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  • Beijing, China
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What is your folder-structure preference for a large-scale Node.js project?

0: Starting from Rails

This is the reference point. All the other options are based off this.

|-- app
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- admin
@echo off
SET st2Path=C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe
rem add it for all file types
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 2" /f
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "%st2Path%,0" /f
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%st2Path% \"%%1\"" /f
rem add it for folders
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 2" /f
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="Demo">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Using The $http Service In AngularJS To Make AJAX Requests
<style type="text/css">

Launch Sublime Text 2 from the Mac OS X Terminal

Sublime Text 2 ships with a CLI called subl (why not "sublime", go figure). This utility is hidden in the following folder (assuming you installed Sublime in /Applications like normal folk. If this following line opens Sublime Text for you, then bingo, you're ready.

open /Applications/Sublime\ Text\

You can find more (official) details about subl here:


shengoo / Android Studio .gitignore
Created April 10, 2016 16:53 — forked from iainconnor/Android Studio .gitignore
A .gitignore for use in Android Studio
# Built application files
# Crashlytics configuations
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
# Gradle generated files
shengoo /
Created May 1, 2016 06:23 — forked from raultm/
Android : How to stretch video to use whole area of VideoView (sode snippets)
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.VideoView;
public class StretchVideoView extends VideoView {
public StretchVideoView(Context context) {
* Plugin Name: WordPress Importer Post ID Preservation
* Description: When importing posts make sure that post ID from the original site is used on the destination site. This should only be used when first setting up an environment, or if the destination site is not canonical (e.g. a dev or staging environment).
* Author: Weston Ruter, XWP
* Force WordPress Importer to never honor the post_exists() check, since we want to override existing posts.