivers know about other shapes (such as GL_QUADS and GL_POLYGONS) but support for them is being removed to reduce API complexity.

Another handy benefit of triangles is that moving any vertex on a triangle will still keep it as a single-plane triangle (just maybe a different proportion or orientation). On the other hand, if you use a quad or complex polygon, then moving a vertex can transform it into a multi-plane shape or disturb the original properties of the shape, and this can cause unexpected rendering issues if we're making assumptions about our shapes. For example, moving a single corner of a rectangle will produce a shape that is no longer a rectangle. Triangles are always triangles.

When in doubt, use triangles.


var triangle = []float32{
    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // Top-left
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // Bottom-left
    1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // Bottom-right

Vertices are defined as an array of floats in counter-clockwise order. (By default, the face culling feature is setup to determine the front/back of a shape by assuming that vertices' "winding order" is counter-clockwise. This can be changed but it needs to be consistent.)

Because it's a single array, not an array of three three-point arrays, we need to tell GL how to interpret the array (is it a bunch of 2D coordinates? 3D? is there extra texture data?). When we bind our vertices variable into a shader attribute, we pass in a size value that tells it how to treat that data.


Shaders are programmable pipelines that are compiled into GPU-native instructions to be executed en-mass. Shaders can be have variables such as attribute that can be used as inputs from external code.

There are many versions of OpenGL and thus of the GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) dialect used to program shaders. In fact, there are even two divergent versions: OpenGL used on personal computers, and OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) used on mobile platforms and WebGL. Newer versions of OpenGL and GLSL come with newer features, but if platform compatibility is important then use the earliest version of GLSL that supports the features needed.

Our examples use #version 100 that is compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0, which should work on WebGL and most mobile platforms.


Vertex Shaders

Vertex shaders work by setting the gl_Position variable, a built-in output variable, which defines the vec4 position (a 4D vector representing {X, Y, Z, W} for where a vertex should be rendered.

Aside: 4D positions are known as Homogeneous Coordinates. The W component is a normalization value that moves the 3D position away and towards the origin. We'll generally leave it at 1.0, but it will be changing as we multiply vectors with our modelview projection matrix later. (Additional reading)


#version 100

attribute vec4 pos;

void main(void) {
    gl_Position = pos;

In this example, the pos variable can be manipulated by the caller.

Vertex shaders are executed for every vertex (usually corners) of a shape. In the case of a triangle, it will be three times per triangle.

Fragment Shaders

Fragment shaders work by setting the gl_FragColor variable which defines the RGBA fill color of the face of a shape (usually a triangle, but sometimes a quad or complex polygon);


#version 100

void main(void) {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);

This will fill our shape's face with blue.

Fragment shaders are executed for every fragment of a shape's face, which is often as small as a pixel. Fragment shaders do a lot more work than vertex shaders, so it's a good idea to pre-compute what we can outside of the fragment shader.


Once our shaders are defined, we need to compile, attach, and link them into a program.


Interacting with variables inside of shaders is done by referring to the index of an attribute. It's like a memory address for the shader variable that we use to refer to query and assign values.

We use GetAttribLocation to acquire the index of a variable inside of a vertex shader.


var program gl.Program
var pos gl.Attrib
// Acquire the index of the `pos` variable inside of our vertex shader
pos = gl.GetAttribLocation(program, "pos")

When we're ready to set the value, we'll use VertexAttribPointer. but first we need to tell it the shape we're referring to.


When we instruct the GPU to render something, we need to tell it what the thing looks like. We can do this right as we ask it to render something, or better yet we can upload it ahead of time into a buffer and just tell it which buffer to refer to.

For example, we can create a vertex buffer object (VBO) to store our shape data inside:

// Allocate a buffer and return the address index
buf := gl.CreateBuffer()

// Activate the buffer we're referring to for the following instructions
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buf)

// Upload data to our active buffer
gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, &triangle, gl.STATIC_DRAW)

There are other kinds of buffers we can allocate, like texture buffers. More on that below.

