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Questions for Kepware People

How long is data retained for on the KepServerEx server?

  • What are conditions under which data loss may occur?

What are the trade-offs of using the ODBC interface, vs IoT Gateway?

sheac /
Last active August 10, 2018 00:55
Work Estimates for Instrumenting Beacon with Jaeger (and Almost with Zipkin)

Estimating Instrumentation Effort for Jaeger and Zipkin


Tracing framworks have the following components:

  1. A client library that is used directly in the application code for instrumenation
  2. A sidecar application that buffers data from the client library and passes it along
  3. A dedicated aggregation and reporting server that accumulates and processes data from sidecar applications
sheac /
Last active July 20, 2018 23:57
Martin Jung (Backend Eng) Interview - 2018-July-19

Martin Jung

Video Interview


Questions Asked

  • General questions about his background and experience
  • Two-way chit-chat about microservices best practices and trade-offs
  • Coding problem:
    • Using any programming language (even pseudocode), write a function that takes in a string and outputs the first non-repeating character


First, I don't know the answer to this yet, so I can't tell you. What I can do is show you how I'd find the answer.

I'll be using line numbers, which will change when you merge master back into your branch. The commit I'm working off of is the current git HEAD of your PR.

Start with the error message

Beacon Error Spam Investigation


I can't find any reason for this in the code. But based on its movement from staging to production at roughly our deploy cycle cadence, I advise checking to see if there is any environment/config changes that are responsible.


At some point, staging and production each started encountering the same error:

sheac /
Last active May 15, 2018 16:42
Verify the safety and effectiveness of the script for backfilling document checksums

1. Purpose

This gist is to verify the safety and effectiveness of the script for backfilling document checksums. The script can be found on this mothership PR.

2. Script Requirements

This "script" is meant to fill in checksums for any documents table row that should have a checksum, but doesn't. Documents "should have" a checksum if pending == false. But not all do.

sheac /
Last active May 8, 2018 21:26
Some demos for affected-fields ticket Dev Acceptance

Goal: Side-by-side comparison of the same jobs, but two different views

We're introducing a new UI that will be feature-flagged. In order to determine that the new UI doesn't depart from the old UI in the wrong ways (e.g. not showing documents, or leaving off steps) we need to compare the new and old UIs when presenting the same jobs We'll select the three most-used recurring jobs from the six most active customers for this purpose.

Proposal: Two teams with identical jobs in a non-production environment

In environment E, we have two teams, T1 and T2. T1 has the new-UI feature flag on, but T2 doesn't.

sheac /
Created May 4, 2018 00:25

Dev-Accepting PA-14782

See PA-14782

  1. Accept Shea's invitation to the Pow team shea-team

  2. Use 'Advanced' options to ignore the SSL certificate problems, so you can access the website

  3. Ensure you can log in to the web view with a password