Rendering boilerplate

Minimal rendering steps:

  1. Set the background color (ClearColor).
  2. Choose our compiled GPU program (UseProgram).
  3. Upload our triangle vertices to the GPU (BindBuffer)
  4. Activate attribute we're referring to (EnableVertexAttribArray).
  5. Specify attribute value, configuration, and vertex data (VertexAttribPointer).
  6. Draw with a given shape configuration (DrawArrays).
  7. Deactivate attribute (DisableVertexAttribArray).
  8. Display our new frame buffer.

Altogether, it might look something like this using our imaginary gl package:

// Reset the canvas background
gl.ClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // White background

// Choose our compiled program

// Activate our pos attribute

// Create a fresh a data buffer on the GPU to hold our vertex array
buf := gl.CreateBuffer()

// Select which buffer we're referring to for the following operations
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buf)

// Upload triangle data to the active buffer
gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, &triangle, gl.STATIC_DRAW)

// Configure our vertex setup for the elements in our active buffer
    pos,       // index of the generic vertex attribute to be modified
    3,         // number of components per generic vertex attribute
    gl.FLOAT,  // type of each component in the array
    false,     // whether fixed-point data values should be normalized
    0,         // stride: byte offset between consecutive generic vertex attributes
    0,         // offset of the first element in our active buffer

// Push our vertices into the vertex shader, 3 at a time
gl.DrawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3)

// Done with our active attribute

// Swap our frame buffer...

The steps for configuring vertex attributes and drawing arrays can be repeated multiple times to draw a complex scene.

Once we're done rendering things, we can clean up using DeleteProgram and DeleteBuffers for our buffers.

Things that can be improved in this example:

  • Initialize and upload our buffer data ahead of time so that it's not in our render loop.

Shader variables



attribute variables we can change for every vertex array that we render.


uniform variables contain global information that is the same across all vertex arrays. This can be used to create a global opacity value, or a lighting angle. uniform variables are set with Uniform* functions depending on the type.


varying variables can be used to communicate from the vertex shader into the fragment shader.

If we have a varying variable with the same declaration in both shaders, then setting its value in the vertex shader will set it in the fragment shader. Because fragment shaders are run on every pixel in the body of a polygon, the varying value will be interpolated between the vertex points on the polygon creating a gradient.

varying variables are set from inside the vertex shader.

Matrix transformations

Shaders support convenient matrix computations but if a translation is going to be the same for many vertices then it's better to pre-compute it once and pass it in.

When scaling, rotating, and moving a set of vertices in one operation, it's important to scale first, rotate second, and move last. In the opposite order, the rotation will happen around the origin before moving and scaling.

Model-View-Projection matrix


To support depth, perspective, and an independent camera, we compute a Model-View-Projection (MVP) matrix that we'll use to multiply against vertices in our vertex shader.

To work with multiple objects, and position each object in the 3D world, we compute a transformation matrix that will:

  • shift from model (object) coordinates to world coordinates (model->world)
  • then from world coordinates to view (camera) coordinates (world->view)
  • then from view coordinates to projection (2D screen) coordinates (view->projection)

To compute the projection matrix, we need the field of view, aspect ratio, and the clipping planes for near and far. Example:

    0.785,        // fov: 45 degrees = 60-degree horizontal FOV in 4:3 resolution
    width/height, // aspect ratio of our viewport
    0.1,  // Near clipping plane
    10.0, // Far clipping plane

To compute the view matrix, we need the position of the camera, the center of the view port, and the upwards vector direction. Example:

    Vec3{3, 3, 3}, // eye: position of the camera
    Vec3{0, 0, 0}, // center of the viewport
    Vec3{0, 1, 0}, // up: used to roll the view

Note: If rotating the viewport upwards, it's important to rotate the up vector as well as the center vector. There can be unexpected behaviour if the two vectors approach each other.

To compute the model matrix we need to translate into where we want it to live in our world coordinates. For example, if we want to rotate it a bit on the Y plane:

    identity,      // center of rotation (e.g. identity matrix)
    0.3,           // angle in radians
    Vec3{0, 1, 0}, // plane

Finally, we can pass the MVP either as a single pre-computed uniform variable or in its various pieces to the vertex shader and multiply the input vertices to get the desired result. When dealing with more complicated shaders, the separate pieces can be useful individually.



Textures can be loaded into a buffer, configured, and used on many different surfaces. The process is similar to our rendering boilerplate above:

// Allocate a texture buffer
texture = gl.CreateTexture()

// TODO: Explain this?

// Select which texture buffer we're referring to
gl.BindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture)

// Set rendering parameters for interpolation, clamping, wrapping, etc.
gl.TexParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
// ... 

// Upload image data
    gl.TEXTURE_2D,      // target
    0,                  // level
    img.Rect.Size().X,  // width
    img.Rect.Size().Y,  // height
    gl.RGBA,            // format
    gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,   // type
    img.Pix,            // texture image pixel data

Before we can start using the texture in our fragment shader to render onto the surface of our shape, we need to communicate the texture coordinates.

To do this, we'll need to update out fragment shader:

#version 100

precision mediump float;

uniform sampler2D tex;

varying vec2 fragTexCoord;

void main() {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, fragTexCoord);

We pass in a varying vec3 fragTexCoord which we'll set from our vertex shader. The texture2D function will interpolate values from the image data in tex based on the vertices we pass in through fragTexCoord. Remember how we rendered a gradient of colours between vertex values? This does the same thing but it uses sampling across image data to get the colour values.

Now, we update our vertex shader to pass in the fragTexCoord value:

#version 100

uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 model;

attribute vec3 pos;
attribute vec2 vertTexCoord;

varying vec2 fragTexCoord;

void main() {
	fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord;
    gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(pos, 1);

Specifically, note the fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord; line, that's how we communicate from the vertex shader and into the fragment shader. We'll also need to pass in a new attribute into the vertex shader, the vertTexCoord value.

The next part is a bit tricky because we need to worry about how the texture is clamped to the coordinates we give it, which will also determine its orientation and stretching.


UV mapping


Texture coordinates are often specified alongside mesh vertex coordinates. Similarly, they are specified as {X, Y} coordinates (or {X, Y, Z} for 3D) but instead use the consecutive letters UVW because the letters XYZ are already used for vertices. That is, {U, V, W} is {X, Y, Z} for texture mapping. Sometimes it's referred to as {TU, TV, TW} with T-for-texture prefix for clarity.

Most 3D modelling tools like Blender will export texture maps alongside the object mesh. Usually a 2D texture map is used for a 3D mesh, so an object mesh will include the fields {X, Y, Z, U, V} where the last two are the texture map coordinates for that vertex.

Unlike vector coordinates, the texture coordinates are used by the fragment shader so their values are used for the face of the fragment.

Texture mapping



Index Buffer Objects (IBO)




Freeing resources

Once we're done using our shader program and various buffers, we should delete them.


Camera movement



When doing lighting, you can do the math in the vertex shader (per-vertex shading) or in the fragment shader (per-fragment shading).

Per-vertex shading, such as Gouraud shading, only does the processing per vertex, which is strictly 3 times per triangle, and the values between are interpolated by the fragment shader. It's very efficient, but the results aren't great. They're especially bad with large polygons.

Per-fragment shading, such as Phong lighting, is executing per fragment of a surface. A triangle is divided into many fragments, proportional to its size. This method of lighting is more expensive to compute, but yields better results and can be combined with things like bump mapping.

See also: Blinn–Phong shading model, an improvement over Phong shading.



Components of lighting

A light's effect on the colour of a pixel is composed of several components:

  • Normal vector (or perpendicular vector) of the fragment surface. The intensity of the light is related to the angle of reflection.

  • Light position, shape (spot light? ambient light?), and intensity (or RGB values of the light).

  • Material of the surface, including the colour, shininess, and possibly other attributes.

A light that is directly perpendicular to the surface will have maximum intensity, whereas a light that is acute to the surface will only have a mild effect in lighting it up. The normal vector of the surface is used to compute this ratio against the position of the light origin. Similarly, the shape of the light, such as if it's a cone, will determine how much a fragment is affected by it.

The material of the surface determines how much of the light's intensities the surface absorbs versus reflects. If it's a very shiny material, then the resulting pixel will be more white at the most intense parts. If it's a matte surface, then the underlying colour will be highlighted.

Normal mapping

Surface normals of an object don't change, so pre-computing them is a useful optimization. When importing an object model, it's common to include the normal vectors for every surface.



Simple lighting shader

The trick to writing a performant yet effective lighting is properly dividing the work done by the CPU in the game engine code (once per frame) versus the instructions executed in the vertex shader (once per vertex) and fragment shader (once per fragment).



Importing Objects & Materials

There are several common object encoding formats used for importing models.

Artisanally hand-crafted matrices

When building our first 3D rendering, it's easiest to just specify a few vertices and get on with it. For example, a triangle might look like this:

var triangle = []float32{
    // X, Y, Z
    -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
    1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
    -1.0, 1.0, 1.0,

Or a square, made up of two triangles:

var square = []float32{
    // X, Y, Z
    -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
    1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
    -1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
    1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
    1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
    -1.0, 1.0, 1.0,

That square could be the front face of a cube, if we write up 5 more such faces.

Next up, we'll want to define texture coordinates and normal vectors. We can do this as separate datasets and use a different buffer for each, or we can interleave the data with each vertex which improves the memory locality.


Interleaving Vertex Data

This is an optional optimization, feel free to skip it if you'd prefer to use separate buffers for different data types.

When adding two more sets of columns for textures and normals, it looks like this:

var cube = []float32{
    // X, Y, Z, TU, TV, NX, NY, NZ

	// Front face
	-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
	1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
	-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
	1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
	1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
	-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,


For now, we're going to have the same normal for every vertex on a single face. This will give the effect that each polygon is flat, and our lighting equations will react accordingly. Later, we'll look at bump mapping which generates normals for every fragment by referring to a bump map texture for the values.

The matrix is just a large one-dimensional float array, not a two-dimensional thing. This lets us pass in the full matrix as a single buffer to the GPU with a specific size, stride, and offset, and it will extract the columns appropriately.

// Activate the buffer that contains our cube data
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, cubeBuffer)

// Configure our vertex setup for the elements in our active buffer
    attrib,    // attribut we're passing data into (e.g. pos or tex or normal)
    size,      // number of vertices per row
    gl.FLOAT,  // type of each component in the array
    false,     // whether fixed-point data values should be normalized
    stride,    // stride: byte size of each row
    offset,    // byte offset of the first element in our active buffer

If our attrib is the vertex position (first three columns), then:

offset = 0               // no offset, the vertex is first
size = 3                 // 3 columns in our vertex
stride = 4 * (3 + 2 + 3) // 4 bytes per float * (3d vertex + 2d texture coord + 3d normal)

Or if we're loading our texture map:

offset = 4 * 3 // 4 bytes per float * 3d vertex
size = 2       // 2 columns in our texture map (TU, TW)

Or if we're loading our normal map:

offset = 4 * (3 + 2) // 4 bytes per float * (3d vertex + 2d texture coord)
size = 3             // 3 columns in our normal map (NX, NY, NYZ)

The stride should stay the same. Remember that the GPU is a massively parallel pipeline, so it will want to pass different data to each unit of concurrency to be executed simultaneously. To do this, it will need to quickly dispatch whole rows so that the parallel execution can begin as early as possible, and using the stride to traverse rows is how it can do that.

Ultimately, when we're importing objects, this is the format that we'll end up converting our models into before passing them into a GPU buffer.

Wavefront OBJ geometry format


Most 3D modeling software (like Blender) know how to export models in OBJ format, and most languages have libraries for importing these objects. This is the most common format used in production engines.


TODO: Talk about materials

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